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शिक्षक प्रमुखको लापारवाहीको कारण बेहाल अवस्थामा चम्पामाया प्रथमिक पाठशाला

पहाड़को प्रथमिक पाठशालाहरु एका एक बन्द हुनुमा सरकार पक्ष दोषी छ कि शिक्षक-शिक्षिकाहरुको लापारवाही? किन दार्जीलिङ पहाड़को शैक्षिक स्तर दिनोदिन खस्किन्दै गइरहेको छ? प्रथमिक शिक्षा बाल-बालिकाहरुको निम्ति महत्तवपूर्ण हुँदा-हुँदै पनि किन आजसम्म पहाड़को शिक्षा व्यवस्थामा सुधार आउन सकिरहेको छैन?

राजनीति गर्दिनँ भन्नु पनि अर्को राजनीति होः हर्कबहादुर छेत्री

मेरो अधिकारक्षेत्रभित्र पाँच बर्षको लागि जनताको हितको काम गर् भनेर मलाई भोट हालेको हो नि। मलाई थाहा छ यसले जनताको धेरै हित हुन्छ। यसले जनताको हितसँगै पार्टीको पनि हित हुन्छ, आन्दोलनलाई पनि सहयोग पुर्‍याउँछ भनेपछि एकदम निसंकोच भनेर अघि बढ्न सक्छु म। म त्यही काम गर्दैछु।

बघिनी फेरि पुरानै खोरमा

‘समयले मानिसलाई कहाँ कहाँ पुर्‍याउँछ,,,,,,’ कुनै समय रेडियो नेपालबाट बजिरहने यो चर्चित गीतले मान्छेको जीवनमा प्रणयसम्बन्धको आरोह अवरोहले पार्ने प्रभावलाई सुन्दर ढंगले व्याख्या गरेको छ। यो लोकप्रिय गीतको यही एक हरफ कुनै राजनीतिकर्मीको जीवनसँग गाँसेर हेर्दा के उत्तर पाइएला?

साहित्य अनि सर्जकलाई माया गर्ने घिसिङ

80 को दशकमा देशभरिका गोर्खाहरूलाई जातित्वको भावना उत्पन्न गराउने प्रथम नेता सुवास घिसिङको निधनले अहिले घड़ी सम्पूर्ण दार्जीलिङ पहाड़ नै स्तब्ध बनेको छ। गोर्खाहरूका हित अनि अस्तित्वका निम्ति छुट्टै राज्यको बहस लिएर सुवास धिसिङले त्यसताक पहाड़का प्रत्येक गाँऊहरूको भ्रमण गरेका थिए। 22 जुन 1936 सालमा मिरिकको मञ्जु चियाबगानमा जन्म लिएरका सुवास घिसिङले आफ्नो तर्क राख्न एकलै जनसभा गर्थे। घिसिङले सम्पूर्ण गोर्खाहरूलाई एकै शुत्रमा बाँध्न "गोर्खाल्याण्ड" शब्दको जन्म गरेका थिए।

निराश छन् विधायक डा. छेत्री

“बजट सत्रमा के कुराहरू उठान गर्नु पर्ने भन्नेबारे हामीले जीटीएबाट कहिले फिडब्याक पाएका छैनौं” डा छेत्रीले भने। डा हर्कबहादुर छेत्री मोर्चाका प्रवक्ता हुन् अनि कालेबुङका जनप्रतिनिधि। दुइवटा महत्वपूर्ण पदमा बसेका डा छेत्रीलाई अहिलेसम्म जीटीएको बैठकमा निम्ताइएको छैन, पार्टीको राजनैतिक लाइनबारे उनीसँग चर्चा र छलफल नगरिएको त झन कति भयो, उनैलाई हेक्का छैन।

27 Jul 2013

गोटाफोको दिल्लीमुखी सम्मेलनमा राष्ट्रीय जनआन्दोलन गर्ने प्रस्ताव

कालेबुङ 26 जुलाई :‘नयाँ राज्य नयाँ भारतको नारा लिएर आज गोर्खाल्याण्ड टाक्स
फोर्सले दिल्लीको कन्स्टीट्सूसन
क्लबमा एउटा राष्ट्रीय सङ्गोष्टीको आयोजना गरेको थियो। पूर्व लोकसभा स्पीकर पीए संगमाको सभापतित्वमा सम्पन्न भएको उक्त सङ्गोष्टीमा देशमा अलग राज्यको माग गरिरहेका क्षेत्रहरु बोडोल्याण्ड, त्रिपूरा, बुन्देलखण्ड लगायत तेलङ्गना आन्दोलनका जनप्रतिनिधिहरु उपस्थित थिए। अलग राज्यको माग प्रति देशमा राष्ट्रीयस्तरको मत सङ्ग्रह गरि सरकारमाथि छुट्टै राज्य निर्माणको निम्ति चाप सृष्टी गर्नु नै उक्त सङ्गोष्टीको उदेश्य थियो। सङ्गोष्टीमा गोटाफो सचिव मुनीश तामाङले हालको परिस्थितिमा देशमा नयाँ राज्य गठन गर्नाले देशको भलाई हुने कुरामाथि जोड दिएका थिए। सङ्गोष्टीमा एनसीपीका सचिव डी पी त्रिपाठी, बीजेपी सांसद चन्दन मित्रा,बीजेपी सचिव तापिर गऊ ,बरिस्ट पत्रकार बी जी वेर्घेस,सी पी आई एम् एलका कविता कृष्णन आदिले उपस्थित प्रतिनिधिहरुलाई सम्बोधन गर्दै देशको उन्नतीको निम्ति नयाँ राज्यहरु बनिनु पर्ने मत राखेका थिए। दिल्लीमा सम्पन्न सङ्गोष्टिमा गोर्खाल्याण्ड गठन लगायत देशमा अन्य स-साना राज्य गठनको पक्षमा चर्चा गरिएको गोटाफोका राष्ट्रिय सचिव मुनि, तामाङ्गले बताएका छन्| दिल्लीबाट टेलिफोनिक कुराकानीमा गोटाफोका तामाङ्गले बताएअनुसार, भारतमा नयॉं राज्य गठनको पक्षमा सङ्गोष्टिमा धेरै चर्चा परिचर्चा भएपछि महत्वपूर्ण प्रस्तावहरू ग्रहण गरिएको छ| भारत सरकारले नयॉं राज्य गठनको मागलाई धेरै गम्भिरतासाथ लिएको छैन| अलग राज्यको मागलाई भारत सरकारले गम्भिरतापूर्वक लिएर नयॉं नीति निर्माण गर्नुपर्ने प्रस्ताव लिएको छ| यसबाहेक, अलग राज्यको निम्ति भइरहेका आञ्चलिक आन्दोलनहरूलाई राष्ट्रिय रुप दिनु आवश्यक छ| यसैलै यी आन्दोलनहरूलाई लिएर राष्ट्रिय जनआन्दोल गर्ने पनि सङ्गोष्टिमा आम सहमति भएको छ| ‘अबको अलग राज्यको आन्दोलन दिल्लीमुखी हुन आवश्यक छ| यसैले चॉंडै राष्ट्रिय जनआन्दोलन शुरु गर्ने प्रस्ताव पनि आज लिइएको हो’-तामाङ्गले भने|

