Bragging & boasting to have installed ATM services throughout the state by the financial institution is another thing which definitely endures common people but what next...?
The next is that the ATMs are all out-of-order the very time one requires using it for immediate dispensing money.
This is the stern case of Rangpo, a place which is an Educational as well as the industrial hub of the state.

The bank management is seen only serious to open the new account not in quality service. after the industrial development the industries has opened all manpower accounts in banks and every month the salary is automatically deposited by the company in the manpower account .the salaried persons has the time for purchasing in holidays and Sunday only but specially in that days the ATM service providers put the board regarding network disturbance ,link fail etc.the account holders are too much aggressive that if the banks management shall not take the matter seriously they has to face the consumers protest . well as Industrial Hub of the state.
The patience of customers have flayed again and again but no sign of correction is observed even though media and people continuously throttle the authority of respective banks
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