Krishi Vigyan Kendra, South Sikkim was established in the year 2007 vide memorandum between State Government and ICAR. Since then, the Kendra has been doing its mandated activities as prescribed by ICAR, Zonal Project Directorate, and Zone III which is at Barapani, Shillong, and Meghalaya. Besides the mandated activities the Kendra made proposals to the NABARD for implementing the Bagan Development Project (WADI) considering the Agro-climatic zones which is highly suitable for perennial plantation fruits crops like orange, guava and Nimboo at the low elevation of subsidy.
The WADI programme is a holistic developmental project to create a sustainable livelihood with the “Tree Based Farming System” at its core. Around this core, the programme evolves and shapes into a comprehensive effort that address short term and long term need through variety of components for managing a natural resource and develop diverse source of income as well as help to improve the quality of life.
Doing the comprehensive and holistic programme, it has its own challenges. Some view the programme as horticulture programme, some as agriculture development, some as wasteland development activity, and yet others as social mobilization efforts. The WADI programme has all this and more. However, it is through inter-linkages amongst its various components and the people who are centre-stage that the programme can really create an impact which is synergistically more than the outputs of the individual components.
The Bagan Development Project (WADI) is being implemented in the tribal belts villages of South Sikkim surrounding Namthang covering 400 acres i.e. 400 tribal households beneficiaries namely Lower Kateng Bokrang – 96household, Upper Kateng Bokrang – 50 households, Palitam-Ruchung – 40 households, Kabrey – 80 households, Rabikhola -36 households, Rabitar – 48 households and Manghim 50 households. The total 400 households covering 400 acres were taken up in two phases. In the Ist Phase 150 households were taken up and in the 2nd Phase250 households were covered. The quality fruit seedlings selected and distributed to the farmers are as follows:
1. Guava fruit seedlings: grafted variety Allahabad Safeda, which will start fruiting after two years of plantation.
2. Orange fruit seedlings: variety Sikkim Mandarin, which was procured from Majhitar Government Horticultural farm. Seedlings in poly bags raised in the hi-tech poly house.
3. Nimboo seedlings variety seedless, which is distributed to the lower altitude villages of Makarjong, Rabitar and Kabrey. The fruiting will start after one year under good management and congenial soil and climatic condition.
The project has reached its 3rd year where recently the re-plantation drive of the motile orange, guava and nimboo seedling was distributed.
The role of the PIA, KVK South Sikkim has been providing technical support to the farmers at the field right from the layout of the orchard to the plantation and after cares of maintaining healthy orchard. The WADI programme has the following components: Horticultural components i.e. distribution of fruit seedlings suitable as per the climatic conditions and soil, Soil and Water Conservation component, Community Development component, Women Development Component etc.
With the horticulture tree crops a plan for other farm crops for each village is made by the Kendra, of short and medium term gestation as intercrop. In the previous Rabi season Bagan beneficiaries’ farmers of Kabrey, Rabitar, Rabikhola, Manghim earned addition income by taking up pea cultivation - Prakash variety. NABARD General Manager (GM) Shri. P. C. Chaudhuri has made two visits to the Bagan villages and made interaction with the WADI and JLG farmers of the concerned of the Bagan villages. DDM NABARD (SW) makes monthly visits to the Bagan fields/villages.
The fruits of the Bagan Development Project have already started bearing after two years as Guava fruits var. Allahabad Safeda and Nimboo var. Seedless have already started bearing which has added smiles to the tribal beneficiaries’ farmers of Kateng, Bokrang, Kabrey, Rabitar, Rabikhola and Manghim.
Other Projects initiated by KVK South Sikkim supported by NABARD is the project on System on Rice Intensification (SRI) covering 100 acres and benefitting 152 paddy growing farmers. The important features of SRI are:
1. Water saving – Less water as compare to traditional paddy cultivation is needed in this system.
2. Less amount of seeds i.e. 5-8 kgs is sufficient to cover 2.5 acres.
3. EDGE effect – Planting is done at wider spacing at 25 x 25 cm or more. This keeps border effect to all the plants in the field living to robust growth, larger root and high tillering with long panicles.
4. Pest and Disease control – The SRI plants are healthier and resistant disease and pest.
5. There is significant increase in yield as compared to the traditional practice.
6. Matures early.
KVK South Sikkim has initiated this project in Burul village covering 25 acres, Rabitar Manghim and Rabikhola villages covering 25 acres and Upper Kateng, Lower Kateng (Makarjung) villages covering 25 acres. The nursery bed preparation and transplantation programme has already been completed in the villages. The remaining 25 acres will be covered next year.
I/C Programme Coordinator
KVK South Sikkim
19 Jul 2012
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» Krishi Vigyan Kendra South Sikkim and NABARD creating milestones for Rural Development and Poverty Elevation.
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