Thrash finger at Morcha

Darjeeling, July 26: Two GNLF supporters were injured when alleged Gorkha Janmukti Morcha workers thrashed them in Kurseong today, a day before Subash Ghisingh’s party is scheduled to observe martyrs’ day across the hills for the first time since 2008.
The GNLF alleged that their workers were attacked by 100-odd Morcha activists around 11.45am when they were plastering posters urging hill residents to attend tomorrow’s programme at Longview, 20km from Siliguri.
Gorey Dong, 56, and Kundan Pakhrin, 36, a resident of Rohini, were admitted to the Kurseong subdivisional hospital with injuries.
Both the Morcha and GNLF have filed FIRs.
“Our supporters were attacked but that will not stop us from observing martrys’ day. A centralised event for our supporters from Kurseong and Mirik will be held at Longview from 9am. Our supporters from Darjeeling subdivision will observe the day in their constituencies,” GNLF spokesperson Laadup Ghisingh said.
He added that some supporters would observe the day at the Mirik party office before heading for Longview.
Police sources said one person was arrested from Kurseong today in connection with the attack on GNLF workers.
The GNLF has been observing martyrs’ day on July 27 since 1988 as 13 people were killed in a police firing in Kalimpong on that day in 1986. But since 2007 after Morcha was formed, GNLF has not been able to observe the day.
Recently, the GNLF has started regrouping in the region and opened its unit in many tea gardens and also in Darjeeling and Kurseong. Observers said the party’s decision to observe the day across the hills is an attempt to show its strength in the region.
It is apprehended that trouble can break out tomorrow and nine platoons of the Rapid Action Force have been posted in the hills to maintain law and order. Three platoons of the RAF and two platoons of the Indian Reserve Battalion are already posted in the hills.
While the GTA will observe the day at the martyrs’ column in Darjeeling, Kalimpong, Kurseong and Mirik, Morcha will observe the day in the 45 hill GTA constituencies.
“We will deploy 12 platoons of RAF and two of IRB across the hills tomorrow,”said Kunal Aggarawal, superintendent of police, Darjeeling.
“Any party can observe martyrs’ day to pay obeisance to the martyrs’ and we have no problems with GNLF’s decision. In my constituency at Risheehat, Morcha will observe martrys’day at two places, while GNLF is planning it in one place,” said Binay Tamang, assistant secretary of Morcha.

Telangana nears D-day - Cong conveys decision to Andhra

New Delhi, July 26: The Congress high command today told the Andhra Pradesh leadership that a Telangana state would be carved out soon, putting the lid on the ceaseless speculation and tug-of-war in a party still split vertically on the subject.
Any public announcement is expected to have immediate implications for Bengal, where the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha had iterated a few days ago that it would be compelled to revive the Gorkhaland movement if the southern state was bifurcated.
Although a formal announcement on Telangana must wait till early next month, sources said the modalities were being worked out and an unambiguous message had been sent out on the sensitive issue, which had triggered violent agitation and political uncertainty.
“The process of consultation is over and the time to take a decision has come,” party general secretary Digvijaya Singh said after meeting Andhra chief minister Kiran Reddy.
The Congress core committee, which met at the Prime Minister’s residence in the evening, discussed the statehood draft that would be cleared by the Congress Working Committee in the next few days, the sources added.
The working committee may demand the creation of a Telangana state and the government would follow it up with an announcement in Parliament when the monsoon session begins on August 5.
An all-party meeting may be held before that because the Congress wants proper processes to be followed.
The state leaders appeared confused about the details this evening, some wondering whether the new state would be called Telangana or Hyderabad State. The city of Hyderabad may continue to be the capital of both states for the next 10 years.
There is also talk of another major decision — that of granting Other Backward Classes status to the powerful Kapu caste in coastal Andhra. The Kapus are already OBCs in the Telangana region but are an upper caste in Andhra, where they wield enormous clout as landlords.
The Congress hopes to gain electoral dividends from this decision, but a backlash cannot be ruled out.
In general, the Congress is confident about political gains in Telangana where it is looking to ally with key political formations or even persuade them to merge with it. In the Andhra and Rayalaseema regions, however, the party has to meet the challenges posed by the Telugu Desam and Jaganmohan Reddy’s party.
Andhra leaders from both the pro-statehood and anti-statehood factions have been camping in Delhi to build pressure on the central leadership. Although most of them realise that the state’s division is a foregone conclusion, some are keen to point out that key leaders such as Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, home minister Sushil Shinde and even President Pranab Mukherjee still harbour doubts about such a move.
The home ministry is worried about the possibility of pro-statehood flare-ups in Vidarbha, the Darjeeling hills and Assam’s Bodo areas. The Prime Minister’s misgivings relate to security and intelligence agencies’ warnings on Maoists gaining the upper hand in a Telangana state.
But the Congress leadership has prevailed on them since Andhra, which helped lift the party to power at the Centre in 2004, has become a political challenge because of the statehood agitation and Jaganmohan’s rise.
Sources said both Sonia Gandhi and Rahul, in addition to senior leaders Ghulam Nabi Azad and P. Chidambaram, were in favour of a Telangana state.

