Two days long seminar on business environment :emerging trends in north east was ended today .organised by department of management studies of SMIT Majhitar is sponsored by all India council for technical education (AICTE)Mr eurgen e karthok general manager and officer in charge of reserve bank of India Gangtok was present as a chief guest of the programme. in the inaugural session dr ajhay jha HOD management and studies,mr manjit singh faculty department of management studies ,dr neeta dhusia Sharma ,and dr amrita sen gupta convenor of the programme was specially present in the programme. According to the news the main aim of the two days long seminar is to update the academic communities with the curtest scenario in north east part of India in the field of eco tourism, border trade,sustailable development ,various incentives from the central and local government for promotion of business. More than hundred participants were participated in the seminar. resources from reserve bank of india.officers from government department ,universities and industries has presented the knowledge programme and other types of activities .the seminar will provide a platform to the acaadamians,Industrialist and students of various sector of management for interaction and exchange of ideas on recent trends in business environmental special reference to north eastern state.
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