Dipak Rai

• 7000 people die every day of hunger.
• 5000 children die every day of hunger and its related causes.
• 5 people die every minute from hunger.
• 200 million people will sleep hungry tonight.
• 1/3rd of the world’s hungry live in India.
• 8 Indian states are poorer than Africa’s 26 poorest countries. Around 420 million poor live in the state of Bihar, Jharkhand, UP, MP, Chhattisgarh, Orissa, Rajasthan and West Bengal compared to 410 million in 26 of Africa’s poorest countries.
• 99% of every 1000 Adivasis in state of Jharkhand and Rajasthan have not eaten two square meal this week.
• 220 million people are undernourished.
• 830 million Indians (75% of total population) survive on less than Rs. 20 (less than half-a-dollar) a day.
• During 2006 – 2007, malnutrition contributed to 7 million children dying, nearly 2 million before the age of one.
• 30% of newborn are of low birth weight, 56% of married women are anaemic and 79% of children aged 6-35 months are anaemic.
• 12% teenage girls are already married, 4% are conceiving first child, 16% are already mothers.
• On an avergae 15089 girls are raped every year, 35014 married women are victims of dowry death (bride burning), 35000 girls are molested and 5809 girls are traded for prostituion every year.
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