26 Jul 2013

Consultations over, Time to take decision on Telangana :Congress

NEW DELHI/HYDERABAD: The process of consultation over the Telangana issue is over and the time has come for a decision, Congress general secretary Digvijaya Singh said on Friday. "We shall let you know the decision taken," he said in New Delhi amid hectic activity of the party leadership to take a final decision on the issue of separate statehood to Telangana.
Digvijaya Singh, in-charge of party affairs in Andhra Pradesh, was talking to reporters after holding separate meetings with chief minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy, deputy chief minister Damodar Rajanarasimha and state Congress chief Botsa Satyanarayana. Digvijaya Singh's predecessor Ghulam Nabi Azad was also present at the meetings that assumed significance ahead of the Congress core group meeting on Friday evening. 
The two central leaders held detailed discussions with the three state leaders who rushed to the national capital on summons from the party central leadership. The core group meeting is likely to finalize the date for the meeting of Congress Working Committee (CWC), expected to take a final decision. The three state leaders, earlier this month, submitted their reports to the Congress core group. The leadership is believed to have summoned them again to get certain issues clarified. Kiran Kumar Reddy and Botsa Satyanarayana, in their separate reports, are understood to have opposed any move to divide the state while Damodar Rajanarasimha, who is from Telangana, backed the statehood demand. Earlier in the day, Congress leaders from Seemandhra (Rayalaseema and Andhra regions) called on the chief minister and urged him to convey to the leadership their strong opposition to the state's division, party sources said. 
Seemandhra leaders, who made a beeline to the national capital in a last-ditch attempt to stall a possible decision to carve out Telangana state, held a meeting to chalk out their strategy. The meeting was attended by state and central ministers and Congress MPs from Seemandhra. S. Sailajanth, the state minister heading the group opposed to state's division, told reporters after the meeting that they were confident the state would remain united. He termed as speculations the talk of a likely decision to carve out Telangana state. "We have decided to exhaust all options to ensure the state remains united," he said. Hectic activity in Delhi has began amid the continuing resignations of Seemandhra leaders to mount pressure on the central government. Two Congress legislators on Friday submitted their resignations to the assembly speaker. As many as 16 legislators of the YSR Congress party and one of Congress on Thursday announced their resignations.

Madan Tamang case

Calcutta, July 26: The case moved by Madan Tamang’s wife Bharati Tamang seeking cancellation of bails of five accused of the ABGL leader’s death came up for hearing before the division bench of Nishita Mhatre and Justice Kanchan Chakrabarty today.
Appearing for the CBI, advocate Himangshu De supported the petition and alleged that a bench of a Darjeeling court had released the five accused without his client’s knowledge.
“Out of the total 30 accused of the Madan Tamang murder case, 21 are still absconding while nine could be arrested by my client. Of these arrested nine, Nickole Tamang, one of the main accused, managed to escape from the CID’s custody. Three accused got bails from the Calcutta High Court,” De said.
“The rest five accused persons moved bail petitions before a Darjeeling court, not in the court where their trial was going on (but in another court), and showed the high court order. They claimed since the high court had already granted bail to their co-accused who were arrested on the same charges, they should also be granted bail. The trial court then granted them bail,” said the advocate.
The Calcutta High Court has cited inconvenience and said the case would be heard on a later date.
“If this court rejects the trial court’s order, where will the accused persons go for moving the bail petitions,” Justice Mhatre remarked.
The division bench has adjourned the hearing of the case till July 31.
ABGL chief Madan Tamang was hacked to death with a sharp weapon when he was preparing to address a public meeting on May 21, 2010, at the Upper Clubside in Darjeeling.

Pestered, aged voter dies in queue - Family blames Trinamul quartet for forcing ailing septuagenarian to step out

Siliguri, July 25: A partially paralysed septuagenarian rickshaw-puller who was pestered by alleged Trinamul activists and taken to a polling booth this afternoon fell ill while in the queue and died of a suspected cardiac arrest.
Seventy-five-year-old Mahendra Burman’s wife and daughter blamed a Trinamul quartet for the death.
When party activists were asked why an elderly, ailing man was pushed to go out and vote, an account of Trinamul desperation in the face of factional feud tumbled out.
Trinamul supporters said the party had fielded an outsider for this Jalpaiguri zilla parishad seat. Angered at this, local Trinamul activists fielded two among them as Independents. The Jaleswari seat has around 2,000 voters, which meant every vote would count for the candidates, Trinamul or rebel.
Mahendra’s wife Malati said the Trinamul four — three women and an unidentified man — kept pestering her husband for 20 minutes to vote, saying it was important for the win.
“My husband used to work as a rickshaw-puller and also a day labourer. Over the past three-four years, he had grown weak after the left side of his body got paralysed following a heart attack. Of late, he was staying at home and was too ill to come out,” said Malati, who earns a living as a construction worker.
Mahendra used to stay indoors, she said.
The couple have two daughters, Bulbuli who is married and Poli who is in school.
“Today, I went to the booth in Thakurnagar and gave my vote. Around 11.30am, three women and a man, all Trinamul workers, came to our hut,” Malati said.
“They asked my husband to go with them and vote. My husband said he is ill and paralytic and refused to go to the booth,” she added.
According to Malati and Bulbuli, the quartet kept insisting and after 20 minutes Mahendra went out with them.
“He was not willing to go, particularly because of the heat but had to listen to them as they went on insisting. He finally went,” Malati said.
Mahendra fell ill while standing in the queue. Sources said he was a voter of the 178/1 booth in Dabgram-II panchayat area of Rajganj block in Jalpaiguri district, a place close to Siliguri town.
“I was apprehensive that his health may deteriorate and so I left for the booth after some time. When I reached there, I came to know that my husband had fallen ill and has been provided a chair inside the booth. I went and gave him water. He was shivering and soon convulsed and became still,” Malati said.
Seeing that Mahendra has become unconscious, Trinamul workers persuaded a police patrolling team nearby to take him to Siliguri district hospital, about 5km from the booth. Malati accompanied him.
Bulbuli also reached the hospital.
“He was rushed to the emergency but a doctor examined him and declared him dead,” Malati said.
A doctor said: “It seems that he has died of cardiac arrest. However, the cause of death can be confirmed only after the post-mortem.”
Sitting in the hospital, Malati blamed the Trinamul workers. “He had repeatedly refused to go out with them. I had also asked them to leave him alone. They, however, took him to the booth almost forcibly and it led to his death,” she said.
The three women, who had gone to Mahendra’s house were identified by the family as Laxmirani Mondal, Basanti Das and Gita Roy.
“All are Trinamul workers,” Bulbuli said.
Subhash Roy, a local Trinamul worker of Jaleswari, said: “We have over 2,000 voters in the Jalpaiguri zilla parishad seat in Dabram II block and adjoining areas. When the Trinamul candidate was selected, he was not a local like us but an outsider, a resident of Buniadpur in South Dinajpur district.”
Roy said this prompted “us to field two Independent candidates, as several workers like us, who have worked for the party over years, were disappointed with the selection. As two Independent candidates were fielded, party leaders and workers backing the outsider turned desperate to garner every possible vote to secure a win of the official candidate.”
The Jalpaiguri zilla parishad was held by the Left, which had 32 of the 34 seats. The Congress held the other two.
Roy later called up the block development officer of Rajganj and informed him of Mahendra’s death. No police complaint has been filed yet.
Minister Gautam Deb, in whose Assembly constituency Jaleswari falls, said the incident was “unfortunate”. “The person was already ill and died in the booth. Regarding the allegation against some of our workers, we will surely check if it is correct,” he said.

