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शिक्षक प्रमुखको लापारवाहीको कारण बेहाल अवस्थामा चम्पामाया प्रथमिक पाठशाला

पहाड़को प्रथमिक पाठशालाहरु एका एक बन्द हुनुमा सरकार पक्ष दोषी छ कि शिक्षक-शिक्षिकाहरुको लापारवाही? किन दार्जीलिङ पहाड़को शैक्षिक स्तर दिनोदिन खस्किन्दै गइरहेको छ? प्रथमिक शिक्षा बाल-बालिकाहरुको निम्ति महत्तवपूर्ण हुँदा-हुँदै पनि किन आजसम्म पहाड़को शिक्षा व्यवस्थामा सुधार आउन सकिरहेको छैन?

राजनीति गर्दिनँ भन्नु पनि अर्को राजनीति होः हर्कबहादुर छेत्री

मेरो अधिकारक्षेत्रभित्र पाँच बर्षको लागि जनताको हितको काम गर् भनेर मलाई भोट हालेको हो नि। मलाई थाहा छ यसले जनताको धेरै हित हुन्छ। यसले जनताको हितसँगै पार्टीको पनि हित हुन्छ, आन्दोलनलाई पनि सहयोग पुर्‍याउँछ भनेपछि एकदम निसंकोच भनेर अघि बढ्न सक्छु म। म त्यही काम गर्दैछु।

बघिनी फेरि पुरानै खोरमा

‘समयले मानिसलाई कहाँ कहाँ पुर्‍याउँछ,,,,,,’ कुनै समय रेडियो नेपालबाट बजिरहने यो चर्चित गीतले मान्छेको जीवनमा प्रणयसम्बन्धको आरोह अवरोहले पार्ने प्रभावलाई सुन्दर ढंगले व्याख्या गरेको छ। यो लोकप्रिय गीतको यही एक हरफ कुनै राजनीतिकर्मीको जीवनसँग गाँसेर हेर्दा के उत्तर पाइएला?

साहित्य अनि सर्जकलाई माया गर्ने घिसिङ

80 को दशकमा देशभरिका गोर्खाहरूलाई जातित्वको भावना उत्पन्न गराउने प्रथम नेता सुवास घिसिङको निधनले अहिले घड़ी सम्पूर्ण दार्जीलिङ पहाड़ नै स्तब्ध बनेको छ। गोर्खाहरूका हित अनि अस्तित्वका निम्ति छुट्टै राज्यको बहस लिएर सुवास धिसिङले त्यसताक पहाड़का प्रत्येक गाँऊहरूको भ्रमण गरेका थिए। 22 जुन 1936 सालमा मिरिकको मञ्जु चियाबगानमा जन्म लिएरका सुवास घिसिङले आफ्नो तर्क राख्न एकलै जनसभा गर्थे। घिसिङले सम्पूर्ण गोर्खाहरूलाई एकै शुत्रमा बाँध्न "गोर्खाल्याण्ड" शब्दको जन्म गरेका थिए।

निराश छन् विधायक डा. छेत्री

“बजट सत्रमा के कुराहरू उठान गर्नु पर्ने भन्नेबारे हामीले जीटीएबाट कहिले फिडब्याक पाएका छैनौं” डा छेत्रीले भने। डा हर्कबहादुर छेत्री मोर्चाका प्रवक्ता हुन् अनि कालेबुङका जनप्रतिनिधि। दुइवटा महत्वपूर्ण पदमा बसेका डा छेत्रीलाई अहिलेसम्म जीटीएको बैठकमा निम्ताइएको छैन, पार्टीको राजनैतिक लाइनबारे उनीसँग चर्चा र छलफल नगरिएको त झन कति भयो, उनैलाई हेक्का छैन।

30 Mar 2012

पहाडको हाई प्रोफाइल केस फेरि एकपल्ट चर्चामा

30 मार्च(कालेबुङ):-दार्जीलिङ पहाडको हाई प्रोफाइल केसको रुपमा चिनिने तीनकटारे काण्ड फेरि एकपल्ट चर्चामा आएको छ। पहाडका चर्चित नेताहरु आरोपी रहेको यो मामिलाको ट्रायल शुरु हुने प्रक्रियामा पुगेको छ। यस मामिलाको सुनवाई शुरु गर्न कालेबुङको acjm कोर्टले additional district and session judgeको कोर्टमा मामिला स्थानान्तरण गर्न पहल शुरु गरे पनि आज कतिपय आरोपीहरुको अनुपस्थितिको कारण यो प्रक्रिया पूरा हुन सकेन। फलस्वरुप acjm कोर्टले आगामी 12 अप्रेल यस मामिलाको नयाँ मिति तोकेको छ। आज यस मामिलाको सुनवाईको निम्ति तीनकटारे काण्डका आरोपीहरु जीएलओ प्रमुख छ्त्रे सुब्बा, पूर्व मोर्चा नेता अमर लामा, पूर्व गोरामुमो नेता एन टी मोक्तान, मोर्चाको केन्द्रीय समिति सदस्य नोर्देन लामालगायत अन्य आरोपीहरु कोर्टमा उपस्थित भए पनि रहल केही आरोपीहरु कोर्टमा उपस्थित नभई दिँदा मामिलालाई माथिल्लो कोर्टमा स्थानान्तरण गर्ने प्रक्रिया पूरा हुन सकेन।आज यहाँको acjm कोर्टले अडिशनल डिस्ट्रीक्ट अनि सेसन कोर्टमा स्थानान्तरको प्रक्रिया पूरा गरेपछि सत्र न्यायाधीशले यो मामिलाको संज्ञान लिएर ट्रायलको प्रक्रिया शुरु हुने कुरा थियो। पहाडको राजनितिसँग जडित आपराधिक मामिलाहरुमध्ये तीनकटारे काण्ड एउटा चर्चित मामिला हो। गोरामुमोको समयमका बिद्रोही नेता छ्त्रे सुब्बाले गठन गरेको कथित भुमिगत संगठन गोर्खा लिबेरेशन आर्मीले हतियारको प्रशिक्षण लिएको अनि सरकारविरुद्ध युद्धको घोषणा गरेको कुरासँग यो मामिला सम्बद्ध छ। दागोपापको 28 नम्बर समष्टीमा पर्ने जलढका थानाअन्तर्गत तीनकटारेको जंगलमा 12 नोभेम्बर 2000मा भुमिगत संगठन र पुलिस बलबीच मुठभेड भएको थियो। यस मुठभेडमा एकजना जंगी अनि एकजना पुलिसका होमगार्ड मारिएका थिए। यस काण्डमा पुलिसले जीएलओ प्रमुख छत्रे सुब्बालगायत एक दर्जन मानिसहरुलाई आरोपी बनाएको थियो। सुब्बालाई यस काण्डको निम्ति सहयोग पुर्याएएको दाबी गदै अमर लामा, नोर्देन लामा. एन टी मोक्तान जस्ता राजनितिसँग जडित मानिसहरुलाई पनि पुलिसले आरोपी बनाएको थियो। यस मामिलाका अधिकांश आरोपीहरु अहिले जमानतमा मुक्त भएका छन भने केही आरोपीहरुलाई भगौडे घोषित गरिएको छ। यिनीहरुबिरुद्ध भारतीय दण्ड संहिताको धाराहरु 120/121a/ 122/123/1124a/302/307/326/120bअन्तर्गत हत्या, आपराधिक षडयंत्र, सरकारबिरुद्ध युद्धको घोषणाजस्ता मामिलाहरु दर्ता गरिएको छ। जलढका थानाका तत्कालिन एस आई रञ्जित कुमार चौहानले यस घटनाको मामिला दर्ता गरेका थिए। पुलिसले बर्ष 2007को मार्चमा यस मामिलाका आरोपीहरुविरुद्ध चार्जसिट दाखिल गरेको थियो।
अर्कोतिर, यस मामिलाका एकजना आरोपी अनि पूर्व मोर्चा नेता अमर लामाले आफूविरुद्ध पनि पुलिसले चार्जसिट दर्ता गरेकोमा आश्चर्य प्रकट गरेका छन। उनले तीनकटारे भन्ने जग्गाबारे आफूलाई केही थाहा नभएको दाबी गर्दै कानुनको पालना गर्न बाध्य बनेको बताए। यतिका बर्षपछि यो मुद्दाको सुनवाई शुरु हुनको पछि राजनैतिक दबाउ हुनसक्छ भनी पत्रकारहरुले सोधेको प्रश्नको उत्तर दिँदै लामाले राजनैतिक स्वर्थपूर्तिको निम्ति कुनै पनि कार्य सम्भव हुनसक्ने मंतब्य जाहेर गरेका छन।

