19 March, Rangpo: With high held hopes and great expectations of winning NASA’s System Engineering Award, the India’s Autobotix Groupcomprising 10 students had participated in Global Aero Designing Competition held in Carlifonia US, NASA with their three miniature Radio Control Aircraft projects on March 6. The team are proud to have qualified for the competition out of 500 universities from around the world, Autobotix.
Right from importing the required equipments from various countries, turning them into flying machines, Pukar’s group has done it all by themselves working day-and-night.
“A total of 500 universities from across the globe had been selected for the competition. Out of these 500, Among 65 team 64 are from Aerospace Engineering ,Sikkim’s Pukar Pandey (A BTech undergoing at Punjab) led team of Mechatronic Engineering from Engineering Institution of Punjab is only one team competing with Aerospace Engineers round the globe with top universities of world competing with full fledge facilities in said Aerospace showcase. They have proved to the world that an even Mechatronics can do the work done by Aerospace engineers, placing them in 12 position among 65 universities as per the result declared today morning. The Competition was organised by SAE International at Van Nuys,California from March 16-18, 2012 in collaboration with the Aero Builder Giants like NASA, AIRBUS and Boieng.
With this success Sikkim’s Pukar Pandey has unfolded the eyes for thousands of aspirants in field of Aerospace Engineering that even from remotely small place like Sikkim one with bewildering sorest determination can bring a change in World Forum of Technology
It may be recalled that Pukar Pandey a son of Som Pandey resident of West Pandam East Sikkim pursued his career in Mechatronic Technology from ATTC Advanced Technical training Centre , Bardang located at Singtam. Pukar has bestowed his heartful thanks to the visionary Chief Minister of Sikkim Pawan Chamling for being a mentor towards establishing State-of-the-Art Institution in the state which has shaped his career four folds.
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