An American educational researcher Mr. Andrew Thomas Wrotham has yesterday visited a private institute named prativha academy challamthang under temi namphing constituency under south Sikkim .residents of Austin Texas USA Mr. Andrew was welcomed and escorted by entire academic fertility founder members of the institute named mr n k Sharma, Mr. t n khatiwada . principal Mr. Ganesh darjee .SMDC president Mrs.

munna gurung ,active members of CTDS,mr biswas Chettri and Tilak Sharma etc during the visit they has also guided to the village tourism destination of the area.mr Andrew after visiting and interacting with students ,guardians ,members ,local residents has specially appreciated and given special thanks for providing such type of village tourism destination and good education policy in such type of area too . In other side the plantation drive was also organised in the school today .Zilla Panchayat member Mr. d r khatiwada along with many guardians and local residents was also present in the programme.
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