Wait for GTA only till July: Gurung - 20-odd outfits at morcha meet

Gorubathan (Kalimpong), March 29: The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha will revive its demand for Gorkhaland and drop the idea of hill administrative set-up if the state government delays the polls to the body beyond July.

After a meeting with tribal leader John Barla at the DGHC rest house here this afternoon, Morcha president Bimal Gurung said the party would not wait for the formation of the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration after July.

“We agreed to the government’s decision to hold elections to the GTA in July and request the high-powered committee (formed to look into the demand for the inclusion of Gorkha-dominated areas in the body) to submit its report by June. However, if the committee fails to come up with the report by June and the state doesn’t hold polls in July, we will not wait further. The Morcha will then revert to the demand of the separate state,” Gurung told journalists.

The Morcha had earlier insisted that polls could be held only after the territorial jurisdiction of the GTA was fixed. But the party backed down after a meeting between chief minister Mamata Banerjee and Gurung in Calcutta on March 24.

Gurung today apprised Barla and other tribal leaders of the decisions taken at the Calcutta meeting. The Morcha and Barla faction of the Akhil Bharatiya Adivasi Vikas Parishad held talks with 21 organisations supporting the inclusion of the Dooars and Terai in the GTA and decided to form a joint action committee to intensify their campaign in the plains.

Barla said the joint committee would be formed at a meeting in Nagrakata in Jalpaiguri on April 2. “Our programmes for the inclusion of the Terai and Dooars in the GTA will be announced then.”

The joint committee’s immediate challenge will be to counter the proposed agitation of the state leadership of the Parishad to protest the Morcha’s claim to the Dooars and the Terai. The Parishad along with 18 other organisations have called a general strike in the Darjeeling and Jalpaiguri districts on April 10 and 11.

Gurung said the Parishad was not a force to be reckoned with in the plains. “The tribal outfit lacks minimum support base in the plains and cannot be considered a force. Even today, Barla is the top leader of the adivasis. The Morcha and Barla together can bring lakhs of people to the streets,” said the Morcha chief.

He said the number of persons who could be nominated to the GTA from the Dooars and the Terai if the region was included in the body would be worked out by the Morcha and the government.

“We have high hopes that all 398 mouzas in the Dooars and Terai will be brought under the jurisdiction of the GTA. The mouzas will be represented in the GTA through nominations. The number of the nominees will be decided through discussions between the state and the Morcha,” he said.

Gurung pointed out that the GTA would comprise 50 members and five of them would be nominated by the governor. “If the mouzas in the plains are added to the GTA, the figure has to go up and for this, the GTA Act has to be amended.”

Although Barla said the joint committee’s agitation programmes would be unveiled at the meeting on April 2, sources hinted that a plan had already been drawn up. They said the agitation would begin in the first week of April and end in May.

“It has been decided that public meetings will be held in at least three places in the Dooars and Terai in the second week of April. The rallies will be followed by a 48-hour general strike in the region in the third week,” said the source.

The joint committee will organise “mass gheraos” in all subdivisional and block development offices in the Dooars and the Terai in the first and second weeks of May. “A 12-day long relay fast has also been planned for the second week of May followed by a padayatra from Jaigaon to Siliguri,” the source added.(The Telegraph)

Chhatrey quits fight for state

Kalimpong, March 29: Gorkha leader Chhatrey Subba today announced that he will never ever take part in the movement for Gorkhaland as he felt let down by the people who, he suggested, didn’t have the courage to fight for the cause.

Hurt by the negligible turnout at a meeting called by him to revive his dormant Gorkha Liberation Organisation (GLO) here today, Subba accused the people of preferring money to a land of their own.

“Mato premee haina, money premee janatalai Gorkhaland chayandena rahecha (People who love money more than their land do not seem to need Gorkhaland),” he said.

While journalists were waiting for the meeting to begin, some of his supporters said Chhatrey would raise a GLO flag to revive the organisation in a symbolic way.

