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शिक्षक प्रमुखको लापारवाहीको कारण बेहाल अवस्थामा चम्पामाया प्रथमिक पाठशाला

पहाड़को प्रथमिक पाठशालाहरु एका एक बन्द हुनुमा सरकार पक्ष दोषी छ कि शिक्षक-शिक्षिकाहरुको लापारवाही? किन दार्जीलिङ पहाड़को शैक्षिक स्तर दिनोदिन खस्किन्दै गइरहेको छ? प्रथमिक शिक्षा बाल-बालिकाहरुको निम्ति महत्तवपूर्ण हुँदा-हुँदै पनि किन आजसम्म पहाड़को शिक्षा व्यवस्थामा सुधार आउन सकिरहेको छैन?

राजनीति गर्दिनँ भन्नु पनि अर्को राजनीति होः हर्कबहादुर छेत्री

मेरो अधिकारक्षेत्रभित्र पाँच बर्षको लागि जनताको हितको काम गर् भनेर मलाई भोट हालेको हो नि। मलाई थाहा छ यसले जनताको धेरै हित हुन्छ। यसले जनताको हितसँगै पार्टीको पनि हित हुन्छ, आन्दोलनलाई पनि सहयोग पुर्‍याउँछ भनेपछि एकदम निसंकोच भनेर अघि बढ्न सक्छु म। म त्यही काम गर्दैछु।

बघिनी फेरि पुरानै खोरमा

‘समयले मानिसलाई कहाँ कहाँ पुर्‍याउँछ,,,,,,’ कुनै समय रेडियो नेपालबाट बजिरहने यो चर्चित गीतले मान्छेको जीवनमा प्रणयसम्बन्धको आरोह अवरोहले पार्ने प्रभावलाई सुन्दर ढंगले व्याख्या गरेको छ। यो लोकप्रिय गीतको यही एक हरफ कुनै राजनीतिकर्मीको जीवनसँग गाँसेर हेर्दा के उत्तर पाइएला?

साहित्य अनि सर्जकलाई माया गर्ने घिसिङ

80 को दशकमा देशभरिका गोर्खाहरूलाई जातित्वको भावना उत्पन्न गराउने प्रथम नेता सुवास घिसिङको निधनले अहिले घड़ी सम्पूर्ण दार्जीलिङ पहाड़ नै स्तब्ध बनेको छ। गोर्खाहरूका हित अनि अस्तित्वका निम्ति छुट्टै राज्यको बहस लिएर सुवास धिसिङले त्यसताक पहाड़का प्रत्येक गाँऊहरूको भ्रमण गरेका थिए। 22 जुन 1936 सालमा मिरिकको मञ्जु चियाबगानमा जन्म लिएरका सुवास घिसिङले आफ्नो तर्क राख्न एकलै जनसभा गर्थे। घिसिङले सम्पूर्ण गोर्खाहरूलाई एकै शुत्रमा बाँध्न "गोर्खाल्याण्ड" शब्दको जन्म गरेका थिए।

निराश छन् विधायक डा. छेत्री

“बजट सत्रमा के कुराहरू उठान गर्नु पर्ने भन्नेबारे हामीले जीटीएबाट कहिले फिडब्याक पाएका छैनौं” डा छेत्रीले भने। डा हर्कबहादुर छेत्री मोर्चाका प्रवक्ता हुन् अनि कालेबुङका जनप्रतिनिधि। दुइवटा महत्वपूर्ण पदमा बसेका डा छेत्रीलाई अहिलेसम्म जीटीएको बैठकमा निम्ताइएको छैन, पार्टीको राजनैतिक लाइनबारे उनीसँग चर्चा र छलफल नगरिएको त झन कति भयो, उनैलाई हेक्का छैन।

16 Feb 2013

Morcha takes GTA grouse to governor - Team discusses state ‘interference’

