Relief material and support is receive from all side to the fire victims of mamring south Sikkim .two days before the fire was razed and more than fifty labour category family was homeless .the relief committee was formed under the leadership of social worker Mr. aarun gurung. Area mla cum building and housing minister Mrs. tilu gurung is also active and supporting from all side in favour of fire victims. the local residents and mamring samaj is working seriously for helping the victims .temporary sheds has been constructed and victims are taken in the sheds and providing cooked food from three days. more than eighty persons, ladies and children’s are staying in the shed.yesturday tista urja power corporation limited has also come forward for the fire victims of mamaring.more then six quintals of food materials along with 300kg rice, 120 kg potato, 120 kg onion.24 kg pulses, 24 kg sugar action behalf of tista urja forest department range officer Namthang Mr. b s tamang handed over the relief materials to the camp in charge Mr. arun gurung.
2 Mar 2012
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» Relief material and support is receive from all side to the fire victims of mamring south Sikkim
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