However, after a rather long wait, Chhatrey made a lone and dramatic appearance in front of the media. He expressed his disappointment at the failure of his supporters to come to the meeting and said: “I will not take part in the movement for Gorkhaland. For me, it is an end to Gorkhaland.”

Hardly 30 to 40 people were present at Chhatrey’s house to attend the meeting. “What can I do with so few supporters,” asked the GLO chief.

The firebrand Gorkha leader said after receiving entreaties from many people in the hills and the Dooars over the past few months, he had invited them to the meeting.

“I had called all the people who wanted Gorkhaland to the meeting. But no one today turned up. They seem to be happy with the Morcha,” he lamented, adding: “People only talk, they don’t have the courage. Why should I offer to die for a community which does not have courage. My congratulations to the Morcha.”

Getting emotional, Subba said he would never work for the community that was resigned to being slaves for generations.

“I feel sorry that I was born in a wrong clan (read community),” he said in English. The onus, he said, was on the people to find a suitable leader who would deliver them Gorkhaland.(The Telegraph)

Govt goes ahead with CBI court plan in Siliguri

Darjeeling, March 29: The state government has decided to set up the special (CBI) court in Siliguri after having once earlier cancelled the foundation ceremony, a move which prompted the Darjeeling Bar Association to launch an agitation to protest the alleged importance being given to the plains town.

The association said it would continue with its ceasework till March 31 and would ask their counterparts in Kalimpong and Kurseong to join them. The next course of action would be decided after April 1, the association said.

Sources said Darjeeling district and session’s judge Subrata Mitra had again distributed invitations for the March 31 ceremony in which the foundation stone of the special CBI court would be laid by Calcutta High Court Chief Justice J.N. Patel and attended by law minister Moloy Ghatak.

A new court building will also be inaugurated in Siliguri the same day.

The government had to cancel the earlier ceremony scheduled for March 17 though Mitra had sent the invites, following widespread protests from lawyers here.

The lawyers’ association, which has been protesting the transfer of the special (CBI) court from Darjeeling to Calcutta in 2006 and its relocation to Siliguri, met Patel in Calcutta on March 26.

“The Chief Justice told our delegation that the move was an attempt to bring justice to the doorstep as the court would cater to all the people of the six north Bengal districts. He also told the delegation that Siliguri had been selected because of better infrastructure,” said Seshmani Pradhan, the vice-president of the association.

The lawyers’ body argued today that if Siliguri had better infrastructure, then the decision to set up a circuit bench of Calcutta High Court in Jalpaiguri went against the Chief Justice’s argument.

“We also felt that if the focus is to bring justice to the doorstep, then we should be allowed to appeal in Sikkim High Court as it takes us only four hours to reach Gangtok instead of 12 hours to reach Calcutta,” said Seshmani.

The Darjeeling lawyers have decided to write to the Chief Justice of India, S.H. Kapadia, highlighting these two points. “Till 2006, all the district judges of the six north Bengal districts had special powers to try CBI cases. Instead of having one CBI court for the entire region, it would be better to reinstate the powers to the district judges as it takes almost the same time for people from Malda to come to Siliguri instead of going to Calcutta,” said executive member of the association Dinesh Chandra Rai.

The association has decided to send delegations to all the north Bengal districts to build up a consensus on this issue.

“We also have decided to carry on with the ceasework in the Darjeeling court till March 31. We will appeal to lawyers in Kurseong and Kalimpong to join us. We will request the court employees’ union to resort to pendown on that day,” said Gurung.

The future course of action will be charted out after a meeting between the bar associations of Darjeeling, Kalimpong and Kurseong on April 2.

The Darjeeling lawyers have been observing the ceasework from March 20.

Court sources said the ceasework by the lawyers was inconveniencing litigants. “Those who are arrested on bailable offences are bound to get bail but those who are booked under non-bailable offences are facing problem as there are no lawyers to argue for them. As of now, dates of producing in court are getting deferred which means the legal process is getting delayed,” said a source.

Even registration of marriages, deed (land), lease and other civil case were getting delayed.(The Telegraph)

29 Mar 2012

CRC level sharing meeting on science/EVS subjects was held at central Pendam senior secondary schoo

CRC level sharing meeting on science/EVS subjects was held at central Pendam senior secondary school today. There were 14 teachers from feeder schools who participated in the meeting. Resource person of the meeting was Shri. Bimal Kumar Pradhan PGT CHEMESTRY CPSSS.Introductory speech was given by sawan dhakal PGT hindi.
The meeting was focused at discussions on difficulties in teaching Science/Evs and finding solution at primary level. The meeting was concluded by summing up by the resource person. Principal CPSSS delivered the vote of thanks.

two accused persons of khanikhola Majhitar rape case

Rangpo police is serious in searching two accused persons of khanikhola Majhitar rape case occurred in March 2011.according to the news Mr. binod khawas (30)of khanikhola Majhitar and Mr. nir bahadur Chettri of khanikhola Majhitar are the two suspected persons behind the rape case occurred in march 2011.all the resources are being used for catching the culprits .while talking with pi Rangpo Mr. sonam wangdi he appealed to support in catching the culprit. If anyone has any type of information regarding the said two persons he requested to share with Rangpo police the name of the informers shall not disclose and handsome reward is also announced by the police.

