Two guard of golden cross rorathang who has save the life of more than thirty person is seen as the hero of rangpo.according to the news SNT bus number SK03T-2055 coming from golden cross rodhathang to Rangpo was accident near kumrek plunged to three hundred feet down from the road to sauney khola claimed two person named mr ram kumar sunar driver of the bus and man bahadur biswakarma was dead on spot .three persons named Mr. biswajit mandal and pranay kumar of PC CONCERN along with Mr. ratna bahadur biswakarma was taken to Rangpo primary health centre. After first said man bahadur was referred to STNM hospital while biswajit and pranay kumar was referred to siliguri north Bengal nursing home. Till the news send the injured persons condition was under control .the deceased body after auto pesy was delivered to nearest relative of the deceased body. in other side according to the news Sikkim nationalised transport bus no SK03T-0255 was regularly plying from rodathang to Rangpo under the duty of golden cross .in the said day to the bus was at the gate of golden cross rodathang and companies staff was sitting in the bus .suspeced security officer named biswas mukhia and Mr. ganapati Sharma security persons regarding the driver condition has stopped all the passengers not to sit in bus and has send all the staff by another vehicles .after few minutes they has listened that the bus is accident .thanks god all the thirty workers was not in bus due to security officer and security men that they has send them via another vehicles otherwise there life was also gone danger. the inured and dead person was taken by the bus from the road side of kumrek.though till today it is not cleared regarding the cause i of the accident and post-mortem report is also not came .after the report of post-mortem came only it shall clear that the driver has taken any type of liquor .
शिक्षक प्रमुखको लापारवाहीको कारण बेहाल अवस्थामा चम्पामाया प्रथमिक पाठशाला
पहाड़को प्रथमिक पाठशालाहरु एका एक बन्द हुनुमा सरकार पक्ष दोषी छ कि शिक्षक-शिक्षिकाहरुको लापारवाही? किन दार्जीलिङ पहाड़को शैक्षिक स्तर दिनोदिन खस्किन्दै गइरहेको छ? प्रथमिक शिक्षा बाल-बालिकाहरुको निम्ति महत्तवपूर्ण हुँदा-हुँदै पनि किन आजसम्म पहाड़को शिक्षा व्यवस्थामा सुधार आउन सकिरहेको छैन?
राजनीति गर्दिनँ भन्नु पनि अर्को राजनीति होः हर्कबहादुर छेत्री
मेरो अधिकारक्षेत्रभित्र पाँच बर्षको लागि जनताको हितको काम गर् भनेर मलाई भोट हालेको हो नि। मलाई थाहा छ यसले जनताको धेरै हित हुन्छ। यसले जनताको हितसँगै पार्टीको पनि हित हुन्छ, आन्दोलनलाई पनि सहयोग पुर्याउँछ भनेपछि एकदम निसंकोच भनेर अघि बढ्न सक्छु म। म त्यही काम गर्दैछु।
बघिनी फेरि पुरानै खोरमा
‘समयले मानिसलाई कहाँ कहाँ पुर्याउँछ,,,,,,’ कुनै समय रेडियो नेपालबाट बजिरहने यो चर्चित गीतले मान्छेको जीवनमा प्रणयसम्बन्धको आरोह अवरोहले पार्ने प्रभावलाई सुन्दर ढंगले व्याख्या गरेको छ। यो लोकप्रिय गीतको यही एक हरफ कुनै राजनीतिकर्मीको जीवनसँग गाँसेर हेर्दा के उत्तर पाइएला?
