Human resources development department negligence has created the future of two hundred students of the state in dark .according to the news the department has implemented one vocational stream named health care science in the five school named sadam,namchi ,enchey,deorali etc school from the year 2010 under vocational education programme in the state of Sikkim for the class ten pass out student .as the subject was job oriented services and department has also assured that the pass out student after class twelve in the said subject shall provide direct admission to the BSC nursing and GNM(general nursing midwifery).

two hundred students has taken admission in class eleven in the year 2010 And accordingly they has started their studies showing dream that the department has provide good job oriented course as after twelve they are providing direct admission to BSC nursing or GNM.this year the first batch under said coarse has completed at around two hundred students but when they was gone to admission at STNM ,manipal or vinayaka mission the admission authority has clearly denied to take admission stating that they don’t know regarding this subject and has not included this name in their list. what a incidence that some days before the students was seen happy that they has received good opportunity but when the result came and gone to take admission for the higher studies it was stated that they are not in position to take admission. the guardians personally has also tried with the collages of Sikkim and outside and from all side same answer was came that such type subject first time they has listened .it was came to know that the team of guardians and students has contacted with the higher authority of the HRDD too but no any positive response was came from the department side .without thinking the long term and discussion among all side the decision of HRDD has created a big problem and dark future for the students and it must be clear that department must be responsible for their further studies.
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