Dup tshring Bhutia of pelling west Sikkim has make the Sikkim name in the high level by scoring state topper in tamilnadu .according to the news dup tshring Bhutia son of pema wangda Bhutia of chumbung west Sikkim has complete his studies from pelling senior secondary school .

on 2009 he has joined in diploma civil engineering in nanjiah lingnmal polytechnic collage metupalluyan Coimbatore in tamilnadu .this year he has completed his studies and yesterday only his results was came was too much unbelievable for everyone .out of total marks 600 he scored 598.according to the news in the six subject examination in town planning and construction management subject he has scored 99 marks each in two subject out of 100 and in rest four subject namely hydrulicks.computer application ,civil engineering lab .project work and hydraulics plumbing he scored 100 marks each out of hundred .he was stood 2nd ranking in the state .out of forty thousand students from the tamilnadu appeared in the engineering examination this year his rank was 2nd .first student was from the home state tamilnadu who scored 599 marks just one marks more than the Sikkim student .according to mr dup tshring he want to do further study in BE.
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