April 6: The state government has for the first time invited a forum of outfits opposed to the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha to the talks table next week after the two rival camps called a almost back-to-back 96-hour strikes to counter each other’s demand on added hill territory. The proposed meeting of the Terai Dooars Joint Action Committee, the forum for 19 organisations, with ministers Partha Chatterjee and Gautam Deb will be in Siliguri on April 8. Tour operators are looking forward to the government intervention, for any form of agitation may hit the number of summer visitors to the Dooars and Terai. But the anti-Morcha committee said it was determined to go ahead with its 48-hour strike starting April 10 and subsequent agitation if the government did not assure in writing that the jurisdiction of the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration would not extend to the plains. The invitation to the talks was sent to forum convener, the KPP’s Atul Roy, by the north Bengal development department headed by Deb. The rival camp led by the Morcha has called a two-day strike from April 18. “The letter, signed by an assistant secretary of the north Bengal development department reached Atul Roy (KPP president and convener of the committee) yesterday. This is the first time that the government has called us to the talks table. State ministers Partha Chatterjee and Gautam Deb will hold a meeting with us at the office of the north Bengal development department in Siliguri on April 8,” said Rajesh Lakra, general secretary of Terai Dooars Regional Unit of the Akhil Bharatiya Adivasi Parishad. “Although no agenda has been fixed, it seems the state representatives will ask us to withdraw the 48-hour strike from April 10 and the agitation that we had planned.” The forum held a meeting of its constituent organisations at Jalpaiguri’s Nagrakata today to decide on the next course of action. “Unless the state gives us in writing that not an inch of the Terai and Dooars will be made part of the GTA, there is no question of withdrawing,” said Lakra. Minister Deb has confirmed the meeting with the forum. “Yes, Partha Chatterjee will be travelling to Siliguri on Sunday to meet members of the Adivasi Vikas Parishad. We believe that in a democracy, talks are the only way to find solutions to problems. He has some other meetings lined up as well.” To counter the move of the forum, the Morcha along with the rebel faction of the Parishad led by John Barla has formed another joint action committee, which has announced a 48-hour strike from April 18 and has lined up rallies and meetings till May 31. To mount pressure on the forum, the Morcha-led committee has demanded that 40 more mouzas of the Terai and Dooars must be added to the GTA. “Recently, we had written to the high-powered (Justice Sen) committee with a list of these 40 mouzas where tribals are the majority. These areas should come under the GTA along with the 399 mouzas for which we had made the initial demand, otherwise we will launch a movement,” said Barla today. The government has appointed a committee led by retired Justice Shyamal Sen to look into the Morcha demand that Gorkha-dominated areas of the Dooars and Terai be brought under the GTA. Tour and travel operators fear that business may be hit like in 2007 when the statehood agitation had engulfed the hills. “For the past one year, tourist movement has shown steady rise in all seasons. But now that organisations and political parties are planning agitation again, we fear a huge loss. An air of uncertainty always pushes away tourists,” said Deepak Gupta, general secretary of Eastern Himalaya Travel & Tour Operators’ Association (EHTTOA). Asked about the footfall in the region at this time, Gupta said it was difficult to give any number. “The concept now is touring in circuits. No one comes to Dooars or Terai or Darjeeling separately. They tour an entire circuit like the Dooars-Terai-Darjeeling-Sikkim.” Nearly 3.5 lakh tourists visit Darjeeling annually and 60 per cent of them prefer the March-June season. Raj Basu, the chairman of the EHTTOA advisory board, said even party meetings and rallies hit businesses. “We will face problems transporting tourists as all vehicles will be booked by the parties,” he said.(The Telegraph) |
शिक्षक प्रमुखको लापारवाहीको कारण बेहाल अवस्थामा चम्पामाया प्रथमिक पाठशाला
पहाड़को प्रथमिक पाठशालाहरु एका एक बन्द हुनुमा सरकार पक्ष दोषी छ कि शिक्षक-शिक्षिकाहरुको लापारवाही? किन दार्जीलिङ पहाड़को शैक्षिक स्तर दिनोदिन खस्किन्दै गइरहेको छ? प्रथमिक शिक्षा बाल-बालिकाहरुको निम्ति महत्तवपूर्ण हुँदा-हुँदै पनि किन आजसम्म पहाड़को शिक्षा व्यवस्थामा सुधार आउन सकिरहेको छैन?
राजनीति गर्दिनँ भन्नु पनि अर्को राजनीति होः हर्कबहादुर छेत्री
मेरो अधिकारक्षेत्रभित्र पाँच बर्षको लागि जनताको हितको काम गर् भनेर मलाई भोट हालेको हो नि। मलाई थाहा छ यसले जनताको धेरै हित हुन्छ। यसले जनताको हितसँगै पार्टीको पनि हित हुन्छ, आन्दोलनलाई पनि सहयोग पुर्याउँछ भनेपछि एकदम निसंकोच भनेर अघि बढ्न सक्छु म। म त्यही काम गर्दैछु।
बघिनी फेरि पुरानै खोरमा
‘समयले मानिसलाई कहाँ कहाँ पुर्याउँछ,,,,,,’ कुनै समय रेडियो नेपालबाट बजिरहने यो चर्चित गीतले मान्छेको जीवनमा प्रणयसम्बन्धको आरोह अवरोहले पार्ने प्रभावलाई सुन्दर ढंगले व्याख्या गरेको छ। यो लोकप्रिय गीतको यही एक हरफ कुनै राजनीतिकर्मीको जीवनसँग गाँसेर हेर्दा के उत्तर पाइएला?