Calcutta, Feb. 15: A Gorkha Janmukti Morcha team today said it had apprised the Bengal governor of the state’s alleged interference in the GTA’s affairs and that M.K. Narayanan had assured the leaders he would speak to the chief minister about the political situation in the hills. The delegation led by Kalimpong MLA Harka Bahadur Chhetri met Narayanan at Raj Bhavan this evening to “find a solution” to the impasse in the hills. Chhetri said one of the major points of discussion was the “political interference” of the state government in the functioning of certain departments that had been transferred to the GTA Sabha according to the tripartite agreement. “Departments like land reforms, minority affairs, backward classes development, transport and tribal affairs are not being able to function independently because of political interference. Pattas of land are being distributed and a development board is being formed for the Lepchas without informing the GTA Sabha,” Chhetri said. The chief minister had distributed land deeds among people during her visit to Darjeeling at the end of last month. The Morcha then alleged that the GTA Sabha hadn’t been informed about the programme. Amar Singh Rai, the chairman of Darjeeling municipality and a member of the delegation, said the party had also briefed the governor on the chief minister’s public statement at Chowrastha in Darjeeling. “We had not gone to complain against anyone but basically to apprise the governor of the situation,” he said. At the Chowrastha meeting, Mamata Banerjee sparked protests when she said “Darjeeling is a part of us”. Rai said the governor asked the Morcha leaders to de-escalate the present situation. “He stressed the need to de-escalate the situation in Darjeeling and has told us that he will also speak to both the chief minister and the home minister in the coming days. He has appealed to the Morcha to ensure the GTA’s success,” Rai said. The Morcha also informed the governor about some “communication gaps” between the state government and the GTA Sabha. “There are certain communication gaps between the state and the GTA Sabha. The political situation is deteriorating. We met the governor to appraise him of the political situation in the hills and to find a solution (to the problem) so that normalcy is maintained,” said Chhetri, who is also the spokesperson for the Morcha. The MLA said the delegation had discussed with the governor the issue setting up a central university in the GTA area. “Till date there has been no discussion on that matter and now we are hearing that North Bengal University would be made a central university. If that happens, then the chances of a central university being made in Darjeeling would be minimised as there cannot be two central universities in the same zone,” Chhetri said. The Morcha leader said they had discussed their stand regarding the formation of the Lepcha development board with Narayanan, but he refused to divulge the details. “Things can happen without the knowledge of the governor also,” he said.

Sikkim dharna

Gangtok, Feb. 15: Different political organisations under the banner of Democratic Alliance of Sikkim today staged a daylong dharna in front of the East district administrative complex to protest police lathi-charge on Sikkim Krantikari Morcha supporters inside their party office on February 11. The protesters also submitted memorandums demanding suspension of IGP (law and order) Akshay Sachdeva and an impartial probe. Seven workers of the newly-formed Sikkim Krantikari Morcha were injured in the lathi-charge. The protesters today said the incident was an act of “unprecedented barbarism” and the police had no powers to beat up innocent people. “Since the entire illegal incident was caused by (IGP) Sachdeva, he shall have to be suspended immediately before the inquiry starts,” the memorandum read. Additional district collector D.K. Pradhan received the memorandum. The protesters have urged the President and the governor to condemn the incident. Share on email Share on print Share on facebook Share on twitter More Sharing Services

15 Feb 2013

बहसमा सयुक्त समिति गठन गर्ने आमसहमती , समितिले कम्पनीको कार्यप्रणालीमाथि छानबिन गर्ने