Last round relief from north Bengal Reasons for a peaceful poll

July 25: Polling in the four north Bengal districts was peaceful overall, a respite from the earlier three phases of elections.
Incidents of bombing were few, no incident of mob violence and few complaints of booth jamming were reported from North Dinajpur, South Dinajpur, Jalpaiguri and Cooch Behar in the final phase of elections.
The demand for repolling, across all four districts, is also only six.
“This phase was relatively peaceful compared to the previous three phases. We are somewhat satisfied,” said Tapas Roy, secretary of the state election commission, this evening.
Several reasons were cited for the peaceful polls, chief among them being the lesser strength of Trinamul, no provocative speeches by politicians and a lower population density compared to the south.
Both the ruling party and its rivals said one of the reasons for the relatively peaceful polls was that Trinamul was yet to establish its presence in a significant manner in the north, where the Congress has several strongholds.
“In north Bengal, the aggression that Trinamul has displayed in south Bengal was missing in the run-up to the panchayat polls,” a Congress leader said.
“In south Bengal, Trinamul leaders such as Anubrata Mondal and Manirul Islam have been baying for the blood of opponents. But in north Bengal, the Trinamul leadership has been harping on development.”
A Trinamul leader said: “We are not yet as strong in north Bengal as we are in the south. So our tone has been different. We have campaigned on the agenda of development and our leaders and ministers never delivered provocative speeches.” 

The Congress and the CPM, too, largely exercised restraint.
Also, several political leaders pointed out that because of the Congress’s near absence in the south of the state, most of the contests there have been between the Left and Trinamul.
“Today, in south Bengal, the Congress does not exist,” said a Congress leader. “But in the north, Trinamul cannot bully the party and ride roughshod. It has to recognise the Congress as a party to contend with and so has to exercise restraint.”
Given the Left’s presence too in north Bengal, the contest was not a straight one in most places.
Compared to the south, in north Bengal the population density is much lower thereby reducing the possibility of clashes.
“Even where there have been political clashes today, they have not been as violent as we have witnessed in south Bengal,” a CPM leader said.
An election commission source said the fact that the only 2,000 central forces — compared to the 15,000 to 25,000 deployed in the other phases — were enough to maintain peace was an indicator of the relatively peaceful nature of the polls here.
Of the two deaths, one was reported from Itahar’s Borobilla village.
A 55-year-old CPM supporter, Abdul Aziz, died in a clash after an altercation with Trinamul workers in front of a polling booth this morning.
According to witnesses, while Aziz was standing in queue to vote, some Trinamul workers said his vote had already been cast.
Aziz, along with a few associates, protested this and said it could be a mistake.
An altercation ensued and Aziz and his associates were allegedly attacked by the Trinamul workers with rods and bamboo poles.
A heavily injured Aziz was rushed to the Raiganj district hospital where he died. His five associates have been admitted with injuries.
In Jalpaiguri, an aged ailing rickshaw-puller died after being pestered by alleged Trinamul workers to go out and vote. Mahendra Burman collapsed in the queue and was declared dead in Siliguri district hospital.
Trinamul workers allegedly ransacked an election office of the Congress in Hemtabad block of North Dinajpur.
In the same district, two ballot boxes from two adjoining booths in Dakshin Birnagar were snatched by CPM workers who threw those into a village pond.
In another booth in North Dinajpur, polling stopped as the CPM and Congress alleged that Trinamul has resorted to rigging.
Over 100 CPM workers squatted on the Cooch Behar-Gosanimari road, alleging that they have been stopped by Trinamul-backed goons from voting.

25 Jul 2013

Dooars decider for Gurung today Plains test of Morcha’s statehood campaign

Darjeeling, July 24: The Dooars vote, to be cast tomorrow, would be the first indicator of the success of Bimal Gurung’s campaign for Gorkhaland outside the hills after the GTA’s formation.
Gurung stayed and campaigned in the Dooars for a whole month. Wherever he went, he assured voters that the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha had not forgotten its people in the plains after the hill autonomous body’s formation.
Dooars, with its tea garden tribals and Gorkhas, is on the Morcha’s larger map of the proposed Gorkhaland.
But after the signing of the GTA pact in 2011, Gorkha-speaking villagers in the Dooars, who are next in number only to the tribals, got disillusioned with the Morcha.
Senior Morcha leaders rarely visited Dooars.
In the last six months, Morcha’s only elected representative, MLA Wilson Champramari, and other Morcha leaders such as Padam Lama and many ordinary activists deserted the hill party and joined Trinamul.
Many of those who switched over said they saw no hope of a separate state now that the GTA had been formed, so it was better to go with the ruling party in the hope that development would come to the region if Trinamul won overwhelmingly there.
Gurung’s campaign at the end of June began in such a scenario. The Morcha also allied with the John Barla-led JMM in the Dooars.
A political observer said: “If the Morcha-JMM candidates fare badly in the panchayat elections it may also be curtains for the hill party in the plains and it could be forced to confine itself to the hills in the coming days.”
The significance of the result is not lost on the Morcha.
“We have extensively campaigned in the Dooars and the presence of Bimal Gurung in the plains for almost a month has sent the message that our party is very much interested in the welfare of our supporters in the plains,” said Jyoti Kumar Rai, central committee member of the Morcha who is overseeing the party’s preparedness in the plains.
“We have managed to bring back a lot of supporters who had left the party in the recent months,” he added.
Rai said the Morcha leadership has made up its mind to concentrate on strengthening its organisational base even after the panchayat elections. “We have already discussed in the party that we will continue to work relentlessly in the plains to strengthen our organisation even after the elections,” he said.
But Gurung’s tour to the Dooars in June happened after two years of absence. The Morcha chief did not visit the Dooars after the GTA’s formation. He would invite plains leaders to Darjeeling for discussions on party affairs.
Since June, the Morcha has sent over 40 hill leaders to the plains to campaign.
The Morcha has fielded 173 candidates for the gram panchayats, 37 for panchayat samiti seats and four candidates in the Jalpaiguri zilla parishads.
Of the 13 blocks in Jalpaiguri district, seven are in the Dooars. Around 40 per cent of the 2,346 gram panchayat seats in Jalpaiguri fall in the Dooars. A similar percentage of the 422 panchayat samiti seats are also in the Dooars. The zilla parishad has 37 seats.
The Morcha is hoping that the alliance with the JMM will help it bag some seats so that the party can once again revive its base.
Morcha sources said there was a feeling in the party that unless there are some pockets of strength in the plains, the party’s base will only dwindle.
“This is why we did not hesitate in forging an alliance with the Jharkhand Mukti Morcha,” said a Morcha leader.
John Barla, the JMM leader from the plains, said his party had fielded 400 candidates in the gram panchayats. “Apart from 400 candidates in the gram panchayat seats, we have also fielded 72 candidates in the panchayat samitis and 10 candidates in the zilla parishad,” Barla said.

