A major bus accident at kumrek claimed two dead on the spot and three enjured.according to the news an SNT bus NO SK 03 T 0255 COMING FROM rorathang to Rangpo was accident near kumrek plunged 600 feet from the road directly goes to the sauney river .bus driver mr ram kumar sunar and one passenger mr man bahadur biswakarma was dead on spot .other persons injured name are rattan bahadur biswakarma ,Mr. biswajit mandal and Mr.

pranay kumar of p c concern siliguri was taken to Rangpo phc in serious condition .after first aid biswajit and pranay was referred to siliguri north Bengal nursing home while rattan bahadur was referred to gangto0k stnm .the local resident ,fire department ,police ,Sikkim distilleries ,alkem ,indichme ,cipla and golden cross along with the rafting team of 1oth mile west Bengal and several ngo ,club association has played an vital role to rescue the injured persons .the deceased body was sent to Singtam district hospital for post martam and after auto[esy the body shall be hand over to the nearest relatives .the cause of the accident is not known but is suspected that driver was in drunken positi
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