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11 Nov 2011

Majhitar developing with industrial and education hub is also going to famous for selling prohibited drugs,ganga etc


Majhitar  developing with industrial and education hub is also going to
famous for  selling prohibited drugs,ganga etc .according to the sources  there
are several sellers at upper Majhitar, lower Majhitar and institution
campus who are in business of selling  spemoproxivion,n ten,corex,
phensidyle, and ganja too .specially at the  tista river  belt of samardung
bridge which is adjoining south and east district at every weekdays and
holidays  some youth are active  in selling ganja .and  specially students
of different institute are going badly affected  by this  attitude. And
many students are waiting for weekdays and holidays for taking ganja.many
local residents knows about the fact but they do not want to interfere in
such type of matter and not want to inform police as if they inform the
local residents feel that the police shall make them in the witness of the
incident or pressurised them  to write FIR in their own name. though the
Rangpo police is facing lack of duty man but still sending the police
patrolling in Majhitar area  but  it is believed that due to the non
of local residents  the police is also in possession to vigil such type of
illegal business. Many ngos,clubs ,associations are actively working in the
area. Many persons want to prove them as a social worker. But they have to
think their responsibility to make the good, better and clean society.