साहित्य अनि सर्जकलाई माया गर्ने घिसिङ
80 को दशकमा देशभरिका गोर्खाहरूलाई जातित्वको भावना उत्पन्न गराउने प्रथम नेता सुवास घिसिङको निधनले अहिले घड़ी सम्पूर्ण दार्जीलिङ पहाड़ नै स्तब्ध बनेको छ। गोर्खाहरूका हित अनि अस्तित्वका निम्ति छुट्टै राज्यको बहस लिएर सुवास धिसिङले त्यसताक पहाड़का प्रत्येक गाँऊहरूको भ्रमण गरेका थिए। 22 जुन 1936 सालमा मिरिकको मञ्जु चियाबगानमा जन्म लिएरका सुवास घिसिङले आफ्नो तर्क राख्न एकलै जनसभा गर्थे। घिसिङले सम्पूर्ण गोर्खाहरूलाई एकै शुत्रमा बाँध्न "गोर्खाल्याण्ड" शब्दको जन्म गरेका थिए।
निराश छन् विधायक डा. छेत्री
“बजट सत्रमा के कुराहरू उठान गर्नु पर्ने भन्नेबारे हामीले जीटीएबाट कहिले फिडब्याक पाएका छैनौं” डा छेत्रीले भने। डा हर्कबहादुर छेत्री मोर्चाका प्रवक्ता हुन् अनि कालेबुङका जनप्रतिनिधि। दुइवटा महत्वपूर्ण पदमा बसेका डा छेत्रीलाई अहिलेसम्म जीटीएको बैठकमा निम्ताइएको छैन, पार्टीको राजनैतिक लाइनबारे उनीसँग चर्चा र छलफल नगरिएको त झन कति भयो, उनैलाई हेक्का छैन।
7 Jul 2012
snt bus accident ta kumrek plunged
Two guard of golden cross rorathang who has save the life of more than thirty person is seen as the hero of rangpo.according to the news SNT bus number SK03T-2055 coming from golden cross rodhathang to Rangpo was accident near kumrek plunged to three hundred feet down from the road to sauney khola claimed two person named mr ram kumar sunar driver of the bus and man bahadur biswakarma was dead on spot .three persons named Mr. biswajit mandal and pranay kumar of PC CONCERN along with Mr. ratna bahadur biswakarma was taken to Rangpo primary health centre. After first said man bahadur was referred to STNM hospital while biswajit and pranay kumar was referred to siliguri north Bengal nursing home. Till the news send the injured persons condition was under control .the deceased body after auto pesy was delivered to nearest relative of the deceased body. in other side according to the news Sikkim nationalised transport bus no SK03T-0255 was regularly plying from rodathang to Rangpo under the duty of golden cross .in the said day to the bus was at the gate of golden cross rodathang and companies staff was sitting in the bus .suspeced security officer named biswas mukhia and Mr. ganapati Sharma security persons regarding the driver condition has stopped all the passengers not to sit in bus and has send all the staff by another vehicles .after few minutes they has listened that the bus is accident .thanks god all the thirty workers was not in bus due to security officer and security men that they has send them via another vehicles otherwise there life was also gone danger. the inured and dead person was taken by the bus from the road side of kumrek.though till today it is not cleared regarding the cause i of the accident and post-mortem report is also not came .after the report of post-mortem came only it shall clear that the driver has taken any type of liquor .
दार्जीलिङ पहाडमा आजदेखि ज़ीटीए चुनाउको बजार गरम
Quota for OBC
“I agree with the demand to reserve seats for OBCs in higher education. I will ask higher education minister Bratya Basu to consider the issue seriously and prepare a bill. The bill should be tabled in the next session,” she said in the Assembly.
Twenty-two per cent seats in higher education in Bengal are reserved for Scheduled Caste students, while 6 per cent seats are reserved for Scheduled Tribes.
Although the chief minister did not clarify the modalities of the proposed OBC reservation, senior Writers’ officials said the state could reserve 17 per cent seats for the category in higher education.
The Assembly today passed the bill to reserve 17 per cent government jobs for the OBCs.
The previous Left government had increased the quota for OBCs from 7 per cent to 17 per cent through an executive order, but the bill did not get the governor’s assent.
GTF out of hill contest
Kalimpong, July 6: The Gorkhaland Task Force of five rival parties of the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha today said it would not contest the GTA polls because it sees the exercise as a ploy by the state to claim that people in the hills have given up the statehood demand.
“The GTA election is the ploy of the state government to establish that the hills and the 18 (added) mouzas have accepted GTA as an alternative to Gorkhaland,” said Anos Das Pradhan, the chief co-ordinator of the GTF, which comprises the CPRM, ABGL, Bharatiya Gorkha Parisang, Gorkhaland Rashtra Nirman Morcha and the GNLF-C.
Pradhan said the GTF would work towards creating an opinion against the polls. “Those who take part in the election either as Independents or voters are all anti-Gorkhaland. They would be supporting the designs of the government, which has repeatedly said Banga bhanga hotey debona (We will not allow Bengal to be broken up),” he said, adding parties taking part in the polls would lose the moral authority to lead a movement in the name of Gorkhaland in the future.
Pradhan said the Justice Shyamal Sen report recommending the inclusion of only five mouzas of the plains in the GTA was an insult to the Gorkhas across the country. “The report will be cited by the Centre and the state to claim that the Gorkhas are a minority in the two areas.”