साहित्य अनि सर्जकलाई माया गर्ने घिसिङ
80 को दशकमा देशभरिका गोर्खाहरूलाई जातित्वको भावना उत्पन्न गराउने प्रथम नेता सुवास घिसिङको निधनले अहिले घड़ी सम्पूर्ण दार्जीलिङ पहाड़ नै स्तब्ध बनेको छ। गोर्खाहरूका हित अनि अस्तित्वका निम्ति छुट्टै राज्यको बहस लिएर सुवास धिसिङले त्यसताक पहाड़का प्रत्येक गाँऊहरूको भ्रमण गरेका थिए। 22 जुन 1936 सालमा मिरिकको मञ्जु चियाबगानमा जन्म लिएरका सुवास घिसिङले आफ्नो तर्क राख्न एकलै जनसभा गर्थे। घिसिङले सम्पूर्ण गोर्खाहरूलाई एकै शुत्रमा बाँध्न "गोर्खाल्याण्ड" शब्दको जन्म गरेका थिए।
निराश छन् विधायक डा. छेत्री
“बजट सत्रमा के कुराहरू उठान गर्नु पर्ने भन्नेबारे हामीले जीटीएबाट कहिले फिडब्याक पाएका छैनौं” डा छेत्रीले भने। डा हर्कबहादुर छेत्री मोर्चाका प्रवक्ता हुन् अनि कालेबुङका जनप्रतिनिधि। दुइवटा महत्वपूर्ण पदमा बसेका डा छेत्रीलाई अहिलेसम्म जीटीएको बैठकमा निम्ताइएको छैन, पार्टीको राजनैतिक लाइनबारे उनीसँग चर्चा र छलफल नगरिएको त झन कति भयो, उनैलाई हेक्का छैन।
7 Apr 2012
Anti-Morcha forum called to talks table - 96-hour strike calls spurs govt invite
Hail hits Darjeeling, snow higher up - It’s April but tourists enjoy snowfall in Sandakphu
In Darjeeling, the skies were clear in the morning and a snow-draped Sandakphu-Phalut could be easily seen. But from around 11am dark clouds gathered over the town, followed by a hailstorm and heavy rain.
Pema Dhondup Sherpa, the owner of a hotel on the Nepal side in Sandakhphu, confirmed that the entire area was covered in snow. “It did snow here for about four hours from midnight yesterday. The snow was one-and-a-half-inch thick. There are a lot of tourists and everyone is enjoying their stay,” said Sherpa over the phone from Sandakphu at 12,000 feet.
Bharat Prakash Rai, the secretary of the Federation of Societies of Environmental Protection, an NGO which works in the Sanadkphu-Singalila area, also confirmed the snowfall.
“I had called up my colleagues in the region and they, too, said it did snow about one-and-a-half inches at night. They told me that the snowfall was a bit heavy in Phalut at night but in the morning there was only a hailstorm,” said Rai.
The in-charge of Sikkim Meteorological Centre, G.N. Raha, said he had not received any report of snowfall from Sandakphu.
But he did not rule out the chances of snow in the higher altitudes of sub-Himalayan Bengal around this time of the year as a western disturbance was currently crossing over to eastern part of the country from Jammu and Kashmir.
“A western disturbance had hit Jammu and Kashmir around three days back which is now crossing over to the eastern part of the country. The cyclonic circulation over Bangladesh and Bengal is also an effect of the western disturbance. Although I have not received any reports of snow from Sandakphu, the region could have received light snowfall as an effect of the western disturbance,” Raha said.
Western disturbance is a phenomenon in which clouds bearing moisture form over the Mediterranean Sea and then move east to reach India. They cause thundershowers in low-lying areas and snowfall in higher altitudes.
Subir Sarkar, the in-charge of the weather centre at North Bengal University, agreed.
“The western disturbance had brought snowfall to higher altitude areas of Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh. It is likely that Sandakphu may have received light snowfall,” he said.
In Darjeeling, the residents could neither recall such a heavy hailstorm nor snow in Sandakphu-Phalut in April.
“I had only heard of a snowfall in Sandapkhu in late February or sometimes in early March,” said Dipesh Tamang, a resident of the hill town. Mahesh Thapa, another resident of the hill town, said the hailstones were not very big but many. “They covered the roads, rooftops and pavements for almost half an hour before melting.”
The Darjeeling tea industry had a lucky escape as the hailstorm did not destroy the first flush crop.
“Since the hailstorm were confined to a limited area, garden crop was not affected. According to information that I have, only Orange Valley tea garden experienced hailstorm for about 7-8 minutes. We are happy that the region experienced the much needed rain,” said Sandeep Mukherjee, the principal adviser to the Darjeeling Tea Association.
The rain that accompanied the half-an-hour hailstorm, however, made life difficult for the people of the town as drains overflowed into the roads.
The ground floor of a four-storied building near Motor Stand was completely submerged by the overflowing water from a nearby jhora.
Amar Singh Rai, the chairperson of the Darjeeling municipality, said the civic body was caught unawares by the sudden downpour.
“We had started cleaning one jhora a week every Thursday since last week in preparation for the monsoon. The rain was unexpected and this is why most of the drains overflowed,” said Rai.(The Telegraph)
Civic body scan on Sikkim plaza
The cleanup that is likely to start from May is scheduled be over in a month’s time.