कालेबुङ, १५ फरवरी पहाडमा सञ्चालन भइरहेको चिटङ्गण्ड कम्पनी अनि मल्टिलेवल मार्केटिङ कम्पनीहरूको स्थायित्व, वैद्यता, जवाफदेहीता र कार्यप्रणालीलाई लिएर आज कालेबुङमा गत्तिलो वहस छेडियो| हिमालय पिपस्स च्यानल(एचपीसी) को आयोजनामा समसामयिक विषयवस्तुमाथि आधारित कार्यक्रम बहसमा आज प्रशासनिक अधिकारीक रुपमा डेपुटी म्याजिस्ट्रेट प्रितम लिम्बु, अतिरिक्त पुलिस अधिक्षक सोङ्मित लेप्चा, नागरिक समाजका प्रतिनिधि एवं कानुन विशेषज्ञ प्रभाकर देवान, चार्टर एकाण्टटेण्ट सुमित जिण्दल लगायत रोजभेल्ली, बासिल , प्रयाग, एक्सिस मल्टिडेभलोपसका प्रतिनिधिहरू प्यानलमा थिए| यसबाहेक लगभग २७ वटा मल्टिमार्केटिङ कम्पनीका प्रतिनिधि एवं कार्यकर्ताहरू बहसमा उपस्थित बनेका थिए| कार्यक्रमको मध्यस्थता पत्रकारद्वय प्रदीप लोहागुण अनि अनिल तेलैजाले गरेका थिए| पहाडबाट चिटफण्ड कम्पनीहरूले अहिलेसम्म करोडौं रुपिँया लिटेसकेको, लगानीकर्ताहरू एफआईआरसम्म गर्न असमर्थ भएको, त्यसमाथि प्रशासनिक कार्वाही नभएको, करौडौ लुटिसकेपछि पनि मानिसहरूमा सचेतनाको अभाव रहेको र अब पहाडबाट सञ्चालन भइरहेको कम्पनीहरूको कार्यप्रणालीमाथि के-कस्तो उपाय अप्नाउनुपर्ने कुरामथि आज बहस छेडिएको थियो| आजको वहसमा खुलासा भएअनुसार, पहाडमा सञ्चालन भइरहेको अधिकतम कम्पनीहरू सम्बन्धी प्रशासनलाई कुनै जानकारी छैन| यहॉंबाट सञ्चालन हुने जम्मै कम्पनीहरूबारे क्षेत्रीय प्रशासनलाई जाकनरी हुनपर्छ भन्ने प्रशासनिक अधिकारीहरूले बताए| आज सर्वसम्मतिद्वारा सहमत भएअनुसार, अब चिटफण्ड कम्पनीहरूलाई लगाम लगाइन जरुरी छ| यसैले क्षेत्रीय प्रशासनलाई व्यवसाय शुरु गर्नअघि कुनैपनि कम्पनीले पूरवसूचित गर्न जरुरी छ| यसैले अब नागरिक समाज, बार एसोसिएसन, क्षेत्रीय प्रसासन, पुलिस विभाग, चार्टर एकाउन्टेन्ट आदिको संयुक्त समिति गठन गरीनुपर्ने अनि उक्त समितिले कम्पनीको कार्यप्रणालीमाथि छानबिन गरिने कुरामा आज सहमति बन्यो| डेपुटी म्याजिस्ट्रेट लिम्बुले चॉंड़ै महकुमा अधिकारीसित कुरा गरेर कार्यरूपमा ल्याउने वचनबद्धता उनले जाहेर गरेका छन्| कार्यक्रममा अधिवक्ता प्रभाकर देवान अनि चार्टर एकाण्टटेण्ट सुमित जिण्दलले यी जम्मै कम्पनीहरूकोे वैधतालाई लिएर प्रशासनिक स्तरबाट जॉंच हुनुपर्ने बताए| चार्टर एकाण्टटेण्ट सुमित जिण्दलले कुनै पनि कम्पनीले अधिकतम १५ प्रतिशतभन्दा अधिक व्याज दर दिए त्यो कम्पनीमाथि लगानीकर्ताहरूले छानबीन गर्न जरुरी रहेको बताए| उनले व्यक्तिविशेषलाई होइन कम्पनीको विश्‍वनीयतालाई जॉंच्नपर्ने विचार पनि पोखे| अर्कोतिर अतिरिक्त पुलिस अधिक्षक सोङ्मित लेप्चाले जनाएअनुसार, कम्पनीले कुन समयदेखि पहाडमा कार्य गर्दैछ यसको विवरण प्रशासनसित हुँदैन| यसैले लगानीकर्ताहरूले कम्पनी डेबुपछि थानामा घेराउ गरेपनि एफआईआर भने गर्दैनन् अनि प्रशासन कार्वाही गर्न असमर्थ हुन्छ| आयोजक पक्षबाट सन्दीप कुलुङले पहाड़मा प्रतिदिन चिटङ्गण्ड कम्पनीमा पैसा लगाइ सर्वस्व गुमाउने घटनाहरू सामान्य बनिरहेकोले जनतालाई सचेत गराउनु नै कार्यक्रमक उद्देश्य रहेको जनाए| पत्रकार भुवन पी. खनालले सञ्चालन गरेको कार्यक्रममा एचपीसीका निर्देशक सन्दीप कुलुङले स्वागत भाषण राखेका थिए भने नागरिक समाज, राजनैतिक दल, सङ्घ-संस्था लगायत कम्पनीका सदस्यहरूको अपाड भीड कार्यक्रमस्थमा जमेको थियो|

