a day long monthly meeting of Majhitar Samaj kalayan Samity was organized at the premises of the house of Shri Purna Kumar Majhi, treasurer of the Samity on 8th April 2012.The main objective of the meeting was to analyze the progress & problem of the samity along with making a strategy for future course of action.

The meeting was presided over by the president of Samity Smt. Maya Century & attended by Shri Tika Ram Pradhan, youth president Biswa Gurung H.B Chhetri,D.K Pradhan, P.K Majhi,Ashok Pradhan,Dr. D.S Tewari, Ranjana Subba,Kalpana & other office bearer & members of the samity.The meeting started with the welcome address by Shri A.K Pradhan,wherin he also informed people for maintaining accountiblity,group involvement & decentralization of power & these are crucial in such organization. After this Dr. D. S Tewari deliberated on future course of action. He informed that the Tannery road is also by pass for SMIT Students, lecturers & other delegates coming to this university, so black toping & drainage system construction is the need of the hour. He also aware people to be more environments friendly while in living heterogeneous society like hours. In this context he informed people to observe world environment day on 5th May 2012 at Samity level, with the objective to aware people as regards to balance ecosystem & ecotourism. After this president of the samity informed the house regarding the resolution urgent to resolve by the house at that time. Accordingly the house resolves the following points which are felt necessary for straight away execution.
1- Street light from Dip Hotel to SMIT gate is felt very imperative. & demand has to be placed in the office of Power & Energy Department.
2- Some people residing in & around Rod factory found Tuberculosis positive as per the record of Distt. Hospital singtam, accordingly they are under medication (D.O.T), so the samity felt urgent to guide them to complete the course of medicine & also took the responsibility to aware others to keep away from infected zone/person.
3- The House resolved to appeal Nagar Panchayat to initiate action for developing proper drainage system in lower Majhitar.
4- The House also resolved to request area MLA for Tannery Road carpeting
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