24 Jul 2013

Morcha at Shinde door

Darjeeling, July 23: Gorkha Janmukti Morcha leader Roshan Giri said the hill party team he led told Union home minister Sushil Kumar Shinde that the outfit would be forced to start an agitation if Gorkhaland was not created along with Telangana.
“We have clearly told the Union home minister that the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha would immediately start an agitation if Gorkhaland is not created when Telangana is formed. We have told the minister that we have no other choice left,” said Giri, who led a team of six to Delhi.
The Morcha delegation met Shinde at his office in North Block today.
“After meeting the home minister, we also met the defence minister at his South Block office today. We reiterated our stand to A.K. Anthony and also told him about the contributions the Gorkhas have made in guarding the country’s frontiers,” Giri said.
Back in Darjeeling, observers said the party was under pressure to do something as it would be tough to answer to the people if Telangana was allowed statehood and Gorkhaland was not.
“The Morcha, which is increasingly under pressure, has no other option but to leave the GTA if Telangana is created. The Morcha is also under tremendous pressure from the Opposition who are trying to generate public opinion against the Morcha for being unable to achieve statehood,” an observer said.
Recently, Morcha rival ABGL supported the candidature of Mahendra Lama for the Darjeeling Lok sabha seat on the ground that Lama was a pro-statehood face.
Giri today said both the Union ministers told the delegation that the Congress would discuss the issue of Gorkhaland. “We have been assured that our demand will be discussed by the Congress,” said Giri.
The six-member Morcha delegation includes three hill MLAs — Trilok Dewan, Rohit Sharma and Harka Bahadur Chhetri — as will as Darjeeling civic chief Amar Singh Rai and central committee member D.K. Pradhan.
The Morcha’s students’ wing, the Gorkha Janmukti Vidyarthi Morcha, today held a meeting in Darjeeling.
Deep Thapa, the vice-president of the student’s front, said: “We have written a letter to our leader, Bimal Gurung, to step down as the chief executive of the GTA and start the statehood agitation.”
Thapa also said the students’ body had resolved not to allow the party to accept any other alternative administrative set-up similar to the GTA in the future.
The Vidyarthi Morcha’s decision comes days after the party’s youth front, the Gorkha Janmukti Yuva Morcha, decided to start a Gorkhaland agitation with a series of public meetings in the hills.
The Yuva Morcha had demanded the desolution of the GTA.
“We will not make any announcements regarding our programmes. It will be a sudden affair. We will refrain from undemocratic movements,” said Sandip Chhetri, publicity secretary of the students’ union.

CM violence blame on multi-phase poll

July 23: Chief minister Mamata Banerjee today said a one-day panchayat election across Bengal could have helped control violence in the rural polls.
Ending her campaign for the fifth and final phase of polling in Jalpaiguri, Mamata blamed the Congress, CPM and the other Left parties for the violence.
“Their workers were killed while making bombs. We have lost 22 Trinamul workers in the panchayat polls. Had the elections been held in a single phase we would not have allowed this to happen,” Mamata said addressing a rally at Jateswar near Falakata in Jalpaiguri.
Mamata wanted the rural polls to be held in a single day and without any central force. The state election commission’s insistence on holding the polls in a multi-phased manner and in the presence of central paramilitary forces led to a prolonged legal battle between the state and the poll panel.
Around 18 people have lost their lives in the four phases of polling so far. The last phase of polling will be held in Cooch Behar, Jalpaiguri, North Dinajpur and South Dinajpur on July 25.
Addressing her last rally for the panchayat poll campaign in Dhupguri, Mamata identified the areas where the Opposition had tried to foment trouble. “In Murshidabad and Basirhat, Congress was behind the violence. In Basanti. it was the RSP’s handiwork, while the CPM led its attack in Burdwan’s Ausgram. They have hatched a conspiracy to stop voters. The leaders who are using provocation should remember terrible days are coming ahead,” Mamata said at the Dhupguri rally.
For the three-tier polls, Trinamul has won uncontested in over 6,500 seats amidst cries of intimidation by the Opposition parties.
During campaign Trinamul leaders such as Tapas Paul, Birbhum MLA Manirul Islam and the Birbhum district president Anubrata Mondal publicly threatened Opposition leaders and workers.
Though Anubrata was not seen on the dais with Mamata when she went to campaign in Birbhum, the ruling party has not taken action against any of these leaders.
The CPM and the Congress have also been claiming that the central forces were kept out of action. Mamata today dismissed the claims.
“They are pointing fingers at us and saying we are not deploying central forces properly. They are creating trouble in booths which were not included in the sensitive or highly sensitive categories,” Mamata said.
The chief minister alleged the explosions in Murshidabad and Malda were CPM-Congress game plans. “I have heard bombs are still being hurled in Malda’s Ratua. The CPM and the Congress have reached an understanding,” Mamata said.
She also blamed the Congress-led UPA II government for the deplorable condition of NH31D. “I know tenders were floated but the Congress did not allow the work to start before the panchayat polls so they could blame Trinamul,” she said.