The state urban development and housing department was in charge of the five-year-old complex. But recently the administration of the plaza was handed over to the two-year-old GMC.
There are around 350 hawkers and 225 shops in the four-storied complex.
“The first work of the corporation would be to scrutinise the documents of those who have been given trade and hawker’s licences in the shopping complex. We have received unofficial information that many licence holders and shop owners have sublet their shops. Necessary action, including cancellation of licences, will be taken if anyone is found guilty,” said Gangtok mayor K.N. Topgay.
According to sources, the urban development and housing department rented out shops at Rs 12 per square feet. By that calculation, the average monthly rate of a shop at the plaza ranges between Rs 1,200 and Rs 1,500.
But the licence holders have sublet the units for a monthly rent of Rs 5,000 to Rs 8,000.
“The state is having to incur heavy losses because of this practice,” Topgay said. He, however, did not specify the loss incurred.
Sources at the municipality said the government has also lost around Rs 2 crore as shopowners had not paid licence renewal fees for the past two years.
“Payment of trade licence renewal fee was a matter of great concern as the handing over of the shopping complex took place two years after the civic body was formed. So far there was confusion regarding whom to pay the fees for the renewal. But now, since the hand over has taken place, we will be paying the dues to the GMC,” said Lakpa Sherpa, the vice-president of the All Sikkim Hawkers’ Association.
Although the complex was formally under the urban development department, it did not collect the renewal fees.
“A temporary office will be set up in the complex so that traders can renew their licences without hassles,” Topgay said. GMC sources said all renovation, repair and the beatification work at the plaza would be done from the amount raised through the licence renewal fees.
Lakpa said the traders have welcomed the move. “There are many people who have government jobs and still own shops here. We want the GMC to cancel their licences so that the shops can be handed over to others who do not have any other source of income.”(The Telegraph)
6 Apr 2012
sikkim girls in Bhojpuri Film
Ranipool residents tulasha Sharma has received an opportunity to play a lead role in the Bhojpuri film ladai .according to the news just a ccouple of month she has played in a nepali film kanchi launey rahar and after that she has received an opportunity to play a lead main heroine role in the Bhojpuri film ladai produced and directed by upendra kumar .the film is purposed to be suit in the various state of the country.tulasha Sharma while talking with this correspondent has asked that this is a memorable turn in my life and shall do good and better performance in this film.
Annual Primary Sports of Baha’i School
Annual Primary Sports of Baha’i School, Tadong held today
. Participating students were from classes Nursery to
Class IV. Children participated in various types of entertaining,
funny and cooperative games. There were games like feeding the friend,
dress up the friend, collecting the books, passing the balls, Math
quick, hurdle race, etc. at the end there was a game for parent versus
teacher in which parents won.
The sports started with the prayers by the children and this was
followed by the welcome address by the teacher Mrs. Muna Pradhan. In
her address she included the importance of games and sports in the
student life. Sports keep our health fit, add charm to our life,
entertain us and help to improve the sense of cooperation,
friendliness, confidence, patience etc.
All the children and their parents enjoyed the primary sports very
much. Parents were seen cheering up their wards with full enthusiasm.
Teachers and the prefects toiled a lot to carry out the events
systematically and in a discipline manner and they were successful.
All the winners were presented with medals and prizes. At the end the
Principal of the school presented colorful umbrellas to all the
Nursery and KG Children. The Principal Mrs. Rupa Pradhan thanked all
the Students, parents and the teachers for their constant cooperation
and supports to make the sports day a success. She also announced that
the annual sports for senior classes will be held very soon.
Sri Hanuman jayanti
Two days long sarwajanik Sri Hanuman jayanti programme organised by Marwari yuva manch Rangpo Sikkim branch was started from today. the guest artist from Bhagalpur named hemant Sharma and group has performed colourful spiritual programme bhajan.

Garden workers rally for new owner
The rally under the aegis of the Darjeeling Terai Dooars Plantation Labour Union was taken out even as a meeting was held between the representatives of the workers and the management here to discuss the garden’s opening.
A suspension of work was declared in the garden in May 2009 following an assault on the manager.
The union affiliated to the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha said the workers had lost faith in the management.
“The labourers have lost faith in the management as they have been deprived of wages for so long. The management claims that workers were behind the attack but the assault on the garden official had actually been carried out by an outsider. We want a change of the management in the garden,” said Suraj Subba, the general secretary of the union.
Kanchan View spread over 223 hectares is 6km from Darjeeling. The garden with 123 permanent workers and 42 temporary labourers produces the premium Darjeeling tea.
The demonstration was held outside the Darjeeling district magistrate’s office where the meeting was being held by the joint labour commissioner of north Bengal, Md Rizwan, to iron out the differences between the workers and the management.
After the discussion, Rizwan said: “It seems that workers have lost trust in the management. But the garden management has decided to undertake confidence-building measures. We will hold another meeting after 10 days and we are hopeful that the garden will open soon.”
The group superintendent of the estate, V.D. Dua, also expressed hope that work would resume in the garden soon. Asked why the work had been suspended in the garden for long, he said: “If you look at the political situation in the hills from 2009 onwards, anybody would understand that it was not possible for all parties to sit together at a given time to discuss the matter.”