मदन तामाङ हत्याकाण्डका भुमिगत आरोपीहरु पक्राउ

कालेबुङ, १५ फरवरी मदन तामङ्ग हत्याकाण्डमा अभियाग लागेर लामो समयदेखि भूमिगत रहेका पॉंचजनालाई सीबीआईले आज दार्जीलिङबाट पक्राउ गरेको छ| मोर्चाको विभिन्न भातृ सङ्गठनहरूसँग सम्बद्ध रहेका कार्यकर्ताहरू पूरण थामी, किस्मत छेत्री, दिनेश गुरुङ, आलोककान्तमणि थुलुङ अनि केशवराज पोख्रेललाई सीबीआईले आज बिहान पक्राउ गरेको हो| यी आरोपीहरुलाई आज दार्जीलिङ अदालतमा पेश गरिएपछि १४ दिनको न्यायिक हिरासतमा राख्ने कोर्टले निर्देश दिएको छ| सीबीआइले आरोपीहरूसँग सोधपुछ गर्न सातदिनको रिमाण्डमा दिन कोर्टलाई निवेदन गरेको थियो| सीजीएम कोर्टले सीबीआईको यस निवेदनलाई खारेज गरी आरोपहरूलाई न्यायिक हिरासतमा राख्ने निर्देश दिएको हो| मदन तामाङ्ग हत्याकाण्ड मामिला राज्यको सीआईडी विभागबाट हस्तान्तारण गरिएपछि सीबीआई टोलीले आरोपीहरूको खोजकार्य जारी राखेको थियो| आज विहान लगभग पॉंच बजीतिर दार्जीलिङ रेलवेस्टेशन परिसरबाट सीबीआईले पॉंचैजनालाई आफ्नो नियन्त्रणमा लिएको थियो| आरोपीहरू शहर छोडेर सिलगडीतिर जान लागिरहेको अवस्थामा पक्रा परेका थिए| अखिल भारतीय गोर्खालीग अध्यक्ष मदन तामङ्गको २१ मई २०१०मा हत्या भएपछि आज पक्रा पर्ने पॉंजना आरोपीहरू लगायत अन्य केही मोर्चा कार्यकर्ताहरू त्यसै समयदेखि भूमिगत भएका थिए| यस मामिलामा मोर्चाका युवा नेता दिपेन मालेलाई अगावै पक्राउ गरिसकेको थियो भने लामो समयको अन्तरालपछि एकासाथ पॉंचजना आरोपीहरू पक्राउ परेको घटनाले अब यस मामिलाले गति पक्रिन सक्ने अनुमान गरिएको छ| यस मामिलामा मोर्चा कार्यकर्ताहरूलाई पक्राउ गरिएको सम्बन्धमा दलका नेताहरूले कुनै प्रतिक्रिया र वयान जारी गरेका छैनन्| यता आज आरोपीहरूको पक्राउपछि अभियोजन पक्षका सरकारी वकिल पङ्कज प्रसादले घटनाक्रबारे यस आशयको जानकारी दिएका छन्|