आईसीडीस सेन्टरहरूमा अत्यन्तै निम्नगुणस्तरको खानेतेल

कालेबुङ, २४ जुलाई| कालेबुङका आईसीडीस सेन्टरहरूमा अत्यन्तै निम्नगुणस्तरको खानेतेल वितरण भइरहेको घटना आज खुलासा भएको छ| जनसरोकारको समस्याहरुमाथि आवज उठाउँदै आइरहेका  माकपा (मार्सवादी कम्यूनिष्ट पार्टी)का कालेबुङ आञ्चलिक समिति सचिव तारा सुन्दासले उक्त घटना प्रकाशमा ल्याएका हुन्| हालै यहाँका आईसीडीएस
केन्द्रहरुलाई विभागले वितरण गरेको खानेतेलमा  विभिन्न प्रकारको प्रदुषित तत्वहरुको मिलवाट रहेको माकपा नेता सुन्दासको भनाइ छ
| आफ्नो भनाइलाई पुष्टी गर्न खानेतेलको बट्टा बोकेर नै आज सुन्दास महकुमा अधिकारको कार्यालयमा पुगेका थिए।  महकुमा अधिकारीको अनुपस्थितिमा यहाँका डिपुटी मेजिट्रेट-डिपुटी कलेक्टर प्रितम लिम्बु समक्ष तिनले घटनाको विवरण राख्दै उक्त निम्नगुणस्तरीय तेल यथाशीघ्र फर्काउनुपर्ने माग गरेका छन्| तथाकथित तोरीको तेलले नकरात्मक असर पर्ने बताउँदै तिनले डिपुटी मेजिट्रेट-डिपुटी कलेक्टर प्रितम लिम्बुलाई एउटा ज्ञापन पत्रपनि चढाएका छन्| बिहार मध्यान्न भोजन घटनाको उदाहरण दिँदै यस्ता खानेतेलको कारण पहाडमा पनि सोही घटना दोहोरिनसक्ने सम्भावना व्यक्त गर्दै विभागलाई सतर्क गराएका छन्| एक हातमा असल्ली तोरीको तेल अनि दोस्रो हातमा आईसीडीएस केन्द्रहरूमा प्रदान गरिएको तेल देखाउँदै विभागले नै यसको पार्थक्य छुट्टाउनुपर्ने सुन्दासले बताए| ‘केन्द्रमा पौष्टिक खानाहरू पकाइनको निम्ति करीब एक वर्षपछि ३ अनि ४ जुलाईको दिन उक्त तेल वितरण गरिएको हो| यसप्रकारको तेलमा पकाएको खानाले केन्द्रमा खाने छ वर्षसम्मका नानी अनि सुत्केरी आमाहरूको स्वास्थ्यमा धेरै नराम्रो असर गर्नसक्छ| अहिले वितरण गरियो यो तेल चॉंडो भन्दा चॉंडो फर्काउनुपर्छ| आइसीडीएस सेन्टरमा बॉंडिने प्रत्येक खाद्यवस्तु लगायत पाकिसकेको खाद्य वस्तुको पनि निरिक्षण गर्नुपर्छ’-सुन्दासले भने| यस प्रकारको घटनामाथि चाडैनै विभागले निरिक्षण गरि सकारात्मक पहल नगरे आइडीसीएसका उच्च अधिकारीहरूविरूद्ध न्यायलयमा मुद्दा दर्ता गर्ने  तिनले चेताउनी दिएका छन्| यता, विभागीय पक्षबाट प्रितप लिम्बुले  सुन्दासले उठाएको खानेतेलको मुद्धाप्रति चाडैनै उचित पहल शुरु गर्ने बताएका छन्। यसबारे आईसीसीएसका सीडीपीओ अनि डीपीओलाई सूचित गरिने आशवसन दिँदै  अधिकारीहरुलाई चॉंडैनै यसको निरिक्षण गर्न तिनले निर्देश पनि दिने जनाएका छन् | विहारमा जस्तै मध्यान्न भोजन काण्ड यता दोहोरिन नदिन बितेको १९ जुलाईको दिन खण्ड विकास अधिकारी, स्कूल एसआई आदिसित बैठक गरेर प्रत्येक स्कूलहरूको मध्यान्न भोजन अनि खाद्यवस्तुको गुणस्तर निरिक्षण गर्ने निर्देश दिइसकेको पनि अधिकारी लिम्बुले अवगत गराएका छन्| यस प्रस्तावको प्रतिलिपि प्रतेक खण्ड स्तरीय विभागीय अधिकारीहरूसमक्ष पठाइसकेको तिनको भनाइ छ| अर्कोतिर,पत्रकारसम्मेलनमा बोल्दै  माकपा नेता सुन्दासले आइसीडीएस केन्द्र निर्माणको मुद्धा पनि उठाएका छन्। सुन्दासको भनाइअनुसार कालेबुङ खण्ड २, ३ अनि घुम सुखियापोखरीको निम्ति भनेर ९६ वटा केन्द्र निर्माण गर्न अघिबाटै टेण्डर भइसकेको छ| तर, निर्माण कार्यभने  शुरु भएको छैन। यसैले टेण्डरमा पारित भइसकेका यी केन्द्रहरूको निर्माण कार्य चॉंडै शुरु गरिनुपर्ने तिनले आवज उठाएका छन्।

शहीद कप फुटबल खेल

कालेबुङ,24 जुलाई: कालेबुङको मेला ग्राउण्डमा हाल सम्पन्न भइरहेको शहीद कप फुटबल खेलले यहाँका फूटबल प्रेमी दर्शकहरुलाई  उचित मनोरञ्जन दिइरहेको छ। जम्मा 17 वटा
टोलीले उक्त
प्रतियोगितामा भाग लिएको छ। यस शहीद कप फुटबल प्रतियोगिताको फाइनल खेल आगमी 3 अगस्तको दिन हुनेछ। फूटबल प्रेमी दर्शकहरूको भीड़बीच  आज कञ्चनजंघा क्लब सिलगड़ी वनाम जीआरसी कालेबुङबीच खेल सम्पन्न भयो। जसमा 1 को विरूद्ध 3 गोल गरेर कञ्चनजंघा सिलगड़ी विजयी बनेको छ। प्रतियोगिताको दोस्रो खेल सिक्किम पुलिस वनाम शेयर क्लब कालेबुङबीच सम्पन्न भएको थियो। दुवै टोलीले 1-1 गोल गर्दा 90 मिनटमा खेल बराबर हुँदा खेलको चुढान्त निर्णय ट्राइब्रेकर मार्फत्‌ गरियो। जसमा शेयर क्लब कालेबुङ विजयी बनेको छ। शहीदहरूलाई श्रद्धाञ्जलि  अर्पण गर्न कालेबुङ खेलकूद संस्थाले प्रतिवर्ष शहीद कप फूटबल प्रतियोगिताको आयोजना गर्ने गर्दछ। यस शहीद कप फूटबल प्रतियोगिताको समापनपछि आगमी 5 अगस्तदेखि स्वतन्त्रता दिवस फुटबल प्रतियोगिता शुरू हुने केएसएका सचिव ढेण्डुप भोटियाले जनाएका छन्‌। आयोजक पक्षको भनाइअनुसार यसवर्ष सिक्किम, नेपाल, बंगलादेश, दार्जीलिङ, खरसाङ, कलकत्ता आदिका टोलीले प्रतियोगितामा भाग लिइने समभवना रहेको छ।

23 Jul 2013

Teesta & enclaves on Mamata lips - Treaties to happen with Bangladesh only if people want it, says CM