Rizwan said most tea garden owners declared suspension of work, instead of a lockout, so that they didn’t lose control of management.
“If a tea estate is declared closed, then the management will have to forego the right to run the plantation. That is why management only issues a suspension of work notice in most cases,” he said.
The Kanchan View management is likely to meet Morcha president Bimal Gurung as part of “confidence-building measures”. “We will meet him as and when he is free,” said Dua.
Subba said the new management should provide all benefits the workers were entitled to under the Plantation Labour Act, 1951.
The workers of Kanchan View took to the street a day after a few labourers of Ringtang tea garden had ended a fast seeking the cancellation of the estate’s lease. Ringtang estate, 30km from here, has been closed for 15 years. The hunger strike by the members of the Morcha union was withdrawn yesterday after state industries minister Partha Chatterjee had promised that he would look into the matter.(The Telegraph)
Darjeeling lawyers call off strike
The move has provided relief to hundreds of litigants who were facing inconveniences because of the agitation that started on March 20 to demand the relocation of the special CBI court to Darjeeling and to “restore the deserved importance of Darjeeling as the district headquarters.”
Taranga Pandit, the president of Darjeeling Bar Association, said: “The association has decided to lift the cease- work from Monday as Gorkha Janmukti Morcha president Bimal Gurung today assured us that he would personally take up the matter with the state government. The party president has also assured us that he will arrange for a meeting with the chief minister and the state’s law minister.”
The special CBI court had been shifted from the hill town to Calcutta in 2006 and relocated to Siliguri on March 31 this year. The association wants the court to be transferred back to Darjeeling.
The agitation was also to protest the alleged importance being given to Siliguri.
“We will continue to press for the demands,” said Pandit, who is also a central committee member of the Morcha.
The cease-work has disrupted the normal functioning of the district and session judge court, three additional district and session judge courts, a civil judge (senior division) court, a chief judicial magistrate’s court and a judicial magistrate’s court here.(The Telegraph)
GNLF fest spoilt, finger at Morcha - Ghisingh’s supporters pelted with stones
Ghisingh’s party, which accused the administration of indifference, had to content itself with a programme at Panighata in the plains under the watchful eyes of police.
In Mirik and Garidhura, in Kurseong subdivision, GNLF supporters were outnumbered as mobs wielding Morcha flags blocked the way to the venues.
The GNLF had planned to hold public meetings in both the locations. The party, however, could observe a low key foundation day at Borbotey near the Rock Gardens in Darjeeling.
Police sources said around 9.30am, when a truck carrying 100-odd GNLF supporters was on its way to Garidhura, around 25km from Siliguri, a mob allegedly made up of Morcha supporters pelted the vehicle with vehicles as it reached Longview.
“Morcha supporters were carrying sharp weapons and even kerosene oil and intended to set fire to our vehicle. We had ladies with us and had to run away for our safety,” claimed GNLF leader Nima Lama.
“The on-duty police personnel did nothing to stop the Morcha supporters, who coerced us into leaving the spot. The Morcha had planned to spoil our meeting and the party could because of police inaction.”
The GNLF had obtained permissions from the administration to hold meetings in Garidhura, Mirik and Borbotey. To counter the GNLF’s celebrations in Garidhura, the Gorkha Janmukti Yuva Morcha had planned to hold a puja there.
With the meeting cancelled in Garidhura, nearly 400 GNLF supporters made their way to Panighata, 10km away and in the plains, to complete their foundation day celebration. They demonstrated in front of the Panighata outpost, accusing the police and the administration of being indifferent. They also burst crackers as part of the foundation day celebrations.
Reacting to the allegation, N.N. Bhutia, the sub-divisional police officer of Kurseong, said: “The police had done their job of maintaining law and order. Apprehending tension, heavy police personnel were deployed in Garidhura and Mirik. There was tension in these areas in the morning but we could bring the situation under control. The GNLF has held its function at Panighata.”
At Mirik — 55km from Siliguri — too, the GNLF meeting was scuttled. Over a thousand Morcha supporters assembled near the Byabsayee Community Hall, preventing the GNLF members from entering. “We got outnumbered soon and had to leave the place to prevent any clash or unpleasant situation. The police did not come to help though we had permission for the meeting. However, we could hold a programme outside Mirik later,” said Arjun Chhetri, a GNLF leader of Mirik unit.
Pemu Chhetri, a GNLF leader who had contested the last Assembly polls from Kurseong, said the party had filed two police complaints against Morcha workers who had allegedly launched the attacked at Garidhura.
“The Morcha leaders resorted to violence yet they speak of democracy. They are scared that people might turn to us and speak in favour of the Sixth Schedule. We feel the Sixth Schedule status is a better arrangement than the GTA (Gorkhaland Territorial Administration).”
He said Sukhbahadur Ghisingh and Dhurba Lama had been injured in the stone attack. They are under treatment at Mirik hospital.
The Morcha has blamed the administration for the violence that marred the GNLF celebrations. “Without understanding the ground realities, the administration permitted the GNLF to hold meetings in Garidhura and Mirik. This led to tension among the local people who have several grievances against the party,” said Morcha assistant secretary Binay Tamang. “Our leaders tried to control the mob and maintain peace in these areas but the outburst among the people was intense.”(The Telegraph)
5 Apr 2012
श्रमिकहरुको आमरण अनशन फिर्ता
Summons for ‘health’ TC to student - Boy dismissed with ‘unfit’ tag
The guardians of the child said the authorities of Holy Cross School had not consulted any doctor to declare the Class IV student ill or unfit for the school.
