A day long program on live stock management and poultry production was organized at Darap Gram Prasaran Kendra on 23rd March 2012.The main objective behind the program was to make the people responsible to the themes related to livestock production,preservation,protections for optimum productivity from live stock & poultry venture at their village. That was also to focused in developing key activities based entrepreneurship among the unemployed youth. along with this the focal area was to inform the farmers on the structure & composition of the markets, intensity of competition, the level of infrastructure development, natural resources management for generating regular source of income for sustainable livelihood. The program was presided over by Shri BalarLimbu Panchayat Sidibung word no. 6 & Shri M.L Limbu Pnchyat word no 7 was the guest of honor. From the Department a team headed by Dr D.S Tewari Joint Director AH,LF&VS West District & associated by Dr. S.P Bhutia Dy.D , Dr K Thapa VO DVH Gyezing, from ATMA Samir Chhetri,Arjun Chhetri, LSA Drap VD, Loknath along with staff of Darap Vety Dispansary.From public seventy farmers were the active participants.The program started in the morning demonstration on pregnancy diagnosis in cow. Dr Thapa Demonstrated the technology required to adopt for early diagnosis of pregnancy in a cow. After this he also demonstrated the treatment of skin diseases in bovine & caprine species. After this there was calf rally thirty calves of cross Jersey & Holstein Breeds were taken for rally. Three were selected in 1st, 2nd &3rd position rest of the participants calves were given consolation prizes.In the afternoon session there was training program in Gram Prsran Hall of Darap GPU. The program was started with the deliberation of Joint Director Dr. D.S Tewari. He highlighted on Artificial insemination & reproduction of Cattle & buffalos. He informed that use of AI in Sikkim villages is mainly for bringing about rapid improvement of economic characters in cattle & buffalos .Progeny testing of Bulls, which is an important resultant effect of AI &this, has dealt with, as it may be useful for the breeders. He also highlighted on factors affecting fertility in females, Foetal development & Gestation, Lowered fertility & infertility, Breeding efficiency & breeding records. He informed that in Sikkim Animal Husbandry is making rapid strides &superior types of animals being evolved. After this Dr. S.P Bhutia deliberated on management of milch cows, he informed the house on local method of preparing animal feeds. He aware people on retained Siri Charters in some calves owing to lack of intension in cross breeding & that has to be reduced. He also informed about the topography of soil, due to the lack of minerals, maximum cases of mineral deficiency diseases are evolving. So feeding of mineral mixture is crucial part in desirable productivity. After this Dr Thapa deliberated on treatment of livestock. He informed that AH represent both the production aspect i.e. livestock industry as well the protection aspect i.e. the vetery side. Both the production & protection should go even as the two wings of the birds. He stressed on result oriented veterinary services delivery system. In hilly terrain like ours with scattered villages input delivery system at the door step of farmers is challenging job. He also informed about the needs of Beef production venture by rearing bull calves to make it as better source of income. He highlighted on importation of emerging diseases along with induction of beef cattle from outside of sate. After this Chief guest in his deliberation aware people to take optimum benefit by technology transferred through training by technical officer in their village. He expressed gratitude on the Department, Honorable area MLA & HCM in providing such facility with free medicines distribution .He also thanked Deputy Director ATMA Mrs Yongda on such Holistic support to uplift downtrodden people at grass root level. After this there was prize & medicines distribution & with this the program was over.
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