गोर्खाल्याण्डको आन्दोलन नगर्ने छत्रेको घोषणा

29 मार्च(कालेबुङ):- आफूले भनेजस्तो जनसमर्थन नपाउँदा पहाडका बिद्रोही नेता छत्रे सुब्बाले गोर्खाल्याण्डको नयाँ चरणको आन्दोलनको नेतृत्व नगर्ने घोषणा गरेका छन। सुब्बाको उत्साह आज त्यसबेला निराशामा परिणत भयो जब उनले तोकेको समय र स्थानमा उनका समर्थकहरु उपस्थित भएनन। उनी आज खूबै निराश देखिए। रौसेस्थित निवासमा आज उनका समर्थकहरुभन्दा धेर पत्रकार र गुप्तचरहरुको भेला थियो। आज उनले आफ्नो पुरानो दल जीएलओको पुनर्गठन र कार्यक्रमहरुको घोषणा गर्ने योजना थियो तर भने जति संख्यामा समर्थकहरु उपस्थित नभइ दिँदा छत्रेले आफू अलग राज्यको आन्दोलन गर्ने निर्णयबाट पछि हटेको बयान पत्रकारहरुलाई दिए। छत्रेले आजदेखि अलग राज्यको आन्दोलनको घोषणा गर्ने कुरालाई केन्द्र गरी क्षेत्रमा सुरक्षा व्यवस्था कठोर बनाइएको थियो। एक कम्पनी र्‍यापिड एक्शन फोर्सलाई शहरको विभिन्न स्थानमा तैनाथ गरिएको थियो। तर छत्रे सुब्बाले आज बिहान नाटकीय निर्णय लिँदै उनका समर्थकहरुलाई निराश बनाई दिए। उनले जेलमुक्त भएपछि दार्जीलिङ. खरसाङ, मिरिक लगायत तराई डूवर्सका गोर्खाल्याण्ड समर्थकहरुलाई भेटेर जनचाहना बुझ्ने प्रयास पनि गरेका थिए। आज यी क्षेत्रहरुबाट आफ्ना समर्थकहरु आउने कुरामा उनी विश्वस्त थिए। तर आशाअनुरुप जनसमर्थन नजुटे पछि उनले नेतृत्वको जिम्मा नलिने मन बनाएका छन।

Do or die for Sikkim boys - Final leg of i-league 2nd division starts today

Gangtok, March 28: The Gangtok leg of the I-League second division beginning tomorrow will be a do or die for United Sikkim that is aiming for a berth in the apex group of soccer teams in the country for the first time.

Bhaichung Bhutia’s boys though emerged top in the tournament’s first section in Siliguri, they will face stiff resistance from three other clubs which are just behind the Gangtok club in the scoreboard .

Points in the Gangtok and Siliguri matches will be tallied and two top teams will be promoted to the senior division of the I-League. Seven clubs will take part in the tournament at Paljor Stadium.

“The final round in Gangtok is crucial as six teams are in good position. We have to really work hard to achieve our goal of qualifying for the I-League. We have to make maximum use of whatever advantages we will have when we play on the home ground. Crowd support is vital and it will have an impact on our performance,” said Bhaichung, who co-owns United Sikkim.

His boys’ first match will be against Royal Wahingdoh on Friday. “They are one of the best teams. It will be a tough match. We look forward to win the first match and build up the momentum for the remaining period,” said the former Indian soccer skipper.

While the Sikkim club bagged 13 points in the Siliguri leg that concluded on March 25, Royal Wahingdoh from Shillong is in the fourth position with 10 points. Phillipe De Ridder, the chief coach of United Sikkim, is confident of the team’s calibre.

“We are not changing our game style. There is no need to do this. We have to remain good and we have high chances to qualify if our main players are not out because of bookings or injuries.”

However, Royal Wahingdoh coach Carlton Chapman has vowed to give Bhaichung boys a run for their money.

“Six teams have good chances to make it to the I-League. Every match is vital and if we play according to our potential, we should qualify. The best part is that we don’t have any injury problems and we are used to playing in a weather condition similar to that of Gangtok,” said Chapman.

All the seven clubs will play against each other once in Gangtok. The inaugural match will be played between Kalighat MS and ONGC. Vasco SC will take on Mohammedan Sporting in the second match tomorrow.

Mohammedan Sporting coach Alok Mukherjee said there were no clear favourites at the moment. “Most teams have equally good chances to make it to the I-League,” he added.

The Calcutta team emerged second in Siliguri with 12 points.

Another contender for the two top slots is ONGC, which was relegated from the I-League first division in the last season. The team’s coach, C. Pinho, said at least four clubs were well placed to reach the I-League. “The score card shows that four clubs have chances. All our players are working hard to get into the I-League once again and we are confident,” he said.

The matches in Gangtok will conclude on April 17.(The Telegraph)

Forums in plains reject plea to call off protest

Siliguri, March 28: More than 15 outfits in the plains today turned down minister Gautam Deb’s request to call off the agitation scheduled for next month to protest the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha’s demand to include certain mouzas in the hill set-up.

Deb, who acted as an emissary of chief minister Mamata Banerjee and met the representatives of 16 organisations including the Akhil Bharatiya Adivasi Vikas Parishad, urged them to withdraw the strike and other protest programmes scheduled to start on April 1.

“We have requested the Adivasi Vikas Parishad and other organisations to refrain from holding any agitation or strike in the Terai and the Dooars. Such activities will hamper development work and create tension in the region,” the minister said.

“The chief minister has resolved the problem in the hills through consistent discussion. She is equally concerned and sincere about the problems in the Terai and Dooars. The state government has elaborate plans for development of these areas which would be hindered if such agitations are not withdrawn,” he said.

The Parishad and the other associations turned down Deb’s appeal, asserting that the government should make it clear that not a single mouza from the Terai and Dooars would be brought under the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration.

“The minister told us to withdraw the 48-hour strike scheduled for April 10 and 11 and also the agitation planned from April 1. We told him about our inability, as there are no indications from the state that it would not allow any mouza to be made part of the GTA. The government should keep in mind the interest of the people living here, specially the adivasis,” said Tezkumar Toppo, the general secretary of the Parishad.

Some of the other outfits have sought an appointment with the chief minister. “We have asked the minister (Deb) to fix an appointment with Mamata Banerjee in the first week of April. We have to know what the government is planning,” said a Kamtapur Progressive Party leader.

A memorandum with a list of demands related to the development of the Terai and Dooars and a request not to bring the plains mouzas under the GTA has been sent to Mamata through Deb.

The minister, who did not clarify his party’s stand on territory, criticised a section of the organisations.

“There are some people and organisations in north Bengal which stand against any development process that is undertaken in the region. They are trying to create confusion. We condemn such attempts and want to make it clear that the government wants peaceful solution to any issue. Any attempt to destabilise harmony will not be tolerated,” Deb said.

Asked if the government would give a second thought to the territory issue, Deb said: “The representatives shared their opinions. We have taken note of their assertions and will apprise the chief minister,” Deb said.

The government has appointed a committee to look into the Morcha demand. Both the government and the Morcha have agreed to abide by the recommendations of the panel that had been requested to submit its report by June.(The Telegraph)

28 Mar 2012

Large Cardamom Auction

RANGPO-26TH MARCH12 The forth-coming Large Cardamom Auction Program on 28th (Wed) March 2012, has been extended to 11th (Wed) April 2012, due to the reason the price has crashed down drastically to the price of Rs. 25000-26000 per mound i.e Rs 625 - Rs 650 per Kg due to FY closing and Ramnawami. It is believed that the price would be increased after Ramnawami, with a view to sales at higher price to be benefited to the local farmers of Sikkim.according to mr p c roy senior zonal manager of neramac they are too much serious to look into the market for making possiablity to provide good rate to the farmers of the state.