The summons was issued after a complaint was filed by the grandmother of the child, Shila Devi, with the commission which is the nodal agency for the implementation of the Right to Education in Sikkim.
“Based on the complaint, a summons has been issued. The date of hearing is April 7,” Yonsa Lachenpa, the law officer of the social justice, empowerment and welfare department said.
Although the official reason for issuing the TC dated March 20 has been mentioned as “health”, Shila Devi said the school had labelled her grandchild “mentally unsound” and fit for special schools.
“The school authorities told me that my grandson was mentally unsound and abnormal. But who certified that? Did they consult a doctor? They told me to take him away and admit him to a school for special children. I had tried to convince the authorities several times that my grandson is normal and had been doing well. He had been a student of the school from Lower Kindergarten, where he was admitted in 2008. But the school insisted that I should take away my grandson,” she said.
The new academic session had started on February 14 and the boy’s father, a mason at Metro Point Tadong, had already spent around Rs 4,000 to procure the books and uniform.
“The academic session has already started and it is very difficult to get my grandson admitted to another school. I am trying my best but I am not sure what will happen to his education. He is presently attending private classes,” Shila Devi said. “It pains my heart to see the reason given by the Holy Cross authorities for the removal of my grandson. It is also very painful for the family whenever he moves around in school trousers or sweater and goes to play in the school ground with his former classmates. We don’t know what to do next.”
The principal of Holy Cross, Sister Jesse Mathew, said the child was “mentally unsound” and a decision to issue the TC was taken by a disciplinary committee.
“The child is disoriented and mentally unsound. He beats up other students and disturbs the class. We had received several complaints from parents that their children had been beaten up by the student. The disciplinary committee of the school held a meeting on this and summoned his grandmother who willingly took out the child from the school,” said the principal.
It was not clear if the school had consulted any doctor for the child before issuing the TC as the principal refused to take any more calls from The Telegraph.
Shila Devi also said it was not clear why the school took such a decision when the child had been a student there for three years.
Law officer Lachenpa said if the school fails to attend the hearing, legal action might be initiated. “A second summons will be sent if the principal does not attend the first one. The commission’s decision will be binding on the school. If it is ignored, we will write to the HRD department to which the commission reports and the school’s licence can be cancelled.”
Senior advocate and human rights activist Doma Bhutia said a writ petition could also be filed in court if the child’s right to education was violated.
“No student can be forced to leave school for such reason since the Right to Education Act ensures that students cannot be expelled under any circumstance,” she said.(Telegraph)
Cong trade union seeks freeze on GTA launch
The trade union of the Congress wanted the dissolution of the high power committee formed to look into the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha’s demand to bring the Terai and Dooars under the GTA. The Intuc also demanded that 13 mouzas that had been added to the DGHC be again brought under the Siliguri subdivision.
“The state Congress president has already made it clear that the party is against the inclusion of any mouza (in the Terai and Dooars) in the GTA. A memorandum addressed to the chief minister was submitted to the subdivisional officer here today by the Intuc, requesting her to put on hold the formation of the GTA till a permanent decision is reached on the area to be brought under the body,” said Aloke Chakravorty, the Darjeeling district president of the Intuc.
“We will vehemently oppose the inclusion of any mouza in the plains in the GTA. We also want all 13 mouzas annexed to the DGHC earlier to be merged with corresponding blocks in the Siliguri subdivision again. Tribal people form a majority in all the 13 mouzas.”
The memorandum was enclosed with documents which purportedly showed that adivasis are in majority in several mouzas in the Terai and the Dooars. The data were originally a part of a survey conducted by the Water and Power Consultancy (India) Ltd (WAPCOS) in September 2010 for the implementation of minor irrigation projects in the state.
The WAPCOS is a central government organisation.
“The report prepared by WAPCOS clearly shows that there are more than 40 per cent tribal people in 125 mouzas in 10 blocks in Darjeeling district and 205 mouzas in 11 blocks in Jalpaiguri district. So, the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha’s claim that Gorkhas are in majority in 398 mouzas in the plains is wrong. Any attempt to add a single mouza in the plains to the GTA will have serious repercussions in the Terai and Dooars,” said Chakravorty, who is also the state general secretary of the Intuc.
He added that the Intuc would oppose any such move by the state tooth and nail and had already started organising tea garden workers.
The trade union has considerable clout in the tea gardens of the Terai and Dooars.
After a meeting with chief minister Mamata Banerjee in Calcutta on March 24, Morcha president Bimal Gurung had declared that they would abide by whatever decision the high power committee would take on the inclusion of the Dooars and Terai in the GTA.
However, the Intuc today wondered if the recommendations of the committee would be without bias as the panel had Morcha representatives among its members.
“People across the state, particularly in north Bengal, have started raising questions over the impartiality of the committee which has four Morcha representatives. It has to be noted that the committee doesn’t have a single member representing other communities in the Terai and the Dooars,” said Prabhat Mukherjee, the general secretary of the National Union of Plantation Workers, an affiliate of the Intuc.
“For unknown reasons, the state government has ignored the interests of the people in the Terai and Dooars. We doubt how impartial the recommendations will be.”