13 Feb 2013

Appeal for calm, firmness on visits - Deb says ministers would go to hills despite protests

Sukna (Siliguri), Feb. 12: North Bengal development minister Gautam Deb today appealed for calm in the hills after his return from Kalimpong where he faced black flags but he also said that state ministers would keep visiting the region despite protests. Deb told journalists in Sukna, about 10km from Siliguri, that he would continue visiting the hills. “Some people have showed me black flags in Kalimpong and Chitray and have also shouted slogans while surrounding my car. Though they were not holding flags of any party, we know that Morcha is the only party that dominates the hills,” he said. However, he said: “I do not consider it to be a major incident and would like to reaffirm that even if we have to confront protests and showing of black flags in hills, we would not stay back in the plains. We have been visiting the hills on a regular basis and will keep on doing so, as and when required. I would like to appeal to all those who had resorted to such demonstrations to act sensibly, stay calm, maintain peace and work for development of the hills. The state government is keen on expediting the development process and we want the GTA Sabha representatives, who have been elected by people, to act responsibly and meet aspirations of the masses.” Deb had gone to the hills last Saturday, when the Morcha had called a 12-hour general strike to protest the formation of the Lepcha development board under the state government. The minister had sent feelers through the media to the Morcha for talks, but nothing had come of it. Today, he said: “The GTA is a much higher body than the Lepcha development board and the two cannot be compared.” The minister, while speaking in Sukna, trained his guns at the Congress and held the party responsible for “inciting people in the hills”. Deb’s ire may be directed at Darjeeling district Congress chief Shankar Malakar, who met Bimal Gurung yesterday and assured him of all support from the Centre if the Morcha had trouble in running the GTA. “We feel the action of the Congress is inciting people in hills. The party, which is at the Centre, has endorsed the GTA agreement and act while on the other hand, it had sent representatives to an all-party meeting (called by the Morcha over the issue of Gorkhaland) in the hills,” Deb said. (TT)

SC stay on Sikkim tax dues -Old settler petition says 1961 Act discriminatory

New Delhi, Feb. 12: The Supreme Court yesterday stayed the recovery of income tax dues from “old settlers of Indian origin” in Sikkim and sought the Union government’s response to a petition that challenged the collection of the central tax from them. Last year, around 400 families in Sikkim refused to file income tax returns and demanded exemption that applies to those who have Sikkim Subject Certificates. The Chogyals had issued the Sikkim Subject Certificates (SSC) to people living in the state during 1961 under the Sikkim Subject Regulation Act of 1961. The 400 families, also known as “old settlers”, came to the state before 1975, when Sikkim merged with India, but they do not possess the certificates. The Centre had exempted SSC holders, about 95 per cent of Sikkim’s population, from paying income tax in 2008 after an amendment in the Finance Act by the Parliament based on the state’s request. That year, Association of Old Settlers Of Sikkim filed a petition with a Rajya Sabha Committee saying it was discriminatory and violated Article 14 (equality before law) and 15 (prohibition against discrimination) of the Constitution. Yesterday, senior counsel K.K. Venugopal and counsel Senthil Jagadeesan who appeared for the Association of Old Settlers Of Sikkim submitted that Clause 26 AAA of Section 10 of the Income Tax Act, 1961, was discriminatory and violated Articles 14 and 15 as 95 per cent of the state’s population that was exempted from paying tax “includes about 70 per cent people of Nepalese origin, and the entire exemption has come about to appease the electorate.” The remaining 5 per cent was to pay the taxes. It was submitted that the demographic profile of Sikkim, according to the 2004 voters’ list, shows that Bhutia-Lepcha (STs) are about 20.64 per cent of the population, Nepalese constitute 69.71 per cent, Sherpas are 4.31 per cent and others make up 5.34 per cent (old settlers: 1.5 per cent and migrants: 3.84 per cent). The petition said, discussions between Sikkim and the Union of India disclosed that SSC holders and those who became citizens in 1990-91 after the Sikkim Citizenship Amendment Order 1989 should be exempted for political reasons and to maintain ethnic peace in the state and SSC holders who had voted for the merger of Sikkim with India be rewarded by granting exemption. “This is the reason for the differential classification whereby 95 per cent of the population in Sikkim is exempted from the Income Tax Act, 1961, while 5 per cent of the population including the old settlers of Indian origin are liable to be taxed,” a member of the association said.