RANGPO- 27 March 2012-
A day long program on piglets’ distribution & training on pig farming was conducted by State AH, LF&VS Department in Chongrang foodgodown, under Yaksum -Tashiding constituency in West Sikkim. The main objective behind the program was to introduce Bock Shire breed of pigs in the villages in farmers’ level & to initiate action in the field of pig breeding program in village level in cluster approach mode. This in turn was to activate piglets’ production for govt. distribution in future from such identified area, which could enable Deptt. Of AH to put a ceiling on the importation of emerging disease like Swine Fever, while bringing pigs from out side. If farmers proliferate two female pigs with proper growth rate only one female can produce eight piglets in every six-months & sixteen piglets per year As such the market value of one piglet at present is Rs. 3000/ and value of sixteen piglets will be Rs. 48000.So as envisioned by Honorable CM Govt.Of Sikkim people in grass root level will be self sufficient in the nearest future with uninterrupted income generation.
The program was presided over by Hon’ble Minister Daucho Lepcha, Deptt. Of AH, LF&VS cum area MLA of that area & conducted by Dr. D.S Tewari Joint Director West and attended by Director AH, VS Dr.T. Lucksom, JD Dr H.N Sharma.( Piggery Dev Project).Dr. S.P Bhutia , Dr K Thapa & Para veterinarian from Tashiding & Gerathang Vety. Centre. From farmers side L.P Kaflaey, CLC president cum Panchayat Secy.Gerathang, Uttam Adikari Panchayat Secy.Arithang,DeviLall Dahal,Santosh Sivakoti Tinziring,Kharga Sing Subba Gerathang, Pachayat Form Melli Aching GPU & Zilla member from Arithang Chongrang & along with Fiftyone Beneficiaries from Tashiding- Yoksum Constituency.
The program started with welcome address by Dr. D.S Tewari wherein, he informed the house about the program which was initiated by the accordance with the demand placed by people during the village tour of 42 days of Honorable CM, & as a result of quick response by his elegance .He also suggested the people to take maximum care to manage those piglets & also directed concern V.O & Paravet to take maximum care in treating them. After this Dr. H.N Sharma deliberated on the theme of the day & highlighted on objective also. Drawing attention of the people in technical area he informed that due to the lack of sweat gland in pigs there is no sweating so fell maximum hot .So timely bathing is necessary he added. After this Dr T Lucksom started his deliberation. He informed that Sikkim is importing meat of Eight to twelve crorers rupees worth every year. State production is only 908 metric ton per year & demand is 6563 MT/year so to fulfill the short fall production is necessary, so Market Avenue is high in Sikkim to meat producer through livestock farming. After this Hon’ble Minister AH deliberated speech on the significant of the program. He informed that this is solely the result of visionary mission of HCM to make the people “ATMA NIRVER” & this has to be kept alive by hard work in the field. So all the beneficiaries need to concentrate on appropriate work for better result. He suggested that drop by drop also can fill the pot. Similarly, with two piglets if collective effort of a family synchronizes, may achieve good result with piggery farm in his home in the future to come, by prolific variety of those piglets. He also aware people not to divert their mind in antisocial work & they should differentiate good & bad. After this CLC president also address the people. He informed that we have to be industrious, so we need to be laborious irrespective of facilities & benefits we have to analyze how much we are contributing for social cause. We should not limit our selves to receive benefit but to flourish ourselves by propagating those benefits. After this Dr. S. P Bhutia gave vote of thanks. & after piglets distribution the program was over.

" हरियाणा गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चाको शाखा भंग"