He also said the condition of tea garden workers in the plains might be aggravated if the Terai and Dooars joined the GTA.(Telegraph)
Darjeeling stares at showdown - Morcha and rival GNLF line up programmes in Mirik and Garidhura today
The synchronisation of the two parties’ events is likely to spiral into a showdown specially since there were complaints today that Bimal Gurung’s outfit had torn some of the GNLF flags in town on the eve of the foundation day programmes.
The administration has also mobilised forces ahead of tomorrow’s programmes.
The GNLF alleged that Morcha supporters came in a convoy of 23 vehicles and tore the flags and festoons put up at Rockgarden-Barbotey, 15km from here.
“The Morcha members were led by assistant secretary Binay Tamang. They came in 23 vehicles and tore the flags and festoons that we had planted for tomorrow’s programme. We will lodge an FIR against Tamang and others,” said Man Hang Subba, the president of the Barbotey village committee of the GNLF.
Tamang, however, denied the allegation. “The GNLF had been saying it would be organising the foundation day in a grand manner at Barbotey but since the party is unable to do so, it is levelling false allegations.”
But Subba said the GNLF decided to scale down the celebrations at the request of party president Subash Ghisingh. “We had earlier planned to hold a big event but Sir (Ghisingh) asked us to scale down the celebration. The party will organise small programmes at Barbotey, Jorebunglow, Pulbazar and Lama Gaon at Kaijalay,” said Subba.
Garidhura is under Kurseong subdivision, about 25km from Siliguri. The subdivional officer of Kurseong, R.K. Jha, said the GNLF had been given permission to organise the foundation day celebrations.
“The GNLF seems to have applied for permission on March 27 and the same has been granted to the party. As the Morcha approached us later, it hasn’t been given the permission to hold a conference,” said Jha.
The Gorkha Janmukti Yuwa Morcha had planned to hold a conference at Garidhura for three days starting today. Priyabardan Rai, general secretary of the Morcha’s youth front, said the organisation was still hopeful of obtaining the permission and the conference could begin tomorrow. The outfit, however, has not given any timing for its event.
Asked if the Yuwa Morcha was organising the conference just to spoil the GNLF’s foundation day celebrations, Rai replied in the negative.
Sources said the Yuwa Morcha might refrain from holding the conference in the absence of permission but its supporters were expected to attend a puja to be organised by the “public” at Garidhura.
The GNLF said nothing could stop the party from celebrating its foundation day at Garidhura, expected to start between 9am and 9.30am.
“The Morcha does not stop other political parties like the ABGL and the CPRM from holding their programmes. The fact that the Morcha is getting restless over our meeting suggests that they are scared of us. We are holding this function to show that we have a lot of supporters in the hills,” said GNLF convener Nima Lama.
In Mirik, 40km from Darjeeling, Ghisingh’s party is determined to go ahead with its indoor meeting at Byabsyee Community Hall. The Morcha also said it would hold its own programme to campaign “for the inclusion of the Terai and Dooars” in the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration tomorrow. The GNLF has obtained permission from the local police station to hold the meeting but such a nod hasn’t been granted to the Morcha.
“We do not need permission from the police as we are not using microphone,” said a Morcha leader from Mirik, Phubi Rai.
The police, however, said their permission was a must even to organise rallies without microphones. “The permission for the use of mike is given by the SDO. But if a rally has to be organised without mike, permission from a senior police officer who is of a DSP rank is needed,” said an officer.
The superintendent of police of Darjeeling, Anand Kumar, said: “Garidhura and Mirik look sensitive at the moment. We are moving forces from other parts of the district to the two places.”(Telegraph)
Fast off after Partha word
The workers under the banner of the Darjeeling Terai Dooars Plantation Labour Union, an affiliate of the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha, started the indefinite fast on the premises of the district magistrate’s office here from March 27, demanding the cancellation of the lease of Ringtang tea garden, which has been shut for more than 15 years.
The Morcha union had alleged that the management had virtually abandoned the garden since a devastating fire razed the factory on December 19, 1996.
P.T. Sherpa, president of the Morcha union, today said: “We have got some positive response to our demand and that is why we have decided to suspend the indefinite hunger strike from today.”
Sherpa claimed that following the pressure generated by the hunger strike, the land tribunal has brought forward its hearing on the lease cancellation. “The land tribunal was slated to hear the case on April 25 but following our pressure they held a hearing today. We are confident that the tribunal will give its verdict on April 10. We also received a communication from the state commerce and industries minister Partha Chattejree, requesting us to withdraw the hunger strike,” said Sherpa.
“The minister has maintained that he is collecting facts on the garden and is keen to resolve the issue as early as possible.”
The land tribunal is looking into the Ringtang issue since the district administration showcaused garden owner Sushil Chowdhury asking him why the lease should not be cancelled. “The showcause notice had been issued in 2007 following which Sushil Chowdhury challenged it before the land tribunal on the grounds that he could not be blamed for the state of affairs in the garden,” a senior district official had earlier said.
The Morcha has argued that Chowdhury was never interested in rebuilding the factory and had been depriving the workers of wages and statutory benefits for the past 17 years.(Telegraph)
Body handed to US friends
Bhutia’s relatives at his hometown Geyzing in West Sikkim said the body would be kept in California for three more days after being embalmed once again before being sent to India.
“Our relatives are in Delhi and are in constant touch with the American embassy there and officials of the ministries of external affairs and home. What we gather is that it will be 10 more days before the body can be brought back here,” said one of Bhutia’s brothers.
