After the seven month also the east district collocterate office has neither started enquiry nor action against the fake COI holders in the state. Between various type of dispute and discussion shown regarding the fake COI holders Mr. ganga ram Rai of mamring south Sikkim has complained before the office of east district colloctarate regarding the fake COI and two state voter id complaints of one of the senior officer of forest department named Mr. Suresh kumar das ACF in the sericulture division of forest department and families .

according to Mr. gangaram Rai he has received several documents from Sikkim and west Bengal side which clearly proved that he has make a fake documents for government service ,land purchase and several other work .he has placed the voter list of kalimpong and mamring south Sikkim with photo which clearly indicates that they has the voter id card of two states .according to Mr. rai he has received an information through rti from Sikkim that he has make the COI via fake process .he has written his address as sang pegyong but police and Panchayat verification id of deorali Tadong and again COI is issued in pegyong sang address .how it is possible he has raised a big questioned ?Panchayat seal is also under suspension in the seal it is clearly mentioned Sikkim gram Panchayat and Mr. Rai believes that there is no any type of Panchayat unit in the state .maximum documents proved that Mr. das has fake COI said Mr. ganga ram Rai .regarding the matter Mr. Rai has complained with the east district office in February month with all proof and documents but still seven month passed on any action or enquiry seen by him seen suspect in the work procedure of the administration .as when one fake residential certificate issue was came and at that time one senior officer from DC office was came AND FIR against that persons and also arrested the said youth as in compersation of COI there is no value of residential certificate .but for residential certificate one special authority was recruited and in COI case SILENT it is a big question and challenges fro the district administration said Mr. Rai .
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