अरुण घतानी-
गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चाले आन्दोलनको शुरुआत अतिनै राम्रो ढंगले गरेको हो जुन कुरालाई हामी नकार्न सक्दैनौ। तर आज आएर मोर्चा पनि जनताको आशा र विश्वासको बिपरीत GTA, GATA, पछौटे जिल्ला भन्दै अनेकौ मुद्दाहरुबीच अड्किएको छ। अब हाम्रो अगुवाहरु नै मूल मुद्दालाई छोडेर बाटो बिराउन थालेपछि हाम्रो अगाडी एउटा ठूलो प्रश्नचिन्ह के लागेको छ भने "आखिर यो मुद्दा कसको हो त?" "हामी गोर्खालैंड नामको जुन समाधानको खोजीमा लागिपरेका छौ आखिर त्यो कुन समस्याको समाधान हो?" "यो मुद्दा दार्जीलिंग क्षेत्रबासीको मात्र हो या सम्पूर्ण भारतबर्षभरि छरिएर बसेका प्रत्येक गोर्खाहरु को हो?" “यो आन्दोलन बंगालबाट दार्जीलिंगलाई छुट्टाउने प्रयत्न हो वा सम्पूर्ण भारतबर्षभरि का गोर्खेहरुको राजनैतिक सुरक्षा र चिन्हारी को निम्ति हो?” "यो आन्दोलन बन्दकी राखिएको वा पूर्व नेताहरुद्वारा बेचिएको माटोलाई फुकाउने क्रम हो वा सर्बभारतीयस्तरमा गोर्खाहरुको राजनैतिक अस्तित्व स्थापित गर्दै गोर्खाहरुलाई राष्ट्रको राजनैतिक मूलधारा मा ल्याउनु हो?" उपरोक्त प्रश्नहरुलाई एकपल्ट ठण्डा मगजले सोंच्नेबेला आएको छ। यदि यो आन्दोलन सम्पूर्ण भारतीय गोर्खाहरुको राजनैतिक सुरक्षा र परिचय को निम्ति हो भने आज किन दार्जीलिंग क्षेत्रलाई बिकास गरिदिने बंगाल सरकारको आश्वासनसित साटीदैछ। किन केन्द्र र राज्य सरकारलाई गोर्खाहरुको राष्ट्रिय समस्याको बारेमा बुझाउने काम भएको छैन। मुखलेमात्र राष्ट्रिय आन्दोलन घोषणा गरेर देशभरिको गोर्खेहरुलाई मुछेर आज किन सरकार संग दार्जीलिंगको पानी, बिजुली, बाटो इत्यादिको मात्र कुरा हुँदैछ। सत-प्रतिसत जनताले विश्वास गरेको हाम्रा माननीय बिधायक श्री छेत्री ज्यूले आज कसरी भन्दैछन् कि "११ वटा वार्तामा काउन्सिल को मात्रै कुरा भयो गोर्खालैंड को त कुरै गरेका छैनौ" आज उनले कसरी "जनता बटुल्नको निम्ति मात्रै गोर्खालैंड भनेको" भनेर खुल्लेआम जनता को अघि भन्दैछन् । राष्ट्रिय स्तरमा गोर्खाहरुलाई प्रयोग गरेर छेत्रीय स्तरमा चौकी हत्याउने खेल भईरहेछ। जानी बुझी १.५ करोड गोर्खाहरुको राष्ट्रिय समस्यालाई लुकाउने प्रयास गरिदैछ किनकि गोर्खालैंडको लामो लडाई लडीरहनु भन्दा छोटो समयमा नै सत्ता हासिल गरेर यसको सुख भोग्ने खेल खेलेको देखिदैछ।आज हाम्रो गोर्खालैंड का १२०० सहीदहरुको निर्मम हत्यालाई याद गरेर, आफ्नै घरभित्र आफ्नो अस्मिता लुटीमाग्ने गोर्खे चेलीलाई याद गरेर, हातमा तिरंगा लिएर शान्ति जुलुसमा बस्दा निधारमा गोलि ठोकी माग्ने हाम्रा नानीहरुलाई याद गरेर, भारतबर्ष को एउटा खाटी नागरिक भएर पनि पुर्बोत्तर राज्यहरुबाट उच्छेद गरिएका हजारौ गोर्खाहरुलाई सम्झेर, भारतबर्षको स्वतन्त्र संग्रामदेखि आजसम्म नै यसको उत्थान, बिकाश र सुरक्षा मा आरु जातिहरु सरह नै काँध मा काँध मिलाएर आएको भए पनि आज बिभिन्न राज्यहरुमा परिचय बिहीन भएर बिदेशी को लान्छना सहँदै आउने गोर्खे सन्तान को आँशु सम्झेर हामी हाम्रो गोर्खे जाति को सुरक्षा र स्वाभिमान को खातिर मोर्चाबाट आफ्नो स्वेच्छा ले राजिनामा दिदैछौ।"के हामीले सही नेतृत्वलाई साथ् दिदैछौ?" के हामीले विश्वास गरेको नेताले आज लिएको उपलब्धिले माथि याद गरेका गोर्खेहरुको सपना साकार होला? वा हामीले गरेको योगदान ले नेताहरु को स्वार्थ पूर्ति मात्र त भईरहेको छैन? हामीले सही निर्णय लिने समय आज नै हो किनकी सही नेतृत्वलाई साथ् दिएर मुद्दालाई टुंगोमा पुराउनु वा गलत शक्तिलाई साथ् दिएर सम्पूर्ण गोर्खेजाति लाई डुबाउनु हाम्रो हातमा नै छ। आज हामीले नबुझी कुनैपनि गलत शक्तिलाई साथ् दिए हाम्रो आउने भावी पिडी आंधाकरमा पुग्नेछन्। आजको हाम्रो एउटा गलत निर्णयको फल भोलिको गोर्खे सन्तानले भोग्नपर्ने हुन्छ यसर्थ हामीले सही कुरा बुझेर सही निर्णय लिनु समय को मांग हो। पैसा नै चिन्हारी हो भन्ने नेताले यो मुद्दालाई टुंगो मा पुराउला? मोर्चा गोर्खालैंडको निम्ति बनिएको हो र यो झन्डाले भोट लड़दैन भन्ने नेताहरु नै Municipal Vote को निम्ति टाउको फुटा-फुट हुन थाले पछि अब के आशा गर्न सकछौ? आफ्नै दार्जीलिंग जिल्लामा ८३% भोट ले जितेर त विधानसभामा गोर्खालैंड को उच्चारण गर्न सकेन भने अब उत्तराखण्ड, असम र अन्य राज्य बाट गोर्खालैंड भन्छ भन्नु बिर्बल ले खिचडी पकाएको कथा जस्तै छ। दार्जीलिंग क्षेत्रबासी आइला, भुइचालो, पुल दुर्घटना, बन्द कमान, पानी, बिजुली, बाटो घाटो जस्ता अनेक समस्याहरु ले अस्त-ब्यस्त बनेको बेला दार्जीलिंगभरि मेला, उत्सव गराउदै नेता चाहिँ मुम्बई, नेपाल बाट मोडल बोलाएर cat walk गराउने अनि Hot ballon मा घुम्ने, के उक्त नेता हरुले गोर्खाहरुको दुखा-पिडा साचै बुझेका होलान? के यो आन्दोलन नेताहरुलाई पोसाउने आन्दोलन मात्र त भएको छैन? के यो आन्दोलन साचै गोर्खेहरुको उत्थानको निम्ति भईरहेको छ वा नेताहरुको हर जग्गामा आफ्नो दब-दबा बनाउने खेल मात्र हो?

यस्ता अनेकौ प्रश्न हरु को प्रतिउत्तर हामी ले स्पष्ट देखेपछि अब हामी नेताको स्वार्थपूर्ति को निम्ति नभएर सम्पूर्ण जनता को अकांछापूर्ति को निम्ति लड्ने निधो गरेका हौ। हामीले यो गोर्खालैंड को लडाई देखि हात धोएको होइनौ तर अब धोकाको राजनीति देखि निस्किएर साँचो अर्थमा गोर्खालैंडको लडाई लड्न निस्केका हौ। यदि कोहि पनि one point agenda "गोरखालैंड" & one and only demand "गोरखालैंड" को लागि लड्न तयार भए हामी हर प्रकार ले सहयोग गर्न तयार छौ|

Capacity Building Training

Nehru Yuva Kendra Gangtok, on behalf of Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS) Sikkim zone organized 5 days long Capacity Building Training for the officials of Mentor Youth Club of North District Mangan, South District Namchi and East District Gangtok w.e.f. from 23rd March to 27th March 2012 at State Institute of Rural Development SIRD), Karfectar.

