It has been revealed in reply furnished by Department of Transport upon the RTI application filed by our Forum member related with High Security Registration Plate that
1) NIT for HSRP were published in only one paper that too in Economic Times of India published from Kolkata. Transport department did not advertise NIT in any local paper there by blocking the local contractor/candidates/companies from taking part in the Bid.
2) Only two companies took part in the Bid, and the norms in Sikkim is such that ,that at least 3 qualified bidders should be there to complete a open bidding process. If minimum number of bidders did not turned up then NIT called, is liable for cancellation.
3) As Govt. did not set bar for maximum rate to be quoted, the two participating companies quoted their rate very high:
(Companies and rate quoted for Sikkim)
4 Wheeler
3 Wheeler
2 Wheeler
Tonnjes EST
New Delhi
Rs. 2043
Rs. 1153
Rs. 827
Rs. 2289
Rs. 1286
Rs. 919
4)Now compare the rate quoted by different companies in West Begal (including SHIMNIT UTSCH) which was a bidder in Sikkim as well:
(Companies and rates quoted for West Bengal)
4 Wheeler
2 Wheeler
Paceman Calcuta
Rs 496
Rs 324
Celeix Tech
Rs. 619
Rs. 281
Subha Tech
Rs. 611
Rs. 288
Hind Agro Delhi
Rs. 293
Rs. 619
5) In agreement it is mentioned that Govt. gets 5% royalty from the sale of HSRP from the Company, excluding taxes.
By seeing the information supplied by department one can say, the entire process followed in application of HSRP in Sikkim were unfair and based on conspiracy. Thus Sikkimese people have right to know as,
I. Why NIT were not published in local papers ?
II. Why NIT was not cancelled when only two qualified companies took part in Bidding process ?
III. Why Department acted as broker of the company by taking 5% royalty from sale, when Govt was already getting taxes from sale. Instead department could have decreased the rate of HSRP by 5%, by leaving its royalty in public good.
IV. Why Sikkimese were forced to purchase 400 times costlier HSRP in comparison to West Bengal ?
V. Why the stolen vehicles, even after tagging HSRP are not located ?
VI. Why public should suffer for the benefit of the company and the department ?
vii-we humbly request respected high coart of sikkim to set up a enquiry commision in this issue.
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