Cong charge

Siliguri, Feb. 12: The Darjeeling district Congress president, Shankar Malakar, has come under flak from a section of leaders for making appointments in the party allegedly in violation of rules. Two district general secretaries of the Congress, Sujoy Ghatak and Debasish Ghosh, alleged that Malakar had appointed his cohorts to the posts of block presidents of Matigara and Siliguri Town II replacing the incumbents who had been chosen through polls. The duo also said Malakar had also appointed two additional district general secretaries without the AICC’s permission. Malakar said he knew the rules well and they were not overlooked.

12 Feb 2013

Low Lepcha turnout at Darj meet Six protesters in hospital

Feb. 11: A Lepcha association that supports the creation of the community’s development board under the GTA today attracted only 150 people to its meeting, denting the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha’s hopes of sending a strong message to the state government on the issue.
The Darjeeling meeting of the All India Lepcha Association had assumed importance as the Morcha was hoping to use this meeting to send a message to the Mamata Banerjee-led government that many of the community were in favour of the creation of the development board under the GTA. A source in the hills, who did not want to be named, said: “The attendance has come as a major blow and the Morcha has been given the message that the Lepcha community in the hills is with the agitators in Kalimpong. The thin attendance has also cornered the Morcha, which is at a loss to evolve a strategy to end the impasse from the day the Lepcha community started the hunger strike in Kalimpong.” The All India Lepcha Association, which is Darjeeling-based, is not known to have much influence in Kalimpong, where most of the 1.5 lakh Lepchas of the hills reside. In Kalimpong, six of the protesters on a fast unto death to protest the opposition to the board’s formation in the hills, took ill and had to be hospitalised and put on saline. A team of the Lepcha Rights Movement, which is spearheading the protest in Kalimpong, today met the home secretary in Calcutta. The leaders said they had gone to Calcutta at the invitation of the government and had conveyed their concerns regarding the “politicisation” of the impending formation of the Lepcha development board. “We came here to tell the state government that we are appealing to all political parties to not politicise the board’s formation,” said one of the leaders in the team. The Lepcha leaders said they told the home secretary about the fasting protesters and sought the government’s help. The state government has not committed anything yet, the Lepcha leader said. The Morcha has said it is not against a Lepcha development board but it has to be under the GTA. The state government, however, has announced the formation of the board under the state’s backward classes welfare department. In Darjeeling, Duk Tshering Lepcha, the president of the All India Lepcha Association’s youth wing, said the public meeting today was not against the agitators in Kalimpong. “We are neither opposing the Lepcha development board nor those who are on an indefinite hunger strike in Kalimpong. Our agitation is only against the Mamata Banerjee-led state government which is trying to divide the hill people,” he said. “All Lepchas must understand that the state government is trying to drive a wedge between these two communities but we need to stand up against this policy and we need to uphold this unity. A parallel body in the hills will not help things.” At today’s meeting, one elected GTA member from the Lepcha community was present. Dawa Lepcha, who was one of the last speakers, also told the 150-odd gathering at Chowrastha that a parallel authority in the hills would not be a good thing. Asked about the thin attendance, Karma Lepcha, the general secretary of the association, said: “Most of our community members stay in villages and transportation is a problem.” A senior Morcha leader on condition of anonymity said: “The Lepchas have the right to make their demand. There is no denying this fact. However, we as a party also have a stand and this is to oppose the state government’s interference in departments transferred to the GTA. We, too, have the right to defend our stand.” In Kalimpong, a doctor said the six protesters of Tricone Park who were put on saline on the fifth day of the fast unto death “are okay”. “They are being given intravenous saline. They are okay,” said Sonam Bhutia, the superintendent of the Kalimpong sub-divisional hospital. Thirty more persons joined the indefinite fast today, taking the number of fasting protesters to 321. Lepcha Rights Movement coordinator N.T. Lepcha clarified today that the figure of 900 given yesterday included people who sat on fast for a few hours or a day to express solidarity. Asked if the community leaders were rethinking on the indefinite fast, N.T. Lepcha said there was no talk on how long the fast should continue. “This (fast) is an expression of our deep sense of hurt on the opposition to the formation of the development council,” he said. When asked what would create the right situation for the Lepcha Rights Movement to review their protest, he refused to give a direct reply. He said the demand was always for the formation of a development board under the state government. The CPRM, one of the Morcha’s rivals, called for an early formation of the board and asked both the state government and the GTA to put an end to the “unwarranted” stand-off. (TT)

