Accident at tarkhola just six kilometres from Rangpo towards siliguri in national highway 31 a claimed three persons including one lady seriously injured.

According to the news the private Scorpio no sk -01 –p-1955 going from Gangtok to siliguri uncontrolled at tarkhola plunged to 250 feet from the road to the deep of tista river .local residents rescued three persons named dr kumar ,Mr. wangchuk and Mrs. geeta and taken three injured persons to Rangpo primary health centre ,after first aid all the injured persons was referred to private nursing home at siliguri .according to the news dr kumar has a critical head injury while Mrs. gita has a injury in the back side of the body .according to the residents of the area the vehicle was overspeed.
Dr. Kumar has died on the same day and left his family and friends deep sorrow. He is a great man and excellent human. Let his soul rest in peace.
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