Mentor Club is a new scheme of Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, Government of India, implemented by Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan in the Country. The main goal is development of monitoring of village based Yuth Clubs, support, guide and build capacities of Youth Clubs by which the long cherished goal of Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan is establishing a self reliant Youth Club in every village in India would be achieved.Under the scheme two Active Youth Clubs are selected from one Block Administrative Centre (BAC) of the District under the Chairmanship of District Collector of each District Accordingly, 20 Youth Clubs from East District of Gangtok, 14 from South District of Namchi and 3 from North District of Mangan were selected. Two officials from each selected clubs were provided Capacity Building Training on related issues.

The programme was inaugurated on 23rd afternoon by Shri H. K. Sharma Additional Director cum Incharge Director State Institute of Rural Development (SIRD). The programme was formally closed on 26th evening at Conference cum Training Hall SIRD.

Shri Bimal Rai, Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Namchi District Hospital was the Chief Guest. He exhorted the participants and gave away certificate and cash assistance of Rs. 10,000/- each to run Mentor Youth Club smoothly. Shri Puran Chetri, District Youth Coordinator, Gangtok, Camp and Training Incharge proposed vote of thanks. The programme was conducted by Shri Deepak Rai staff of SIRD.

big scam of Weight Bridge was shown in malli south Sikkim


Another big scam of Weight Bridge was shown in malli south Sikkim under Sikkim nationalised transport of Sikkim transport department .according to the news under the chief minister 100 days programme two weigh bridge was sanctioned by the cabinet one at Rangpo of pit type at an cost of 16 lakh 69 thousand and at malli at an cost of 48 lakh 21 thousand and was of pit less .the department has sanctioned the both work to the avery india Kolkata .the work was sanctioned on march11 and has to complete on april 2011 .in one side Rangpo weight bridge work is still pending and in other side malli weigh bridge work is also not started only some iron plates is laying opposite to composite check post at malli .department has paid full amount for both the work .without completing the work how the department has paid the amount to the avery Kolkata seen in big suspense. Such type of work procedure is too much unfortunate and wrong .the programme of chief minister 100 days was started for prompt development of the state but not for misuse for public money.

Morcha chalks out plan for added territory

Kalimpong, March 27: The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha has decided to intensify its agitation for the inclusion of wide swathes of territory from the Terai and the Dooars in the new set-up for the hills and is working out its strategy with a section of adivasi leaders in the plains.

A meeting will be held in Gorubathan on Thursday to work out the plan to press for the inclusion of 396 mouzas from the Terai and the Dooars in the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration.

Morcha general secretary Roshan Giri said the Thursday meeting would be attended by the John Barla-led rebel faction of the Akhil Bharatiya Adivasi Vikas Parishad.

“We will hold a meeting in Gorubathan on March 29 and John Barla and other adivasi leaders from the Terai and the Dooars will be present. We will chalk out a joint strategy to ensure that the 396 mouzas in the plains are included in the GTA,” said Giri after a meeting with party central committee members and the Morcha units from the Terai and the Dooars at Deolo near Kalimpong this afternoon.

A high-powered committee headed by Justice (retd) Shyamal Sen has been appointed by the government to look into the Morcha demand for added territory and submit its recommendations by June. “On the basis of the committee’s report, the Gorkha-dominated areas in the Dooars and Terai will be included in the GTA. Five members from the two areas will then be nominated to the GTA by the state government in consultation with us,” said Giri.

Asked if the party supporters from the two belts had any misgivings about the agreement reached between chief minister Mamata Banerjee and the Morcha leadership on holding elections in the DGHC area before the territory issue was settled, Giri replied in the negative.

“The meeting with our Dooars and Terai units was called to brief them on the agreement. Our central committee and study forum members explained to them our position,” he said without revealing anything.

Ganesh Alay, the secretary of the party’s Dooars committee, said the Morcha supporters in the plains were hopeful that all the mouzas demanded by the party would eventually be acceded to the GTA by the territory committee.

“We will thrash out our programme jointly with the Parishad at Gorubathan and launch an intensified campaign to seek the inclusion of the areas demanded by us in the GTA,” he said.

Observers said the scheduling of the Morcha’s meeting with its Dooars and Terai days after the party agreed to hold elections to the GTA without settling the territory issue suggested that it was wary about how the decision would be received by its supporters in the two places.

“The Morcha has not given any plausible reason for going back on its stand not to accept the GTA elections without securing the additional areas from the Dooars and Terai. Besides, the people from the Dooars and Terai had in the past felt betrayed by the GNLF when it settled for the DGHC for the hills though they had contributed a great deal to the agitation for Gorkhaland in the 1980s. This time, too, they have contributed immensely to the Morcha agitation, which is why the party is wary about the response it gets from the Dooars and the Terai,” said an observer.

Irrespective of the territorial committee’s report, the Morcha and the state government have agreed to hold the elections to the GTA by either end-June or early July.

“On the basis of the committee’s report, the Gorkha-dominated areas in the Dooars and Terai will be included in the GTA. Five members from the two areas will then be nominated to the GTA by the state government in consultation with us,” said Giri.(The Telegraph)

Protests mark Mall park demolition

Pictures by Suman Tamang

People from various walks of life staged a dharna in front of Brabourne Park in Darjeeling on Tuesday to protest its demolition by the DGHC, which plans to set up an amphitheatre at the site as part of the Rs 9 crore makeover plan for the Mall.

“We demand that the park, which was set up in 1897, be restored to its original condition. This is a heritage site and should not be demolished to set up a modern structure,” said Bharat Prakash Rai, the secretary of the Federation of Societies for Environment Protection.

He said representatives of the Nepali Sahitya Sammelan, Gorkha Dukha Niwarak Sammelan, senior citizens and “people who love Darjeeling” were among the protesters (top). Work at the park started more than a month back and with the site almost dug up (below), it would be almost impossible to restore to its “original” status.Rai said his group might take legal recourse to stop work at the park. “We might go to court,” he said.

The administrator of the DGHC, Anil Verma, said the council would file a police complaint against the protesters soon. “We will file a police complaint against those who are trying to obstruct work at a DGHC project.”