Although its main rivals are staying off the polls, the Morcha may have to deal with rebellion in at least one constituency with a party functionary filing nomination in Nimbong-Gidabling where the outfit has fielded vice-president Kalyan Dewan.
Sanchabir Subba, the president of the party’s Parbintar-Nimbong unit, said people “do not approve of the contest of a non-local candidate (Dewan)”.
6 Jul 2012
टाक्श फोर्सले डुवर्स बाटा छुट्टै राज्य गोर्खाल्याण्डको आन्दोलन शुरु गर्ने
Fire occurred at zydus health care bageykhola
Fire occurred at zydus health care bageykhola at 5 pm.according to the news after receiving the information’s two fire tenders from Rangpo fire office ,one from army of bardang and local residents has provide full support to control the fire .at about 7 .30 pm the fire was totally controlled .

A major bus accident at kumrek claimed two dead on the spot
A major bus accident at kumrek claimed two dead on the spot and three enjured.according to the news an SNT bus NO SK 03 T 0255 COMING FROM rorathang to Rangpo was accident near kumrek plunged 600 feet from the road directly goes to the sauney river .bus driver mr ram kumar sunar and one passenger mr man bahadur biswakarma was dead on spot .other persons injured name are rattan bahadur biswakarma ,Mr. biswajit mandal and Mr.

Sikkim slide halts traffic
A bulldozer clears debris at Birickdara in Kalimpong after a landslide blocked NH31A on Thursday. Picture by Kundan Yolmo |
Kalimpong, July 5: A landslide at Birickdara, about 40km from here, blocked NH31A for more than six hours from 11.30am today, forcing vehicles plying the Kalimpong-Sikkim-Siliguri route to take detours.
The road was reopened for one way traffic from 6pm. A source in the Border Roads Organisation (BRO) said a huge pile of mud came down the hill and accumulated on the road because of heavy rain in the area. “The slide started around 10.20am. We cleared the mud but more rolled down and the road got completely blocked from 11.30am.”
The landslide occurred at a spot where the BRO is engaged in road-widening work.
Commuters had to take a detour to reach their destination. The alternative routes include Lopchu-Peshok and Damdim-Lava-Algarah road.
It takes two hours to commute between Kalimpong and Siliguri through NH31A, while the alternate roads take double the time. The shared taxi fare also increases from Rs 90 to Rs 180.
“I reached here via Lava. It took about five hours because I had to return from near the landslide spot and take a diversion from the Coronation Bridge,” said Sanjay Lama, an executive based here.
Residents of nearby Lohapool and Rambi alleged that the landslide occurred because of the continued cutting of the hills by the BRO even after the monsoon had set in.
“We had requested the BRO not to carry out the road-widening work during the rainy reason because of the fear of landslides. Why should they undertake such work knowing very well that the rains can cause havoc to the fragile hills when they are being disturbed,” said Bishal Rai, a local resident.
The contentions of the locals are borne out by the fact that a landslide had also occurred at a spot in Kalijhora last month where the BRO was engaged in road-widening work.
A BRO official had earlier told The Telegraph that it wouldn’t be possible to completely stop the work during the four month-long monsoon season as the entire schedule and cost of the double-laning would suffer a setback.
“We have limited time to work. We understand that some incidents of landslides happen because of our work, but that should be taken in the spirit of little pain today for tomorrow’s gain. Once the double lane work is done, the people will benefit,” a BRO source said.(TT)
GTA list of 32 but no Gurung
Darjeeling, July 5: The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha today announced the names of 32 GTA election nominees but kept alive the suspense on Bimal Gurung’s candidature.
The Morcha had already announced the names of four candidates earlier on separate days. That leaves nine seats open, one of which is Tukvar in Darjeeling, Gurung’s native place and the constituency that he represented in the DGHC.
Gurung himself announced the names of the 32 candidates at Darjeeling Gymkhana Club. Addressing supporters during the announcement, Morcha general secretary Giri requested Gurung to contest and take charge of the GTA Sabha.
“We want our party president to be in charge of the GTA. This is the wish of the entire hill people. The GTA will be headed by a chief and there is also a post for a deputy chief. To conduct the proceedings of the GTA Sabha, two councillors will be made the chairman and deputy chairman. The chairman and deputy chairman will function like the Speaker and deputy Speaker of Assembly,” Giri said.
The Morcha leader said the GTA was more powerful than the DGHC and the council that was demanded by the GNLF under the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution.
The candidate list doesn’t feature the names of some other senior leaders. Kalyan Dewan, one of the three vice-presidents of the Morcha, is the only prominent name to be announced as a candidate.
