Jungle fire occurring incident is started in the different part of the state during this dry season.yesturday at 2.12 pm the fire was occurred at chukchi forest in Namthang territorial forest area in south Sikkim. in the information given by Mr. subash silwal to the forest guard d b gurung,tshring lepcha and JFMC turung president Mr. bishan Rai the team of forest department from naamchi,Namthang and mamring along with DFO namchi mr d manjunathan,Acf MR SANGEY KAZI along with some other officers rushed to the spot and with the help of the local residents controlled the fire within three hours.namthang range forest territorial range officer Mr. b s tamang also supported in the drive. According to the news thirty hectors of forest land was damaged along with some forest animals is also suspected to death.
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