Mathabhanga, July 22: Mamata Banerjee today picked on Teesta water-sharing and border enclaves during her panchayat election campaign in Cooch Behar, which shares a border with Bangladesh.
At a rally in the Mathabhanga College grounds, the chief minister reiterated her firm “no” on both the issues the Congress-led UPA-II government wants settled, unless she gets the nod of the people of North Bengal.
Teesta’r jol tokhoni debo jokhon Uttar Banger manush chaiben… Chhit mahal tokhoni hobe jodi Cooch Behar er manush chaye (I will give the Teesta waters when the people of North Bengal say so. Exchange of enclaves will take place only if the people of Cooch Behar so desire),” Mamata said today.
Mamata had opposed
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh inking the Teesta water treaty allowing larger share of the river’s water to Bangladesh during his trip to Dhaka in September 2011.
Mamata had refused to accompany Singh to Bangladesh as a protest against the treaty.
Delhi’s repeated attempts to win over Mamata have failed.
Mamata’s stand gives a seal of approval to Trinamul’s campaign in the districts of Jalpaiguri and Cooch Behar.
The Teesta flows through these two districts after coming down the hills. Cooch Behar is the only district in Bengal that has enclaves.
India has 102 enclaves inside Bangladesh and Bangladesh 71 inside India. Under the Land Border Agreement signed by the two sides in 2011, residents of the enclaves — tiny islands surrounded by a foreign country — would have a choice between staying where they are and moving to their country. But the Centre needs Parliament to ratify a constitutional amendment to enforce the pact.
“Mamatadi will never agree to any decision which could affect people’s interests. In Jalpaiguri and Cooch Behar, people are touchy about the Teesta. So she raised this point to assure them (the people) of her support,” said a Trinamul leader accompanying Mamata.
“The chief minister is against the decision, since the people living in the enclaves in Bangladesh are Indians. Why should they be deprived of an Indian citizenship?” asked an aide of the chief minister.
Trinamul sources said the party’s MLAs have been talking about Mamata’s refusal to allow the Centre sign the treaty with Bangladesh for releasing additional Teesta water and efforts to make the Teesta Barrage Project viable.
“The CPM used to refer to the Teesta Barrage project and ask for votes. In reality, they did nothing. Our government has tried to bring more arable land under the project. Flood protection measures have been taken,” said Trinamul’s Natabari MLA Rabindranath Ghosh.
At the public meeting today, Mamata also spoke about the deplorable condition of the NH31D. The chief minister took a detour from Bagdogra airport through Malbazar to avoid the potholed NH31D.
“The national highway is in such a bad shape. Cooch Behar shares the border with Bangladesh. I don’t know why the Centre is not taking care of the national highway. Ask the leaders of the Congress and its ally CPM why they have done nothing,” Mamata said today.
“The Congress is trying to get armed trouble-makers sneak into Bengal through the Assam border. I am warning you. I have a request for the Assam government, please don’t try to send armed goondas or police. Remember this is our state. Don’t play a political game.”
Sources said the chief minister was possibly hinting at the arrest of Kanishka Roy, a KLO activist from Assam’s Kokrajhar district who was arrested from Cooch Behar on July 18.

21 Jul 2013

जीटीए, विमल र विफलता

कालेबुङ, २१ जुलाई|
राजनीतिमा नेतृत्व तब विफल हुन्छ जब उसको कदम जनआकांशाविरूद्ध जान्छ| पहाडको वर्तमान राजनीतिमा मोर्चा अध्यक्ष विमल गुरुङले जीटीएमा सम्झौता गर्नु जनआकांशा विरोधी कदम भएकोले नै आज उनी विफलतातिर गइरहेको एकथरिका राजनैतिक जानकारहरूको मत छ| गोर्खाल्याण्डको नाममा आन्दोलन गर्दागर्दै राज्य अनि केन्द्र सरकारसित आम सहमति भएको जीटीए व्यवस्था दुइ-चारवर्षसम्म पनि थाम्न नसक्ने स्थितिमा पुगेकोले मोर्चाले हराउँदो जनसमर्थनको अभावमा नै गोर्खाल्याण्ड आन्दोलन गर्छु भन्नपरेको विपक्षका दलहरूको वयानले यसको पुष्टि गर्छ|
मोर्चाभित्रकै बौद्धिक प्रकोष्टका धुरन्धरहरूबाट प्रेरित विमल गुरुङले जीटीएमा सम्झौता गरेपछि नै मोर्चा साङ्गठनिक रुपमा दुर्वल हुनपुगेको हो| यद्यपि, जीटीएबाट पहाडको सर्वाङ्गिन विकास हुने दावीमा मोर्चाले जीटीएलाई राज्यभित्रकै राज्यको दर्जा दिँदै पहाडबासीलाई ठूलै सपना देखाएकै हो| तर समय बित्दै जॉंदा विपरित शक्तिको रुपमा रहेको राज्य सरकारसितको बढ्दो दुरी अनि सम्झौताअनुसारको क्षमता प्रदान नहुनुको परिणामस्वरुप जीटीए नचल्ने दुवानी हुनपुग्यो| फलस्वरुप, जनतालालाई देखाएको सपना मोर्चाले पूर्ण गर्न सकेन| जनतालाई देखाएको ठूला-ठूला सपना पूर्ण नसकेको एउटा स्थिति, तेलङ्गना राज्य गठन हुनसक्ने सम्भावना, मौजा अन्तर्भुक्तिको मूद्दा, डुवर्सको पञ्चायत चुनाउ, पहाडमा विपक्षी शक्तिहरूको चलखेल, मोर्चाप्रति हराउँदो लोकप्रियता लगायतका कारणहरूले नै आज मोर्चालाई जीटीए त्याग्नुपर्ने वाध्यतामा पुर्‍याएको हो| हुन त यसभन्दा अघिपनि जीटीए छोडेर आन्दोलनमा जाने धम्की मोर्चाबाट नआएको होइन| तर सरकारबाट जीटीएलाई अझ क्षतताबान बनाउने आश्‍वासन आएपछि सेलाउने गरको मोर्चाको रणनीतिलाई यसचोटि पनि धेरैले विश्‍वास गर्न सकिरहेको छैन| गोरामुमोले छुट्टै राज्यको आन्दोलन गर्दागर्दै ग्रहण गरेको दागोपापले जनआकांशा पूर्ण गर्न नसकेपछि सुवास घिसिङ जसरी विफल भए त्यसरी नै आफूपनि विफल हुने डरले समयमा नै नफल्ने बनतरुल उखाल्नुपर्ने विमलले मन बनाएको हुनसक्ने पनि एकथरिका जानकारहरूको मत छ| गोरामुमो सत्तामा छँदा देशमा तीनवटा नयॉं राज्य उत्तराखण्ड, झारखण्ड र छत्तिसगढको गठन भयो| अब गोजमुमो सत्तामा हुँदा तेलङ्गना राज्य गठन हुने स्थिति छ| सुवास घिसिङ त्यसबेला मौन बसे तर विमल गुरुङ मौन बस्न चाहँदैनन्| किनभने, तेलङ्गना राज्य गठन भएको खण्डमा उनी मौन बसे पहाडमा मोर्चविरोधी लहर अवश्यै उठ्नैसक्छ| यसैले समयमा नै जनताको मुख बुच्याइउन जीटीए त्यागेर आन्दोलनमा जाने भन्ने उनको छुट्टै रणकौशल हुनसक्ने सम्भावना पनि छ| देशमा छुट्टै राज्य बनिननसक्ने परस्थिति नभएको भन्दै सरकारको सुझाउअनुसार ग्रहण गरेको जीटीए विफलतातिर लम्किरहेको छ| यदि जीटीए विफल भएको खण्डमा मोर्चाले फेरि गोर्खाल्याण्डको आन्दोलन गर्नसक्ने कुरामा पनि सन्देह छ| जीटीएलाई त्याग्ने मोर्चाको घोषणालाई विपक्षी दलहरूले सरकारसितको क्षमता बढाउने वार्गेनिङ पोइन्टको रुपमा हेरिरहेको छ| मोर्चा अध्यक्षले भन्दा अघि नै मोर्चाकै भातृ सङ्गठनहरूले जीटीए त्याग्नुपर्ने चाप दिनु पनि अध्यक्षकै निर्देशनमा भएको सरकारसित वार्गेनिङ पोइन्ट मात्र हुनसक्ने कुरालाई सहयोग पुग्छ| जीटीएको विफलता मोर्चाकै निम्ति मात्र नभएर राज्य अनि केन्द्र सरकारकै विफलता हुनजान्छ| जे जस्तै भएपनि गोर्खाल्याण्डको नाममा मोर्चा अनि विमल गुरुङको पहिलो अध्याय आज विफलतातिर ढकेलिँदो स्थितिमा छ|