He will contest from Gitdabling-Nimbong constituency in Kalimpong subdivision. Its still not known if the other two vice-presidents, Pradeep Pradhan and R.P. Waiba, will be fielded in any of the nine segments left free after today’s announcement.
Another top leader who hasn’t been allotted a seat yet is general secretary Giri.
The names of assistant secretary Raju Pradhan, president of the Darjeeling Terai-Dooars Plantation Labour Union (tea garden trade wing of the Morcha) P.T. Sherpa and treasurer of the central committee Dawa Lama are also not mentioned.
Among the few office-bearers of the central committee who have been given the tickets to contest are assistant general secretary Binay Tamang and office secretary of the central committee Jyoti Kumar Rai. Tamang has been nominated for the Bloomfield-Risheehat and Rai for Nagar-Dhajia constituency.
Asha Gurung, a leader of the Gorkha Janmukti Nari Morcha and the wife of Bimal Gurung, will be fielded in Darjeeling 1.
The polls to the GTA Sabha will be held on July 29 and Monday is the last day for filing the nominations.
The biggest surprise in the candidate list is the name of a relatively unknown Champa Bivar, who will contest from Sukna-Panighatta. Announcing her name, Gurung said: “We will also have to keep in mind the interests of other communities and that is why we have decided to allot a seat to Champa Bivar, who represents the adivasi community.”
The party has so far given tickets to 12 Schedule Tribe community members and three Schedule Caste members. So far, the Morcha has given tickets to six women.
Another low profile leader whose name figured in the list was Taranga Pandit, a lawyer from Darjeeling. Pandit will file the nomination for Darjeeling 4.
Gurung said finalising the names of the candidates had been more difficult than the agitation days.
“For the past two to three days, I have been under tremendous pressure to choose the right candidate. I have decided to hold back the announcement of candidates for nine seats as I need to study these constituencies properly. I will need a day to study these constituencies,” said Bimal, adding “The last two to three days have been more difficult than the agitation days.”
Apart from the 45 elected representatives, the GTA Sabha will also have five nominated members.(TT(
5 Jul 2012
landslide in NH 31 A

वर्षामा पनि पिउने पानीको समस्या
अस्थायी व्यवस्थाको चुनाउमा भाग नलिने गोरानिमो
दहाल मौन बस्ने रे
Press Release On High Security Registration Plate (HSRP) By Sikkim RTI Forum
It has been revealed in reply furnished by Department of Transport upon the RTI application filed by our Forum member related with High Security Registration Plate that
1) NIT for HSRP were published in only one paper that too in Economic Times of India published from Kolkata. Transport department did not advertise NIT in any local paper there by blocking the local contractor/candidates/companies from taking part in the Bid.
2) Only two companies took part in the Bid, and the norms in Sikkim is such that ,that at least 3 qualified bidders should be there to complete a open bidding process. If minimum number of bidders did not turned up then NIT called, is liable for cancellation.
3) As Govt. did not set bar for maximum rate to be quoted, the two participating companies quoted their rate very high:
(Companies and rate quoted for Sikkim)
4 Wheeler
3 Wheeler
2 Wheeler
Tonnjes EST
New Delhi
Rs. 2043
Rs. 1153
Rs. 827
Rs. 2289
Rs. 1286
Rs. 919
4)Now compare the rate quoted by different companies in West Begal (including SHIMNIT UTSCH) which was a bidder in Sikkim as well:
(Companies and rates quoted for West Bengal)
4 Wheeler
2 Wheeler
Paceman Calcuta
Rs 496
Rs 324
Celeix Tech
Rs. 619
Rs. 281
Subha Tech
Rs. 611
Rs. 288
Hind Agro Delhi
Rs. 293
Rs. 619
5) In agreement it is mentioned that Govt. gets 5% royalty from the sale of HSRP from the Company, excluding taxes.
By seeing the information supplied by department one can say, the entire process followed in application of HSRP in Sikkim were unfair and based on conspiracy. Thus Sikkimese people have right to know as,
I. Why NIT were not published in local papers ?
II. Why NIT was not cancelled when only two qualified companies took part in Bidding process ?
III. Why Department acted as broker of the company by taking 5% royalty from sale, when Govt was already getting taxes from sale. Instead department could have decreased the rate of HSRP by 5%, by leaving its royalty in public good.
IV. Why Sikkimese were forced to purchase 400 times costlier HSRP in comparison to West Bengal ?
V. Why the stolen vehicles, even after tagging HSRP are not located ?
VI. Why public should suffer for the benefit of the company and the department ?
vii-we humbly request respected high coart of sikkim to set up a enquiry commision in this issue.
