26 Feb 2012
Blood donation Camp
Rangpo,26.feb- Red Ribbon Club, Himalayan Pharmacy Institute, ogranised an AIDS
Awareness cum blood donation camp on the sponsorship of Sikkim State AIDS Control Society (SSACS), Gangtok, at Majhitar today. Program commenced with the welcome speech by Mr. Jaideep Sharma, Nodal Officer, Red Ribbon Club, HPI Mr. Abhinay Chhetri, Associate Director, Himalayan Pharmacy Institute spoke about the importance of blood donation and the role Pharmacist can play in bringing about AIDS awareness in the society. Dr. C.M. Sharma, Senior Blood Bank Officer, STNM Hospital, Gangtok motivated the Students and Staff to donate blood by giving power point presentation. Mr. Arpan Sedhain, Students of B.Pharma, 4th year highlight on the advantage of blood donation. Total 80 nos. of Students actively participate in the camp to donate the blood. The camp was successfully concluded by the vote of thanks by the Nodal Officer.

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