Cong leader & Gurung meet

Siliguri, Feb. 11: Darjeeling district Congress president Shankar Malakar met Gorkha Janmukti Morcha chief Bimal Gurung in Darjeeling for an hour this afternoon to assure him of Congress help “in case they face any problem in running the GTA”. The timing of the meeting is important as the Congress had been mum since Roshan Giri had announced the “final fight” for Gorkhaland on January 16 but decided to send a leader to Gurung when the Morcha and Trinamul state government are not on the best of terms.
Malakar said: “It was a one-to-one discussion with Bimal Gurung, who is an old friend of ours, on the state of affairs in hills. I have urged him to make the GTA function at its best and to ensure that the hill people, who have contributed in forming this autonomous body, witness development.” Malakar said he counselled Gurung “not to step out of the GTA but instead to head it as GTA was achieved through rigorous toil of the hill residents”. Malakar said he spoke of his appreciation that the Morcha had backed him and other candidates of the Trinamul-Congress alliance during the Assembly polls in 2009. He said: “The cordial relation between us continues to exist which is why, we have made it clear to the Morcha president that the Congress is ready to help the Morcha in case they face any problem in running the GTA.” Sources in Siliguri said the Congress’s move was a strategy to widen the rift between Trinamul and Morcha and to ensure that the Morcha extends support to the party in the Terai for the panchayat polls. “We have advised Bimal Gurung that in case they confront any problem with the state government in running the GTA, they can always approach the Centre for suggestions. The Centre can help the GTA representatives in sorting out such problems. We, on behalf of Congress, are also ready to help them…,” he said. “The response we got was spontaneous and cordial and was different from the response articulated by the Morcha during the recent visit of a state minister,” Malakar said without mentioning Gautam Deb, the Trinamul minister who had stayed in the hills last Saturday during the Morcha’s 12-hour strike but could not speak to any hill party leader. Malakar declined to elaborate on the panchayat elections. “Several issues were discussed in detail and I would prefer not to speak on all of them,” he said. “The Morcha has a dislike for the Left, and right now it has a rift with Trinamul. Though they have voted the BJP in the general election of 2009, the state or district leaders of the BJP in plains have never negotiated with Morcha leaders and also lack organisational base. The Congress is the only party which has no differences with the Morcha and has a base in the rural areas of Siliguri sub-division. It is an ideal opportunity for the party to strengthen its ties with the Morcha, may be in a formal manner,” the source said. “This is also a breather for the Morcha as the party was not getting back-up from any national level party in a formal manner since its differences with Trinamul.” The district Congress president, after having the closed-door talks, said he has also told Gurung that the party is ready to hold talks with the Morcha on any agenda and at any time. “There is nothing wrong in having discussions for the interests of hills,” he said. Senior Morcha leaders, who said they were not aware of the meeting, said they are looking at the move as a positive step forward. “If you are telling that the Centre is exploring the possibility of looking at solving the impasse then that is a welcome move as the state government has shown no inclination to redress our grievances,” a Morcha leader said on condition of anonymity. “The Centre has the right to intervene as they are also a signatory to the GTA memorandum of agreement,” he said. State Congress president Pradip Bhattacharya and Union minister Deepa Das Munshi said tonight Malakar had spoken to Morcha leaders “as per directive from the Congress leadership”. “Shankar Malakar was asked to talk to Morcha leaders by the Congress leadership to have an understanding of their problems,” Deeps said. She said the AICC leaders “are aware of Malakar’s overtures to Morcha leaders”. Bhattacharya said Malakar had spoken to him before speaking to Gurung. “Malakar is justifiably worried because 50,000 of his electorate will be affected if the problem erupts in the hills. This is why, we approved of his overtures to Morcha leaders,” he said.(TT)