The DGHC, which also has three Gorkha Janmukti Morcha MLAs from the hills as members, has almost flattened the park and brought it down to the level of the Mall. The first phase of the work is expected to be completed in five months.(The Telegraph)

तराई र डूवर्सका मोर्चा समर्थकहरुले अब नयाँ कार्यक्रमहरु गर्नुपर्ने

28 मार्च (कालेबुङ):- जीटीएमा तराई डूवर्सका भुभागहरु अन्तर्भुक्त गराउन त्यस क्षेत्रका मोर्चा समर्थक आदिवासीहरु आफैले पनि बल गर्नु पर्ने मोर्चाको केन्द्रीय नेतृत्वको भनाई छ। तराई डूवर्सका प्रतिनिधिहरुसँग मोर्चाको शीर्ष नेतृत्वको हिजो कालेबुङको डेलोमा सम्पन्न गोप्य बैठ्कको निचोड यस्तै छ। हाई पावर कमिटि अघि जीटीएमा सामेल हुने आफ्नो ईच्छाशक्ति जाहेर गर्न तराई डूवर्सका मोर्चा समर्थकहरुले अब नयाँ कार्यक्रमहरु गर्नुपर्ने पार्टीको हाईकमानले निर्देश दिएको छ। डूवर्स अनि तराई केन्द्रीत कार्यक्रमहरु आगामी 29 मार्चमा गोरुबथानमा हुने मोर्चाको जनसभामा घोषणा गरिनेछ। चुनाउपछि अस्तित्वमा आउने नयाँ व्यवस्थामा तराई डूवर्सको अन्तर्भुक्तिलाई लिएर अनिश्चितता बढेर गएपछि अहिले मोर्चा शिविरमा छटपटी देखा परेको छ। कलकता बार्तापछि तराई डूवर्सका आफ्ना समर्थकहरुमा देखा परेको अन्योलता साम्य पार्न हिजो यहाँको डेलोमा एउटा बैठक डाकिएको थियो। मोर्चा अध्यक्ष बिमल गुरुङ, महासचिव रोशन गिरीलगायत स्टडी फोरम केन्द्रीय समितिका सदस्यवर्ग अनि तराई डूवर्सका नेतृवर्ग समर्थकहरु उपस्थित थिए। लगभग चार घण्टासम्म चलेको बैठकमा हाई पावर कमिटिले सिफारिस गरेको तराई डूवर्सका नयाँ मौजाहरुबाट ज़ीटीएको व्यवस्थामा मनोनित प्रतिनिधिलाई सामेल गर्ने कुरामा सहमति बनेको छ। बैठकपछि पार्टीमहासचिव रोशन गिरीले पत्रकारहरुलाई यसै आशयको जानकारी दिए। गिरीले बर्तमान दागोपापमा थप 16वटा मौजाहरु थपेर ज़ीटीएको चुनाउ गरिने अनि हालको क्षेत्रफललाई नै पुनर्सिमाङ्कन गरी 45 वटा समष्टीहरुको चुनाउ हुने बताए। उनले हाई पावर कमिटिले जूनसम्म आफ्नो रिपोर्ट बुझाउने बताउदै कमिटिले सिफारिस गरेको नयाँ मौजाहरुबाट मनोनयनको आधारमा प्रतिनिधिहरु जीटीएमा सामेल गरिने बताएका छन।
अर्कोतिर, मोर्चाको डूवर्स कमिटिका सचिव गणेश आलेले डूवर्समा नयाँ कार्यक्रमहरु गरी सरकारलाई जीटीएमा सामेल हुने तराई डूवर्सवासीहरुको आकांक्षा जाहेर गरिने बताए। उनले आफूहरु केन्द्रीय समितिको निर्णयसँग सन्तुष्ट रहेको पनि बताए।

श्रमिकहरुले न्यायको निम्ति आमरण अनशनको सहारा लिए

28मार्च (कालेबुङ):- बिगत सत्रह बर्षदेखि बन्द अवस्थामा रहेको रिङटाङ चियाकमानका श्रमिकहरुले न्यायको निम्ति अन्ततः आमरण अनशनको सहारा लिएका छन। यस चियाकमानका सातजना श्रमिकहरुले मंगलबारदेखि दार्जीलिङस्थित जिल्लापालको कार्यालय अघि आमरण अनशन शुरु गरेका छन। पिडीत श्रमिकाहरुले मोर्चाको श्रमिक संगठन दार्जीलिङ तराई डूवर्स प्लान्टेशन लेबर युनियनको ब्यानरमा अनशन शुरु गरेका छन। बर्तमान मालिकको चियाकमानको लिज रद्द गर्न अनि कमान यथाशीघ्र खोलाउन प्रशासनिक पहलको माग गर्दै श्रमिकहरु अनिश्चितकालिन आमरण अनशनमा गएका हुन। दार्जीलिङ जिल्लाको सोनादा क्षेत्रमा पर्ने यो चियाकमान बिगत 1996देखि बन्द रहेको जसले गर्दा यहाँका 944जना श्रमिकहरुको जीवन अत्यंतै कष्टकर बन्दै गैरहेको छ। हालका मालिकको लीज रद्द गरी नयाँ मालिकलाई कमान चलाउन दिनु पर्ने संगठनको माग छ। सरकारमाथि दबाउ बनाउन संगठनको नेतृत्वमा कमानका श्रमिकहरुले हिजोदेखि अनशन गर्ने निर्णय लिएका हुन। सन 1996मा दूर्घटनाबश यस चियाकमानको फ्याक्ट्री जलेर नष्ट भए पछि कमान बन्द गरिएको थियो। कारखानामा चिया उत्पादन बन्द भएपछि सन 1997मा मालिक अनि श्रमिक संगठनबीच काँचो पती टिपेर श्रमिकहरुलाई पारिश्रामिक दिइने सम्झौता भएको थियो। तर कमानका श्रमिकहरुले समुचित सहुलियत सुबिधाहरु नपाएको कारण संगठनले यो कार्य पनि बन्द गर्ने निर्णय लियो। बन्द चियाकमानका श्रमिकहरुले सरकारबाट पाउने सरकारी अनुदान पनि 944मध्ये 333 श्रमिकहरुले मात्र पाउने गरेको श्रमिक संगठनको गुनासो छ। बन्द कमानको लीजको नविनीकरण 2032सम्म गरिएको कुरामा पनि संगठनले कडा आपती जनाएको छ। दार्जीलिङ तराई डूवर्स प्लांटेशन लेबर युनियनका अध्यक्ष सुरज सुब्बाले हालको लीज रद्द गरी कमान खोलाउन सरकार पक्षबाट पहल हुनु पर्ने माग गरेका छन।