Yesterday, the Sikkim government wrote to the ministries of home and external affairs asking them to provide all possible help to the family members of the 38-year-old victim.
Bhutia’s relatives said they were still reeling from the news of his untimely death in a campus shooting. “We are all in shock at the incident that took away such a spirited person from among us,” a relative in Gangtok said.
Bhutia was studying nursing at Oikos University where he had gone in 2005.
The gunman has been identified as a 43-year-old Korean-American, One L. Goh, a former student of the university. He surrendered to the police at a grocery store several miles from the shooting spot. Goh had stolen the keys from Bhutia and had taken his car.(Telegraph)
4 Apr 2012
meeting for renewal of trade license
The meeting of Rangpo nagar Panchayat was held at Rangpo nagar Panchayat bhawan under the president ship of municipal president for discussing the renewal of trade license and other discussion. The license renewal procedure for the year 2012-13 which is started from 1st April shall end on 30th may .after 30th may the fine shall imposed at the rate of rs five per day those who shall come to renewal the license.
clean drinking water for villagera
Under the social service responsibilities of the company the intas pharma the renewed pharma company has specially supported to provide clean drinking water to the villagers of bhageykhola and more then hundred houses is availing facility provided by the company .some days ago the members of samaj sudhar samity on behalf of bhageykhola residents has requested the management of intas pharmaciticales bagheykhola to help in providing drinking water as the area was facing scarcity of water. The company has made possible by providing 1200 feet half inch pipe for the drinking water project. Residents of area have specially thanks the management for providing water.
गोरामुमोले मिरिकमा स्थापना दिवस पालन गर्ने

Kurseong to soon get Hills’ first medical college

Another team comprising principal of North Bengal Medical College and Hospital (NBMCH), Anup Roy, Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council administrator, Anil Verma, and other health officials had visited the SB Dey TB Sanatorium in Kurseong a few days ago and submitted its report for the project. Senior health officials said the state government will apply to the Medical Council of India (MCI) this year and simultaneously select a private partner to set up the medical college by 2013.
According to the proposal, the private partner will have to invest Rs 400 crore. The government will allow the private partner to fill up 50 per cent of the seats by charging capitation fee from the students. At present, the sanatorium has 200 beds (50 beds for women), and according to the norms of the MCI, at least 200 beds are required for 50 students at the time of its inception and 400 beds are required after it gives permission.
Health officials, however, feel that they are still apprehensive about the outcome of the project as most of the private partners are reluctant to join hands with the government to set up any projects. Already the government is awaiting approval from MCI over launching the second-year programme in the medical colleges at Malda, Murshidabad and Sagardutta Medical College in North 24-Parganas.(courtesy http://deepakraithegorkha.blogspot.in)
3 Apr 2012
Ex-jawans to rally for justice, turf
Ramesh Allay, the president of the Bharatiya Gorkha Purva Sainik Ehwam Ardh-Sainik Morcha, said they would also demand the inclusion of the Gorkha-dominated mouzas from the Dooars and Terai in the hill set up.
The former jawans would carry black flags to protest the lathicharge on April 9, 2008. “Four years after the incident of brutal assault on our members, the government is yet to name and punish the guilty policemen. We will demand immediate release of the inquiry commission’s report,” Allay said here today. The commission was set up to inquire into the incident.
Policemen had lathicharged the ex-soldier’s rally in support of Gorkhaland near Siliguri.
“We want all the 398 mouzas in the Dooars and Terai to be included in the GTA (Gorkhaland Territorial Administration),” Allay said.
The ex-jawans would also demand that members of the Gorkhaland Personnel, the Morcha’s voluntary squad, be absorbed in the army, para-military and police forces. “The government must deliver on its promise of absorbing the GLP boys and girls,” Allay said.(Telegraph)
Cheers at home fail to yield goals

The match between United Sikkim (in blue jersey) and Vasco SC in Gangtok on Monday. Picture by Prabin Khaling
Gangtok, April 2: All-out support from the home crowd consisting of vuvuzela-blowing students and state government employees armed with a special leave could not help United Sikkim find the back of the net in an I-League second division soccer match here today.
The club co-owned by Bhaichung Bhutia had to content itself with a goalless draw against Vasco SC.
The Sikkim club has 14 points from eight matches and trails Royal Wahingdoh of Shillong which is in the first position with 16 points.
Although United Sikkim dominated the match against Vasco SC, it was denied a victory by dogged defence and wonderful goal keeping by the Goan team. Bhaichung played for the last 15 minutes, but couldn’t convert a couple of opportunities into goals.
The students and the government employees were seen carrying banners and placards cheering for the home team throughout the match at Paljor Stadium. The government staff in Gangtok have been allowed to take half-day leaves on days when United Sikkim play in the tournament.
Although United Sikkim’s first match was on Friday against Royal Wahingdoh, a government circular allowing half-day leave for employees to watch the home team in action was issued the next day. All that an employee has to do to get the leave is to produce the match ticket. The next matches of United Sikkim will be on April 4, 11, 13 and 17.
The Sikkim Football Association, which is organising the I-League second division matches in Gangtok, has appreciated the government’s decision to grant leave.
“Such proactive decisions by the government will go a long way in the development of football in Sikkim. Now the SFA calls upon all football loving government employees to take advantage of the circular and come down to Paljor Stadium to cheer for the team,” said SFA general secretary Menla Ethenpa.
