Behind the reasons of tender process occurred on 7th march at Rangpo nagar office of tool tax, the two group clash created one injured in the Rangpo IBM area. according to the news the Rangpo bazaar parking, tool tax and public toilet tender was to be done at Rangpo nagar Panchayat office.from the beginning of the office time the problem was created and was intense at Rangpo nagar Panchayat office as some persons was stopping to go to participate in tender process but any how the tender process was end .but suddenly on same night two group was clash in the same tender matter process at 11.30 pm and Mr. sion Rai was admitted at Rangpo phc and later admitted to CRH Tadong for further treatment and according to the news he is out of amos rai of Rangpo mandi bazaar has files an FIR at Rangpo police station alleging that his brother named dion Rai was attacked by six persons named bisu biswakarma,kumar biswakarma.amit bhujel,kumar barialy,tirthaman Rai and imran khan with khukari .police registering the case under section 326/34 starting searching of the six youth but till the news send no any arrest was done.regurding the matter this correspondent has contacted with Rangpo nagar Panchayat president Mr. nirmal was surprise to know that he is not known about the tender of car parking, tool tax and public toilet officially .he has come to know about the matter from the advertisement of newspaper. it was done by the officers and staff recruited by the urban development and housing department for running the nagar Panchayat office.what a surprise and unfortunate that nagar Panchayat president is not known about the activity and work procedure of Rangpo nagar Panchayat office. by seeing this type of situation it is seen that the tender process done on 7th march must be cancelled as it is suspected that the tender process was not done in transparent and freely .so must be retender .
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