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30 Nov 2013

Farmers’ body demands Eco-City status for structural development

29 Nov 2013
The Kalimpong Farmers’ Welfare Association has demanded inclusion of Darjeeling, Kalimpong, Kurseong and Mirik under the central eco-city project. Association secretary Bishnu Chettri today submitted a deputation to Deputy Magistrate B Lepcha and requested her to forward it to Union Forests and Environment minister Jayanthi Natarajan.
The Central Pollution Control Board grants eco-city status to urban areas that have the potential of environment promotion. Chettri said the project that was initiated during the 10th five year plan must include the four towns of the Darjeeling hills to promote and conserve environment and tourism. Noting the Darjeeling hills hold a unique place in the state owing to its topography and rich biodiversity, the association secretary said the inclusion is also necessary for the structural development of the region.
“Darjeeling is famous for tourism but is facing myriad problems. There are scores of issues including lack of parking, waste management, mismanagement of tourist spots, forests, water sources and an absence of planned development,” he said, adding “structural development of this region is possible if the government includes it in the eco-city scheme”.
Chettri also noted the region’s municipality bodies are directly responsible for the problems under their jurisdictions and as such, they too must take initiatives to solve the issues. (EOIC)