Cadres want Didi ‘yes’ to hill contest
Darjeeling, July 4: Trinamul Congress supporters in the Darjeeling hills are more interested in hearing Mamata Banerjee declare the party’s decision to contest the elections to the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration Sabha than her visit here next week.
The Darjeeling district committee had decided in principle on Sunday to field candidates in at least half of total 45 GTA seats, but a final announcement has to come from the state leadership.
Sources in the party said those who had recently joined Trinamul were interested in taking the fight to the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha through the GTA elections.
“We want to contest the GTA elections. We believe there is resentment against the Morcha and our candidates can put up a strong fight. We will definitely field candidates in Jorebunglow, Darjeeling Sadar constituencies and Tukvar (which is considered a fiefdom of Morcha president Bimal Gurung),” said a Trinamul leader.
However, the workers are a worried lot, as chief minister Mamata is still undecided on contesting the elections. “We are keeping our fingers crossed and are hopeful that our request to contest the polls will be honoured,” said the leader.
Mamata will reach Takdah, about 35km from Darjeeling, on July 12 and after an overnight halt, will leave for Kalimpong to take part in the birth anniversary celebrations of Nepali poet Bhanubhakta Acharya.
A decision on contesting the polls has to come before Mamata’s visit, as July 9 is the last date for filing the nominations. As the party supporters are waiting for a positive decision, they have already collected 13 nominations from the Kalimpong subdivisional office. The subdivision has 13 GTA constituencies.
Morcha president Bimal Gurung today announced that Anit Thapa and Arun Sinji would contest from Kurseong and Soureni respectively.(TT)
3 Jul 2012
मोर्चाको प्रार्थीहरुको चयन प्रक्रिया शुरु
गुरुङले सोमबार दार्जीलिङमा सम्पन्न पार्टी कार्यकर्ताहरुको भेलाबीच दलका युवा कार्यकर्ता दीपेन मालेलाई टिकट प्रदान गरेर प्रार्थी चयनको प्रक्रिया शुरु गरेका छन। युवा मोर्चाको केन्द्रीय समितिका प्रचार सचिव दीपेन माले हाल सीबीआईको हिरासतमा छन। मदन तामाङ हत्याकाण्डमा संलग्न रहेको आरोपमा गत बर्ष मालेलाई सीबीआईले पक्राउ गरेको थियो। एक जना हत्या आरोपीलाई चुनाउको टिकट प्रदान गरिएकोमा पहाडमा अन्य केही दलहरुको मोर्चा प्रमुखको यस निर्णयको आलोचना पनि गरेका छन। दीपेन मालेले स्थापनाकालदेखि नै पार्टीको निम्ति योगदान दिएको कारण उनलाई टिकट दिने निर्णय गरिएको गुरुङको भनाई छ। जीटीएको कूल 45 वटा आसनहरुको मध्ये दुइजनाको नाम घोषणा भए पछि रहल 43 जना प्रार्थीहरुको नाम आगामी 5 जुलाई बिहीबारका दिन गुरुङ आफैले दार्जीलिङबाट घोषणा गर्ने थाहा लागेको छ। गुरुङले दीपेन मालेलाई टिकट दिइएको बिषयबारे प्रकाश पारेका छन।
जीटीए चुनाउलाई नै केन्द्र गरी आज कालेबुङमा पनि मोर्चाको कर्मीसभा सम्पन्न भएको छ। यहाँको डेलो लज परिसरमा सम्पन्न सो सभामा मोर्चा प्रमुख बिमल गुरुङलगायत केन्द्रीय समितिका उपाध्यक्ष कल्याण देवान, सहसचिव विनय तामाङ, नगरपालिका अध्यक्ष ललित परियार आदि बिशेष रुपले उपस्थित थिए। कालेबुङको 13 वटा समष्टीबाट भेला भएका दलका कार्यकर्ता र समर्थकहरुले जीटीएको प्रमुखको पदभार बिमल गुरुङ स्वयंले निर्वाह गर्नु पर्ने कुरामा जोड दिए। यी विभिन्न समष्टि र भातृ संगठनका प्रतिनिधिहरुले गुरुङसँग यस आशयको आग्रह गर्दै लिखित निवेदन पनि चढाएका छन।13 वटै समष्टिका प्रतिनिधिहरुले आ आफ्नो छोटो सम्बोधनको क्रममा नयाँ व्यवस्थामा जनताको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्ने जनप्रतिनिधिहरु इमानदार, जनहितप्रति कटिबद्ध र पार्टीप्रति समर्पित हुनु पर्ने माग गरेका छन। आजको कर्मीसभालाई पार्टी प्रमुख गुरुङसहित उपाध्यक्ष कल्याण देवान, सहसचिव बिनय तामाङ, आरबी भुजेल, कुमार चामलिङ, गोपाल रुचाल, बन्दना योञ्जन, काजिअम्छिरिङ भुटिया, कल्पना तामाङ आदिले पनि सम्बोधन गरेका थिए। गुरुङले प्रार्थी चयन प्रक्रियामा दलको कुनै पनि स्तरबाट हस्तक्षेप हुन नहुने आदेश दिँदै कार्यकर्ताहरुबाट लिखित रुपमा आफ्नो स्वीकृतिसमेत लिएका छन। तर उनले आफ्नो सम्बोधनको क्रममा कालेबुङको 13 वटा समष्टीमध्ये दावा लेप्चाबाहेक चुनाउ लड्ने अन्य प्रार्थीहरुको नामको भने संकेतसम्म दिएनन। दार्जीलिङको बैठकमा नै आफूले रहल 43 जना उम्मेद्वारहरुको नाम सार्वजनिक गर्ने बताए। गुरुङले सभामा चुनाउमा आफ्नो उम्मेद्वारिताबारे पनि कार्यकर्ता र समर्थकहरुलाई कुनै आश्वासन दिएका छैनन।