कालेबुङमा शहीद कप शुरु सिक्किम पुलिस अनि सिलगढी विजयी

कालेबुङ, २१ जुलाई|
कालेबुङको शान र खेलप्रेमी स्थानीयबासीको ढुकढुकी बनिसकेको रोचक अनि प्रतिष्ठित शीहद कप फूटबल टुर्नामेण्ट आजदेखि मेला ग्राउण्डमा शुरु भएको छ| गोर्खाल्याण्ड आन्दोलनकालका शहीदहरूको नाममा शुरु गरिएको निक्कै लामो इतिहास बोकेको यो प्रतियोगिताको आयोजना कालेबुङ स्पोर्टस् एसोसिएसनले गरेको छ|
टुर्नामेण्टमा सिक्किम स्पोर्टस एकाडेमी, सिक्किम आर्मड पुलिस, हिमालश्री क्लब कालेबुङ, मर्निङ फुटबल क्लब बंग्लादेश, मेची फुटबल क्लब नेपाल, एसएसबी रानीडंगा, सुपर स्टार दार्जीलिङ, शेयर फुटबल क्लब, टीकेकेएस दार्जीलिङ, सिनाल्चु नाम्ची, केएफसी सिलगडी, जीआरसी कालेबुङ, अफ्रिकन-११, बीएसएफ जालन्धर लगायतका जम्मा १७ वटा आमन्त्रित दलहरूले अंंशग्रहण गरेका छन्|
टुर्नामेण्टको आजको उदघाटनीय खेल समारोहमा सिप्सुकाण्डका शीहद विमला राईकी दाजु विमल राई मुख्य अतिथिको रुपमा उपस्थित थिए| अन्य अतिथिहरूमा दार्जीलिङ गोर्खा हिल स्पोर्टस एसोसिएशनका अध्यक्ष दावा लामा, इष्ट बंगालका कप्तान सञ्जु प्रधान, थुपदेन भोटिया डिपुटी डाइरेक्टर स्पोर्‍टस सिक्किम सरकार, प्रसिद्ध फूटबल खेलाडी तमु भाई गोजमुमो कालेबुङ महकुमा समितिका संयोजक नोर्देन लामा, सचिव कुमार चामलिङ, केएसएका सचिव ढेण्डुप भोटिया, सभापति उर्गेन लामा (मिनी) आदि उपस्थित थिए| ३ जुलाईका दिनसम्म चल्ने यस प टुर्नामेण्टका विजयी दललाई ट्रफी सहित नगद १ लाख अनि उपविजेता दललाई ५० हजार रुपियॉं प्रदान गरिनेछ| शहीद कपको आजको प्रारम्भिक अनि उद्घाटनीय खेल सिक्किम आर्मड पुलिस र सुपर स्टार दार्जीलिङको परस्पर खेलिएको थियो|
यस नकअउट टुर्मामेन्टको पहिलो खेलमा सिक्किम आर्मड पुलिसले सुपस्टार दार्जीलिङलाई १ को विरूद्ध ६ गोल दिएर एकतर्फी जीत हासिल गरेको छ| अर्कोतिर, दोस्रो खेलमा केएफसी सिलगढीले सिक्किम स्पोर्टस एकाडेमीलाई १ को विरूद्ध २ गोल गरेर विजय हासिल गरी दोस्रो चरणमा प्रवेश गरेको छ|
दोस्रो दिनको पहिलो खेल मंगलबार टीकेकएस दार्जीलिङ बनाम सिनाल चु नाम्चीमाझ अनि दोस्रो खेल यूकेएफसी खरसाङ अनि केएफएयूको परस्परमा हुनेछ|
स्मरण गराइन्छ, पोहर वर्ष शहीद कप टुर्मामेन्ट सम्पन्न हुन सकेन| अन्तिमपल्ट २०११ मा भएको खेलमा अम्पायर अनि खेलाडीहरूमाझ मैदानभित्रै भएक हतापाईले शहीद कपको गरिमामा गहिरो दाग लागेको थियो| यसचोटि अनुशासनवद्ध ढङ्गमा खेल सञ्चालन गर्ने आह्वान गर्दै जम्मै अम्पायरहरू कालेबुङ बाहिरबार निम्ताइएको छ|

GTF lauds youth initiative for Gorkhaland,GTA completes two Years

Kalimpong,Pradip Lohagun: The Gorkhaland Task Force has welcomed the call made by the youths and students in getting the Gorkhaland Territorial Agreement quashed. 
At a press meet today, GTF coordinator R Moktan expressed his happiness over the youths’ move. “The youths and Vidyarthi Morcha have stressed on Gorkhaland and demanded for the boycott of the GTA. We heartily welcome this step taken,” he said
Moktan also appealed to all parties to come together saying “we have a vision where all parties come together to fight for statehood.
We have tried to contact the GJM on this but to no avail. But since important wings of the GJM are now expressing the same vision, there has been a rekindling of hope”.
The GTF coordinator further said, “If the GJM has problems joining us, it can form a separate organisation and support us through that.” 
While describing Thursday’s protest rally by the youths as the beginning of a new agitation for Gorkhaland, Moktan said, “We too demand for Gorkhaland like the GJM is doing, so there should not be any differences between us. I feel the time has now come for us to unite and agitate.”