6TH MARCH 2012-state AH, LF &VS Department West District organized, One day long program on livestock management & poultry production at Chumbung near to Pelling in west Sikkim.The main objective behind the program was to generate sagacity on livestock farming for income generation for sustainablelivelihood.That was also to make the people comprehend on Animal Husbandry Department activities & their potential areas of application. Along with this, how the present Government is following the methodology to put into operation of various programs at village’ level to tempt seventy percent of state budget in village development. Now Extension & training wing of AH, LF & VS Department is proactive to evaluate the ground reality of farmers, to generate information& disseminate this in mass by this kind of training
The program was presided over by Bhim Bdr. Bhurathoki, ex- Panchayat and & Upaman Basnet Head master of chumbung Jr High School & Kapu Bhutia were the guest of owner. From the Department Dr D.S Tewari Joint Director West, Dr S.P Bhutia Deputy Director, Dr Kishor Thapa V.O DVH Gyezing Arjun Chhetri SM Darap, Siva Chhetri SM Pelling, Loknath, & staff from pelling Vety Sub centre were present. The crucial participation was of fifty six farmers.
The program was conducted by Dr Thapa. In the morning session calf rally was organized .twenty two numbers of hybrid calves were taken for gala. The gala round was started with the rules & regulation with technicality in selecting calves. Finally three calves were selected in 1st, 2nd &3rd position. Rests of the contestant calves were also given consolation prizes. In the second half session training was imparted. The deliberation started by joint Director Dr. D.S Tewari was purely result oriented & applicable in the nearest village in alike situation of soil profile & terrain as of program area. He stressed on breed improvement program, calf raising methods, feeding balance ration, proper housing, together with all precautionary & prophylactic major to eradicate prevalent diseases of livestock could help our farmers for optimum benefits.Folllowing this Dr S.P Bhutia strut on piggery & poultry farming. He informed that a female pig (sow) having eight teats at one side & all together sixteen teat, can give birth to sixteen piglet at a time which is more economically viable. In poultry farming he suggested to go for kallinga brown & RIR for brown cell eggs production. He also highlighted on medication & vaccination. After this Dr Kishor deliberated regarding the recent out break of disease in dogs in Gyalshing. He suggested dog owner to vaccinate their dogs by CD Vaccine. He also talked on zoonotic diseases.. He informed that AH Department also impart vocational training to students. Speaking with students he highlighted on Hydrophobia (Rabies) is highly contagious zoonotic disease of zoonotic importance. After this Bhim Bdr Bhurathoki Chief Guest also deliberated on the program. He expressed gratitude to the Govt in availing such holistic program in remote villages. He suggested every body to curtail stress on govt for providing employment to every body by self-employment generation .With Medicines & prize distribution the program was over.
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