Girl burns to death in haystack storeroom - Child playing with matchstick triggers blaze, fire destroys 4km forest area

Gangtok, Feb. 11: A five-year-old girl in West Sikkim was charred to death in a fire that engulfed a storeroom made of wood and mud when her friend, a three-year-old girl, allegedly lit a match and threw it in a haystack this afternoon. The tragedy occurred at Kageythang village this afternoon when four children were playing near the victim’s house located at the edge of a forest. The blaze also spread 4km inside the forest and was doused by the fire brigade in two hours. Hangma Subba’s three other friends could get out of the storeroom, but she got trapped in the fire and died.
Police said her body was beyond recognition and sent to Geyzing district hospital for post-mortem. Based on the statement of the other three children, the police said a three-year-old girl among them had brought the matchbox. “The deceased girl was playing with her friends near the house. They slipped into the store room and one of the children who is only three years old lit a matchstick triggering a fire. The other three children managed to get out of the storeroom, but Hangma couldn’t and was burnt to death,” said a police officer. Police sources said the storeroom, located close to the girl’s house, was used to stock hay and her parents were away in a field when the fire broke out around 1pm. She was the only child of the farmer couple. When the fire broke out, the children raised the alarm, which caught the attention of the villagers and the parents. By the time they reached the spot, Hangma had been devoured by the flames. The police said they were trying to find out how the three-year-old child had got hold of the matchbox. The other two children who were playing inside the storeroom were boys aged six and eight. The people of Kageythang were in a state of shock after the tragedy. “The girl was supposed to sit for an admission test tomorrow at a private school near her village,” said a relative of the victim. Kageythang is 20km from West district headquarters of Geyzing. The storeroom was in the periphery of the Sakyong forest and the fire spread to the woods in no time. The flames consumed dry bushes spread over 4km and a quick response team and a fire tender from Geyzing fire station were pressed into service after the information was received by the West District administration. “It took almost two hours to put out the fire which had spread across an area of 4km. The area is dry and the fire spread quickly” said the West district collector L.P. Chettri. “An ex gratia will be given to the victim’s family since it is a case of unnatural death. I have called the family members to my office tomorrow,” said D.C. Chettri.(TT)

10 Feb 2013

morcha strike affected NH31A and sikkim too.

SANJAY AGARWAL –RANGPO-9TH FEBRURY 13 The 12 hours strike called by gorkha janmukti morcha in Darjeeling hills has badly affected the Sikkim too .
though the GJMM was not stopping vehicles of Sikkim number the less number of vehicles was seen plying in national highway 31 a in compersation of normal days .from early in the morning the picketers was seen in the street of national highway 31 a but was stopping only west Bengal number vehicles. Sikkim number vehicles was free to ply .no taxi or big vehicles was plying in the national highway 31 a .Sikkim nationalized transport has suspended their service but west Bengal government bus has provide service and bus reached Sikkim. All the shop establishment was closed from Rangpo ,to malli ,tista ,rambi ,lohapuul etc .no any type of incident was listened from any side still news send .the vehicles was not plied between Sikkim and kalimpong ,Darjeeling khaersang .during the today’s strike gjmm has called the strike in prior so the passengers of long route bus ,train and flight was reached yesterday siliguri in suspect that the strikers shall disturb the national highway 31 a too so no any passengers was seen in the road today .