Rangpo 18th march
41ST NATIONAL SAFETY DAY /WEEK CELEBRATION 2012 was organized at Golden Cross Pharma Pvt. Ltd., Tarpin block, Rorathang, East Sikkim as every year. On the occasion of Safety week campaign, Sit and draw competition for School Children were held at Rorathang JH School, Mulukey JH School and Reshi JH School on the 25 and 27 Feb. 2012 and Sit and draw competition for Employee Children were also held a

t Company Premises on 26.02.2012.On the 5th March 2012,National Safety Day was observed by hoisting of 41st National Safetyday flag at Golden Cross Pharma Pvt. Ltd by the hand of Unit Head Mr. Sanjay Mishra and taken the Safety Pledge in English, Hindi and Nepali Language at in front of Admin Block and all respective department through Health, Safety and Environment Department. Different types of Safety items were kept for the Exhibition In front of Admin Block on 05.03.2012.On 6th & 7thMarch 2012, Fire Fighting and Safety Training (Theoretical as well as Practical Demonstration) were held by using Different types of fire extinguishers, Nozzles, Self-contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) and Fire Proximity Suit.Inter Departmental Hydrant Drill Competition, Quiz competition, Open poster, Slogan, Suggestion competition and Cholta & Bolta Quiz for Contractors were held on 09 &10.03.2012. The concluding ceremony for 41ST NATIONAL SAFETY DAY /WEEK CELEBRATION 2012 was organized on 15.03 .2012 at Golden Cross Pharma Pvt. Ltd. Mr. Prem Dhoj Rai (SDM, Rongli) was graced the concluding ceremony for 41STNATIONAL SAFETY DAY /WEEK CELEBRATION 2012 as a chief Guest. The Concluding programme was started after visual observation by Chief Guest of Safety Exhibition, Poster, Slogan and Suggestion which were displayed in front of Admin Block. Prizes were distributed to the winners of Sit and draw competition for three students of each school and Employee Children and Inter Departmental Hydrant Drill Competition, Quiz competition, Open poster, Slogan, Suggestion competition and Cholta & Bolta Quiz for Contractors by the hand of Chief Guest Mr. Prem Dhoj Rai (SDM, Rongli). The programme was started with Welcome Address by HR dept and Introduction & importance of National Safety Day and vote of thanks was delivered by HSE dept and Programme was concluded with Lower ed the National Safety Day Flag by the hand of Chief Guest Mr. Prem Dhoj Rai (SDM, Rongli).Plantation was also done in the garden by the Chief Guest Mr. PremDhoj Rai (SDM, Rongli)
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