Gati infrastructure limited n hydel power Project Company having its project site at bhasmey has totally neglected the landless people’s griveness those who has given their land in projects. According to the news thirteen residents has provided their land to the power developer in the condition and assurance and according to government norms too the one of the land victims too have to provide the permanent service in the project according to their qualification. but many times the victims has requested before the human resources department of gati to regularize them but no any response came .in January also the meeting was held and the victims has again raise the voice but management clearly asked that the regularize is not possible if any other problems is facing ask them. In other side it has come to know that the man workers are recruiting in the project permanently taking from outside of state. In jolly 2011 during chief minister Mr. Pawan chamling village visit also the victims ahs met at bhasmey and has submitted a letter to the cm for solving the problem and the copy was also given to the area mla and east district collector .in the said day chief minister Mr. chamling in his speech has directed to enquiry into the issue and to solve the problem but till today no any reaction and justice came from any side. Such type of policy is totally against the state people and land donors those who are landless for the development of the state. the work procedure of the labour department also is a big question mark as at the speech of the chief minister the departmental head of the labour department was also present but no any response was came from the labour department side regarding the issue.
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