The students blew vuvuzelas whenever the home team made a breakthrough in the match.
The plastic horns were distributed among the children by the alumni association of Bhaichung’s alma mater, Tashi Namgyal Academy.
The employees were today seen booking their seats for the upcoming matches of United Sikkim. “I am a die hard football fan, missed few matches because of office work. But I can enjoy the next matches of United Sikkim,” said Anil Chettri, who works in the power department.
Bhaichung’s boys had emerged the tabletopper in the Siliguri leg of the second division with 13 points. But Royal Wahingdoh overtook the Sikkim club by winning all the two matches it had played in Gangtok.
The other team Royal Wahingdoh defeated here was Aizwal FC. The Shillong club was in the fourth position in the Siliguri leg with 10 points. Two teams which score the highest points will make it to senior division of the I-League.
Darjeeling court strike to continue
The lawyers also vowed to press for the establishment of all offices that the hill town should have as the district headquarters.
The strike that started on March 20 has hit the functioning of the district and session judge’s court, three additional district and session judge’s courts, civil judge (senior division)’s court, chief judicial magistrate’s court and a judicial magistrate’s court.
The CBI court had been functioning in Darjeeling till 2006.
The decision to continue with the agitation was taken at a meeting here. Although the strike was launched to protest the relocation of the CBI court, the focus gradually shifted to the perceived issue of Darjeeling losing out in importance as the district headquarters to Siliguri.
“The government has laid the foundation for the CBI court in Siliguri (on Saturday) without bothering to address our grievances. We feel Darjeeling is losing its status as the district headquarters. At today’s meeting, we decided to demand that all offices that should be located in the district headquarters but are functioning from Siliguri be shifted to Darjeeling. We will also continue with the indefinite cease-work,” said bar association president Taranga Pandit.
srimadbhagwat puran

Rhenock is also ready to organise weeklong srimadbhagwat puran from tomorrow .organised under the banner of viswa mangal charitable sewa trust renewed pandit kuber sastri from Nepal,dr mast babaji maharaj president of viswa mangal charitable sewa trust ,dr dhruva vedentacharya from banaras shall special present in this weeklong spiritual programme to address the gathering .renewed bhajan artist named raju Adhikari and amar Adhikari from Nepal along with samir gaautom from aritar shall perform the bhaajan in the weeklong programme at the evening .according to the news all the assositiation,clubs ,ngo and resident has specially supported in this weeklong programme.
sarwajaanik Sri Hanuman jayanti
Singtam is gear up to organise two days long sarwajaanik Sri Hanuman jayanti at 5th and sixth April at thakurbari Singtam .according to organising committee on 5th april the bhajan programme is organise where renewed guest artist from Kolkata shall perform bhajan whole night. On 6th April from 6 am in the morning the puja shall start with grand aarati, decoration, and divya darsan and sova yatra from thakurbari to all over the market. On two pm the bhandara and mahaprasad shall organise.
2 Apr 2012
srimadbhagwat katha gyN Yagya
Weeklong srimadbhagwat katha gyN Yagya organised by mahila jagriti manch at Majhitar Sikkim was started from yesterday with grand kalash yatra from holy river tista to Majhitar .according to organising committee president mrs manika subba,vice president Mrs. munnaa Chettri, secretary Mrs. prem Kumari tamang,cashier Mrs. goma gurung and advisor Mrs. ranjana subba renewed spiritual leader from kalimpong named pandit chudamani poudyal shall deliberated the spiritual speech during this weeklong spiritual; programme.pandit sekhar subedi shall perform the specisl puja during the programme. Renewed bhajan artist Mr. Mohan gurung and rajen aley shall perform bhajan during this weeklong programme.
Morcha faces threat slur
The GTF said Kiran B.K. had earlier been a representative of the Morcha in Haryana, but he left the party following its decision to settle for Gorkhaland Territorial Administration.
“It has come to our knowledge that Kiran B.K, who addressed our dharna for Gorkhaland in New Delhi on March 19, has been asked by the Morcha not to return to his native Mineralspring (15km from Darjeeling). He is currently based in Haryana. We have decided to take up the issue with the district magistrate next week,” said GTF chairperson Enos Das Pradhan.
The Morcha has denied the GTF charge.(The Telegraph)
suicide case
Illegal relationship with another girl after marriage has created one suicide case at Rangpo Sikkim .according to the news zeenat khatun of Rangpo upper bazaar was admitted to Rangpo primary health centre on22nd march 12 at 9.40 pm night in 80%burnt condition .after first aid she was referred to anandlok nursing home for further treatment .on29th march she was expired and after postmartum at siliguri funeral was held at rangpo on 31st march.zaakir Hussein of Kathmandu Nepal father of deceased lady named zeenat khatun has filed an fir at rangpo police station that his daughter was compelled to sucide by the family members and husband .according to Mr. hussain her daughter zeenat was married with ismaile Husain son of saffiullha of Rangpo on 2nd June 11 .after some days of marriage she was tortured mentally and physically by the family members and husband and he has a illegal relation with another girl also .he was trying to solve the matter between family members but suddenly the incident was occurred .according to the FIR Filed by the deceased father the police registering the case under section 498(A),304(B),34IPC has arrested momina khatun(55),geeta ,ijrial and Husain ansari,ismail ansari(28)husband of the deceased and interrogation started .