Madan kill accused in GTA fray
Bimal Gurung, Dipen Mallay. File pictures |
Darjeeling, July 2: Bimal Gurung today announced the name of only one candidate for the GTA polls — that of Dipen Mallay, an accused in Madan Tamang’s murder.
The move by the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha chief is being seen as a message to the electorate that though party workers are being framed by investigators, the outfit would stand by them.
Gurung’s announcement came at a party workers’ meeting in Darjeeling Gymkhana Club. “I will only announce the name of one candidate. It is Dipen Mallay and he will be our candidate from the Pokhriabong-Chamong constituency,” he said.
Morcha leader Rosha Giri later said the rest of the names would be announced in Darjeeling on Thursday.
Mallay, a Gorkha Janmukti Yuva Morcha member, is currently in the Darjeeling correctional home.
Observers say Gurung’s announcement was an attempt to send a signal to all the accused in the Tamang murder case that the Morcha would stand solidly behind them.
Justifying Mallay’s selection, he said: “Dipen Mallay has been framed. He is innocent and I have decided on his candidature because he was a committed worker of the party.”
Mallay, in his mid-30s, was arrested on May 25, 2011, after the CBI took over the probe from the CID into the assassination of ABGL chief Tamang.
The ABGL chief was the only hill leader who used to stand up to the Morcha. On May 21, 2010, a khukuri-armed group knifed him near the Darjeeling Motor Stand, where Tamang was headed for a public meeting. The CID named 30 Morcha supporters in the chargesheet and arrested nine of them. Mallay’s name didn’t figure in that chargesheet.
The case was handed over to the CBI after one of the prime accused, Nickole Tamang, fled CID custody at Pintail Village on August 22, 2010.
Among the arrested persons, Morcha activists Babita Ganguly and Subash Tamang have got bail.
All of them have been booked under sections for murder, rioting with weapons, unlawful assembly, criminal intimidation and conspiracy.
Gurung today appealed to his supporters to ensure that Mallay should win the elections uncontested. “Our supporters must remain disciplined. If any of our supporters files nominations as Independents, they will be expelled from the party in five minutes,” he said.
The Morcha president, who is personally looking into the selection of candidates, said the party had decided to contest the elections to ensure that youths did not have to leave the hills in search of jobs.
“Once the GTA Sabha is formed, one of the first resolutions it will pass will be on the inclusion of mouzas in the Dooars and Terai in the administrative set-up. Another resolution they should pass is on the establishment of industries in the region so that everyone is assured of jobs,” Gurung said.
“We have to prove that we are capable of running the administration. We have been a failure in running the DGHC in the past, and it is time to show Delhi that we can be good administrators so that we can achieve our ultimate goal.”
The Morcha leader also hit out at rival parties and questioned their logic behind contesting the polls. “They have not understood the importance of the GTA, which has the word Gorkhaland. The Opposition maintain that they do not even like the word GTA but they were the first to be present at the all-party meeting,” said Gurung.